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Building Feedly

Building Feedly

Nick Bradbury Since announcing the end of FeedDemon last week, I've been overwhelmed by the number of people who say they're sad to see it go. Many of these people have told me they want to keep using it. So here's what I'm going to do: sometime before the demise of Google Reader, I'll release a new version of FeedDemon which no longer syncs with Google Reader. This version will be free, won't contain any ads, and will have all of the features of the Pro version. It's been impossible to respond to the many tweets asking me about open-sourcing FeedDemon, or making it sync with another service. First, open-sourcing FeedDemon sounds nice, but I don't see it working. Second, switching to another sync service isn't practical. I don't take the end of FeedDemon lightly - after all, it has occupied a huge chunk of my life since I created it back in 2003. PS: As expected, the end of both Google Reader and FeedDemon have brought a fresh round of articles saying "RSS is dead," which is way off-base.

Netvibes FeedDemon - Free Windows RSS Reader Keyboard Shortcuts Getting a lot of questions regarding keyboard shortcuts. Although they are a little hidden, feedly has some existing support for keyboard shortcuts. Press ? to see the list. Here is a screenshot: Although I am personally not a keyboard person, my favorite is gg: a simple way to search and navigate around sources and categories: Note: One of the members of our team is a big quicksilver fan so expect to see more in this area (as well as better integration with the searchbox so that less technically savvy people can also benefit from some of these features) Like this: Like Loading...

Welcome to FeedSquares Thank you for installing FeedSquares for Chrome! You can take a look at our full tutorial here. Or just click on our little icon and start right away - FeedSquares is super easy to use! We hope you enjoy it and we would love to hear your feedback! Please notice that image previews are not ready the moment you install the extension. They will get loaded eventually. Check out FeedSquares for Android. FeedSquares is also on Android! NewsBlur FQChromeUpdates Many users should already know that Google Reader will not be available after 1 July 2013. Due to this change, FeedSquares will no longer be available after 1 July 2013 as well. Please consider to use our Chrome Web App NewsSquares. Though it currently syncs with Google Reader as well, an update will be made to NewsSquares in the near future. Some Google Reader specific features may have to go, but our core NewsSquares experience will remain. For those who prefer a light and visual way to read feed and share them. If you migrate to NewsSquares now (before 1 June 2013, but we will recommend you do it much earlier) your subscriptions will be immediately available to NewsSquares. Note that, however, we cannot preserve all of your data from Google Reader, like your starred items, sharing history, notes etc. So other than the above mechanical way of preserving your data, please go to Google Reader and we have the following suggestions on your migration

NewsBlur: un remplacement de Google Reader? Google Rea­der est l’un de ses pro­duits qui ont évo­lué net­te­ment plus loin que ce que ses concep­teurs ne l’ima­gi­naient. C’est en 2005 qu’ap­pa­raît Google Rea­der. C’est un site dont la fonc­tion­na­lité prin­ci­pale est d’agré­ger les flux RSS. Mais Google Rea­der, ce n’est pas qu’un site Web. Parmi eux, Net­News­wire, Ree­der ou en­core NewsS­tand, dont vous avez en­tendu par­ler sur cuk.​ch, ou ailleurs. Per­son­nel­le­ment, j’ai tou­jours été uti­li­sa­teurs à la fois de clients de cette API (Ree­der ré­cem­ment) et du site Web. Ces pe­tites ha­bi­tudes ont été se­couées en oc­tobre der­nier, quand Google a dé­cidé de re­ma­nier l’in­ter­face du site pour y in­té­grer leur ré­seau so­cial Google+. Je suis donc parti à la re­cherche d’une al­ter­na­tive… et ce n’est pas si fa­cile. News­Blur C’est très ré­cem­ment que je suis tombé sur News­Blur. News­Blur, donc, est un site Web qui per­met d’agré­ger des flux RSS. J’aimeJe n’ai pas en­core dé­fini de pré­fé­renceJe n’aime pas

How To Export Starred Items From Google Reader Into HTML posted by Alan Rimm-Kaufman | September 19, 2008 | 19 comments I’m a big fan of Google Reader. I like to use the gold star to flag interesting posts. I wanted to export a list of these interesting posts, but couldn’t find any info online on how to do this. Here’s my approach. It is much simpler to do than to explain. 1. 2. 3. 4. and replace the string of 9s with your long 20 digit number. Make sure when you paste in the number that the URL still has a slash before and after the number. The n=100 parameter indicates how many items you want. 6. 7. 8. 9. require "rubygems" require "open-uri" require "simple-rss" feed = " Again, replace those 9s with your 20 digit Google Reader id. Ruby is installed by default on ‘nix and Mac; there’s a Win95 version here. gem install simple-rss gets you the RSS-parsing gem if you need it. 10. 11.

Nick Bradbury Official Google Reader Blog
