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A Baseline for Front-End Developers

A Baseline for Front-End Developers
12 Apr 2012 edit I wrote a README the other day for a project that I'm hoping other developers will look at and learn from, and as I was writing it, I realized that it was the sort of thing that might have intimidated the hell out of me a couple of years ago, what with its casual mentions of Node, npm, Homebrew, git, tests, and development and production builds. Once upon a time, editing files, testing them locally (as best as we could, anyway), and then FTPing them to the server was the essential workflow of a front-end dev. We measured our mettle based on our ability to wrangle IE6 into submission or achieve pixel perfection across browsers. Many members of the community -- myself included -- lacked traditional programming experience. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript -- usually in the form of jQuery -- were self-taught skills. Something has changed in the last couple of years. Whatever it is, I think we're seeing the emphasis shift from valuing trivia to valuing tools. JavaScript Testing The End

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