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Photo Gallery- Lightning, Lightning photos from storm chasing

Photo Gallery- Lightning, Lightning photos from storm chasing

Daily Wisdom If you tell yourself that you are happy, miserable or bored, you have already separated yourself from that particular sensation that is there inside you. U.G. Krishnamurti Clouds Over Mount Shasta You will often hear the expression, "Mount Shasta makes its own weather." How can a mountain make its own weather? The main answer is that Mount Shasta's presence causes air to be uplifted. All precipitation comes from clouds. The term orographic comes from the Greek word oros, meaning mountain. Mount Shasta is known for its beautiful clouds. Lenticular Cloud over Mount Shasta Photo © 1989 Barrie Rokeach Clouds are the visible expression of the process known as condensation. Shasta looms majestically in the pure ether, capped with a cloud, against whose bosses the early sungold is beating... Lenticular cloud over Mount Shasta, reflected in Siskiyou Lake Photo © 2001 Jane English Clouds are constantly changing shape and so it is sometimes difficult to categorize them. Rather than having what Howard called groups, clouds today are often categorized into forms. Ten common cloud types, all named and recognized by Howard, are described below. Cirrus Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus Altocumulus Cumulus

World's weirdest weather: Red sprites Interested in uplifting stories on the natural world, sustainable communities, simple food, and new thinking on how to live well? Please enter a valid email address and try again! No thanks peaks_(2).jpg (800×539) Storm Chaser Official World Homepage What Is Lightning? Image Viewer Discover Portfolios Nike: Write the Future Modo Matt Painter Rolls-Royce Recruiting Peach Tea Drache Hyper Realistic Portrait Mari Milad bahari Marshal 9mm rifle Marcos Godoy BPyH Villa A Gaetano Fornarelli Hugo Boss - Black Edition Dove Pure Care Dry Oil Guaraná Jesus Skol Beats Black New Line Hyaluron Belvittá Loucuras de Humor - Natura Catchup - Katry Have a break, have a Kit Kat - CGI Nike Tiempo Legend V Football - Cgi Natura Ekos - Cgi Ok We use cookies.

Global Climate Change: Research Explorer The earth’s climate has warmed and cooled for millions of years, since long before we appeared on the scene. There’s no doubt that the climate is growing warmer currently; indications of that change are all around us. Though climate change isn’t new, the study of how human activity affects the earth’s climate is. The exploration of climate change encompasses many fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, meteorology, oceanography, and even sociology. At this Web site, you can explore scientific data relating to the atmosphere, the oceans, the areas covered by ice and snow, and the living organisms in all these domains.

Cannabis Dispensary Builds Christmas Ginger-Hash House You can be sure the holidays are just around the corner when a medical cannabis dispensary builds a Christmas ginger-hash house and posts photos of it on Facebook. "HAVE A MERRY-JUANA CHRISTMAS AND A HASHY NEW YEAR!" the Society posted. According to the post, the dispensary ginger hash-house's base is made of Lebanese hash. The house walls and tree are made from Sweet Mountain kief; the windows and door are Lebanese; the snow and snowman are Bubba Kush Powder. ​The Vancouver Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary has provided cannabis products to legitimate patients with valid medical needs since 2008. The shops are open from 11 a.m. until 6:45 p.m. every day, except on some holidays. The dispensary offers, in Canada, a nationwide mail order service; you can direct mail order inquiries to "Stop, stooooooop little ginger-hash house. More links from around the web!

Mount Washington Observatory (MWOBS) - White Mountains, New Hampshire (NH) Får ikke flytte hjem ennå Det har vært bevegelser i leirmassene i rasområdet i løpet av natta. Ingen får flytte hjem i dag, men noen kan få hente ting de trenger inne i husene i rasområdet på Byneset i Trondheim. Regionsjef i Norges Vassdrags og Energidirektorat, Kari Øvrelid sier at leira og jordmassene i rasområdet på Byneset i Trondheim har beveget seg i løpet av natta og det gjør situasjonen usikker. De gjør seg klare til å inspisere raskanten. Nye vurderinger – Først og fremst skal vi undersøke rasområdet grundig, sier Øvrelid. I samarbeid med Trondheim kommune skal de få satt opp en borerigg for å finne ut hvor ustabil leira er rundt selve raset. – Vi håper at leira er stabil, men vi lar oss bekymre så lenge det skjer ting i rasgropa, sier Øvrelid. Vet ikke om det har rast ferdig Rasområdet granskes også fra lufta. Får ikke flytte hjem Det betyr at de 35 personene som fortsatt er evakuert, ikke får flytte hjem med det første, men trolig får en del av dem hente ting hjemmefra. Katastrofealarm

Lightning What is lightning? Lightning refers to one of the several forms of visible electrical discharge produced by thunderstorms. It is essentially a giant spark that jumps between vast pools of positive and negative electrical charge that form inside thunderstomrs The primary forms of lightning discharges are cloud-to-ground (CG), cloud-to-cloud (CC), in-cloud (IC) and cloud-to-air (CA). Rare forms also include ball lightning. Lightning appears very bright because it is - its optical output is equivalent to some 100 million light bulbs going on and off. How hot is lightning? What are the electrical currents within a lightning discharge? How often does lightning occur on our planet in a year? Why does lightning appear to flicker? Does lightning strike up or down? How many kinds of cloud-to-ground flashes are there? What is thunder? How far away was the last lightning bolt? How often does lightning strike the ground in the U.S. each year? How wide is a bolt of lightning? What is a fulgerite?
