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Why CEOs Should Allow Facebook in the Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC]

Facebook Timeline Overview Infographic March 19, 2012 Posted by Edelman Canada Edelman Canada Follow on Twitter @edelmanpr This post was originally published on the blog of Edelman Canada. Lately the internet has been buzzing with the word Timeline. Ultimately the introduction of Timeline will mark a shift in the way brands use their Facebook page and engage with the community. We encourage you to download, read, and share our insights on the new Facebook Timeline. Click image for full size (opens in a new window) *Starbucks is an Edelman client.

Is Google+ the No. 3 Social Network? Depends How You Measure It In the course of announcing a facelift for Google+ on Wednesday, Google dropped a notable status update: The social network now has 170 million users. The company's post claims that "more than 170 million people have upgraded to Google+," a figure that almost doubles the figure that Google threw out for Google+ in January. Assuming the self-reported figure is true, that means that G+ is now the third-largest U.S. To be sure, G+ is still miles behind Facebook's 850 million users and Twitter's 500 million, but it appears to be comfortably ahead of LinkedIn's 150 million, though LinkedIn's figures are from February and have likely increased since then. So, does that mean that Google+ is now the number three social network? Not necessarily. Google+ CEO Larry Page claimed in a state-of-Google letter last week that the network had 100 million "active" users. Muddying the waters further is Google's somewhat slippery definition of "active" users. ComScore no longer shares those monthly stats.

How Gamification Fuels the Social Enterprise By Steve Patrizi, Chief Revenue Officer at, @spatrizi As hundreds of thousands of businesses make big investments in social enterprise technologies, they know that the promise of social business is only realized if employees actually use and engage with the technology. It’s a lot like buying a beautiful, fast and powerful sports car: even if it’s built with nothing but the highest quality components, loaded with the latest features and assembled with the utmost craftsmanship, it won’t move an inch if you don’t add fuel. It will just sit, in the driveway, looking pretty, and getting you nowhere fast. Gamification provides a powerful type of “engagement fuel” that ignites the social enterprise engine and keeps it running fast and smoothly, and last week we announced an exciting new partnership with Bluewolf to bring this fuel to businesses. Ask any CEO “What’s your most important and valuable asset?” That’s where gamification comes into play.

Facebook, l'arme fatale du Web Cet article a été publié il y a 1 an 11 mois 26 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Dans un futur proche, il est fort probable que Facebook devienne le web à lui tout seul, une vraie machine à tuer le web, comme une super-puissance de l’internet qui aurait tout absorbé pour grandir et contrôler son environnement. Qu’on se le dise, une page Facebook de marque, c’est un site web, mais en beaucoup mieux. Toutes sortes d’applications tournent maintenant autour de Facebook, que ce soient des jeux, des autres réseaux sociaux, des journaux, des applications mobiles, et j’en passe. C’est vrai qu’avec l’arrivée de la Timeline pour les pages et la nouvelle stratégie de monétisation de Facebook, on peut se poser des questions. Autre élément, la recherche pure. Enfin, Facebook permet désormais d’avoir une réelle identité sur le web. C’est donc tout le web qui est repensé, recentré autour d’une nouvelle plate-forme, Facebook.

Google, Facebook Rivalry to Heat up in 2012 | PCWorld Business Center - StumbleUpon News December 30, 2011 06:41 AM ET Computerworld - As Google works to make its Google+ social network a major competitor to market leader Facebook, the battle between the two could reach a critical point in 2012, analysts say. Facebook, the world's largest social network, and Google, the world's largest Internet company, are increasingly going head-to-head in a battle to be the top social media player and get the big advertising dollars that go with the position. While most analysts think Facebook retained its wide edge this year, most agree that the battle is likely to heat up further in 2012. "This is a fight for survival for Facebook -- and for relevancy for Google," said Rob Enderle, an analyst with the Enderle Group. If Facebook files for an Initial Public Offering in the first half of 2012 as many expect, a huge influx of cash would bring it more muscle to take on Google. "The big moment will be Facebook's IPO," said Patrick Moorhead, an analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy.

Anatel aprova edital de licitação do 4G no Brasil A Anatel divulgou no início da noite que o Conselho Diretor aprovou o edital de licitação da frequência de 2,5 GHz, aquela que será usada para a oferta de internet móvel de quarta geração. Da mesma forma, a agência aprovou o edital que coloca a frequência de 450 MHz para uso da telefonia móvel em regiões rurais. Marcada para o início de junho, a licitação prevê inicialmente que a frequência de 450 MHz seja leiloada, tendo como critério o menor preço para o consumidor final. Caso a licitação da frequência seja positiva, os 2,5 GHz entram num leilão à parte. Em caso negativo, a Anatel planeja leiloar tanto os 450 MHz como os 2,5 Ghz simultaneamente numa segunda rodada. Slide apresentado pela Anatel As operadoras que vencerem a licitação da frequência de 4G terão alguns compromissos importantes pela frente. Todas as capitais de estados e os municípios com mais de 500 mil habitantes entram na obrigatoriedade de ter 4G até maio de 2014. O que é 4G?

