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Fuel cell

Fuel cell
Demonstration model of a direct-methanol fuel cell. The actual fuel cell stack is the layered cube shape in the center of the image Scheme of a proton-conducting fuel cell The first fuel cells were invented in 1838. The first commercial use of fuel cells came more than a century later in NASA space programs to generate power for probes, satellites and space capsules. There are many types of fuel cells, but they all consist of an anode, a cathode and an electrolyte that allows charges to move between the two sides of the fuel cell. The fuel cell market is growing, and Pike Research has estimated that the stationary fuel cell market will reach 50 GW by 2020.[3] History[edit] Sketch of William Grove's 1839 fuel cell The first references to hydrogen fuel cells appeared in 1838. In 1939, British engineer Francis Thomas Bacon successfully developed a 5 kW stationary fuel cell. Types of fuel cells; design[edit] Fuel cells come in many varieties; however, they all work in the same general manner.

Hydrogen storage Utility scale underground liquid hydrogen storage Methods of hydrogen storage for subsequent use span many approaches, including high pressures, cryogenics, and chemical compounds that reversibly release H2 upon heating. Underground hydrogen storage is useful to provide grid energy storage for intermittent energy sources, like wind power, as well as providing fuel for transportation, particularly for ships and airplanes. Most research into hydrogen storage is focused on storing hydrogen as a lightweight, compact energy carrier for mobile applications. Liquid hydrogen or slush hydrogen may be used, as in the Space Shuttle. Compressed hydrogen, by comparison, is stored quite differently. Onboard hydrogen storage[edit] Targets were set by the FreedomCAR Partnership in January 2002 between the United States Council for Automotive Research (USCAR) and U.S. Established technologies[edit] Compressed hydrogen[edit] Liquid hydrogen[edit] Proposals and research[edit] Chemical storage[edit] [edit]

Online Historical Atlas of Europe - Map of Europe in Year 1 This map is in Sovereign States mode, zoom in to display the dependencies The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page - Formstack - StumbleUpon Placement and Content 7. Keep It Above the Fold The space a visitor sees without having to scroll is where the most important parts of the webpage should be. 8. Optimize a landing page for conversion over time. 9. Implementing motivational speeches, videos of user testimonials, and product images into a home page can have a positive impact on viewers, as well as give shoppers an extra push to look further into a product. Bellroy uses great imagery and videos on many of their pages. 10. Links connecting the user to a bunch of other sites or pages will distract them and have a negative impact on conversions. This landing page is designed well, but look at all those header links getting in the way of the message!

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity - Wikipedia, the free encycloped Pumped storage is the largest-capacity form of grid energy storage available, and, as of March 2012, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) reports that PSH accounts for more than 99% of bulk storage capacity worldwide, representing around 127,000 MW.[1] PSH reported energy efficiency varies in practice between 70% and 80%,[1][2][3][4] with some claiming up to 87%.[5] Overview[edit] Power distribution, over a day, of a pumped-storage hydroelectricity facility. Green represents power consumed in pumping; red is power generated. At times of low electrical demand, excess generation capacity is used to pump water into the higher reservoir. The relatively low energy density of pumped storage systems requires either a very large body of water or a large variation in height. Along with energy management, pumped storage systems help control electrical network frequency and provide reserve generation. The first use of pumped storage was in the 1890s in Italy and Switzerland. See also[edit]

Quadrupling the World GDP by 2010 The solution for the political-economic problems of Africa, Argentina, Afghanistan, and other nations Editor's note: This is the second in a series of articles by financial futurists Karun Philip [KP] and Richard S. Kirby [RK]. Together in a series of books, essays and stories they are laying the foundations for a rapid redefinition of financial civilization. Introduction Karun Philip and I (RK) continue to write collaborative articles on better worlds of money -- new worlds of money made available to the financial world immediately. We are economic realists, and yet we are economic idealists at the same time! The world needs more money because it needs more liquid love. Actually, though, these assumptions are in continuous evolution, and the whole theory of money -- a remarkable, innovative social invention -- can be seen as nature’s way of liberating human potential by complex systems of exchange and trust. The theory of capital But the theory of capital is itself in constant change.

Flywheel energy storage Flywheel energy storage (FES) works by accelerating a rotor (flywheel) to a very high speed and maintaining the energy in the system as rotational energy. When energy is extracted from the system, the flywheel's rotational speed is reduced as a consequence of the principle of conservation of energy; adding energy to the system correspondingly results in an increase in the speed of the flywheel. Most FES systems use electricity to accelerate and decelerate the flywheel, but devices that directly use mechanical energy are being developed.[1] Since FES can be used to absorb or release electrical energy such devices may sometimes be incorrectly and confusingly described as either mechanical or inertia batteries [2][3] Main components[edit] The main components of a typical flywheel. A typical system consists of a rotor suspended by bearings inside a vacuum chamber to reduce friction, connected to a combination electric motor and electric generator. Physical characteristics[edit] General[edit] .

How the Stock Market and Economy Really Work - Kel Kelly - Mises Daily - StumbleUpon "A growing economy consists of prices falling, not rising." The stock market does not work the way most people think. A commonly held belief — on Main Street as well as on Wall Street — is that a stock-market boom is the reflection of a progressing economy: as the economy improves, companies make more money, and their stock value rises in accordance with the increase in their intrinsic value. A major assumption underlying this belief is that consumer confidence and consequent consumer spending are drivers of economic growth. A stock-market bust, on the other hand, is held to result from a drop in consumer and business confidence and spending — due to inflation, rising oil prices, high interest rates, etc., or for no reason at all — that leads to declining business profits and rising unemployment. The Fundamental Source of All Rising Prices For perspective, let's put stock prices aside for a moment and make sure first to understand how aggregate consumer prices rise. Forced Investing

Superconducting magnetic energy storage - Wikipedia, the free en Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems store energy in the magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a superconducting coil which has been cryogenically cooled to a temperature below its superconducting critical temperature. A typical SMES system includes three parts: superconducting coil, power conditioning system and cryogenically cooled refrigerator. Once the superconducting coil is charged, the current will not decay and the magnetic energy can be stored indefinitely. Due to the energy requirements of refrigeration and the high cost of superconducting wire, SMES is currently used for short duration energy storage. Therefore, SMES is most commonly devoted to improving power quality. If SMES were to be used for utilities it would be a diurnal storage device, charged from baseload power at night and meeting peak loads during the day[citation needed]. Advantages over other energy storage methods[edit] Current use[edit] Calculation of stored energy[edit] Where

Simple animation to explain complex principles - Electronics - StumbleUpon 1, aircraft radial engine 2, oval Regulation 3, sewing machines 4, Malta Cross movement - second hand movement used to control the clock 5, auto change file mechanism 6, auto constant velocity universal joint 6.gif 7, gun ammunition loading system 8 rotary engine - an internal combustion engine, the heat rather than the piston movement into rotary movement # Via World Of Technology. 1, inline engine - it's cylinders lined up side by side 2, V-type engine - cylinder arranged at an angle of two plane 3, boxer engine - cylinder engine arranged in two planes relative

Thermal energy storage Thermal energy storage (TES) is achieved with greatly differing technologies that collectively accommodate a wide range of needs. It allows excess thermal energy to be collected for later use, hours, days or many months later, at individual building, multiuser building, district, town or even regional scale depending on the specific technology. As examples: energy demand can be balanced between day time and night time; summer heat from solar collectors can be stored interseasonally for use in winter; and cold obtained from winter air can be provided for summer air conditioning. Other sources of thermal energy for storage include heat or cold produced with heat pumps from off-peak, lower cost electric power, a practice called peak shaving; heat from combined heat and power (CHP) power plants; heat produced by renewable electrical energy that exceeds grid demand and waste heat from industrial processes. Solar energy storage[edit] Economics[edit] Heat storage in tanks or rock caverns[edit]