Gamifying Social Collaboration: Big Wins for #GoingSocial Related Blog Post - Gamifying Social Collaboration: How we did it at Bluewolf In January, we sent out a company-wide survey to gauge the state of collaboration internally and externally. We asked every Bluewolf employee: How active they were on every major social network How they felt about building their personal brand via the social web What was holding them back Our #GoingSocial strategy - to build collaboration and unlock the knowledge trapped inside our enterprise cyber walls - was based around that very feedback. In early March, we launched the sexiest part of the campaign = Gamification. We implemented Bunchball’s Nitro for Salesforce (N4SF) with the goal of incentivizing internal and external collaboration (points, badges, and tangible rewards for social actions such as Chatter posts and comments, publishing a blog post, adding and creating social profiles, sharing Bluewolf content to external networks, adding content to Salesforce, etc). 1. 2. 3. .

Lawrence Lessig : "Le public et les gouvernements ne sont plus du tout sur la même ligne" Le fondateur des Creative Commons était de passage à Sciences-Po Paris pour partager sa vision du monde numérique. Dans une présentation baptisée « The Character of Cyberlaw Battles », Lawrence Lessig a rappelé deux points majeurs et nécessaires au développement des réseaux : la concurrence entre acteurs et une nouvelle gestion des droits d'auteurs. Lawrence Lessig arrive, fait le branchement des microphones, s'assure plusieurs fois que tout le monde l'entendra correctement et que la lumière soit suffisamment tamisée. Fondateur des Creative Commons, Lawrence Lessig est connu pour être un spécialiste de la propriété intellectuelle et fervent pratiquant d'une limitation du droit d'auteur. Devant les étudiants de Sciences-Po, Lessig insiste : « les points majeurs qu'il faut surveiller de certains appétits sont la concurrence sur les réseaux physiques et l'évolution des règles régissant le droit d'auteur. Une position qu'il avait déjà soutenu lors de l'e-G8 de l'été dernier.

Eight Products The Facebook Generation Will Not Buy: 24/7 Wall St. 24/7 Wall St.: Consumer tastes are changing at a greater rate than ever before. Not surprisingly, the purchasing habits of the youngest generation present the most dramatic shifts — a reflection of what they find important. 24/7 Wall St. has identified eight popular products that the “Facebook generation” is not buying. Generation Y, generally defined as those born between 1980 and 1999, have lost interest in many of the services and products their parents found important. For example, younger Americans are less interested in cars. In 1998, 64.4% of potential drivers 19-years old and younger had drivers licenses. Read the eight products the Facebook generation won’t buy What young adults care about has shifted. However, many products that have declined in popularity among the youth are more a result of the changing tastes across all ages than a generational shift.

Size Matters in Social Business Adoption Social Business Social business research and more recent thought leadership explore the challenges and opportunities presented by social media. More in this series Already a member? Sign in Not a member? Sign up today Member Free 5 free articles per month, $6.95/article thereafter, free newsletter. Subscribe $75/Year Unlimited digital content, quarterly magazine, free newsletter, entire archive. Sign me up In the recent survey on social business that MIT Sloan Management Review conducted in collaboration with Deloitte, respondents were asked whether social business was unimportant, somewhat unimportant, neutral, somewhat important, or important to their business. Clearly, size matters. How can social tools generate more revenue? Read the Full Article

A new way of using Salesforce Chatter Customer Groups From the day Salesforce released Chatter (their secure private social network for businesses) there were calls to open up the network to customers. It was fantastic having your team collaborating on an opportunity or a project, but often with larger deals or partnerships there were external people who needed to be included. In the Winter’12 release Salesforce introduced Chatter Customer Groups – a feature that enables you to invite third parties to specific Chatter groups in your org. Your customers (who could be prospects or partners!) Now the downside – in order to maintain this security, your customers will receive invites and logins to your Salesforce org. Before you set up a Chatter Customer Group ask your Customer/Prospect/Partner if they already use Salesforce. This way your customer/partner doesn’t need to do anything differently. Now you have the job of managing multiple orgs instead of your customer – but it’s simple if you use Chatter Desktop.
