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Steampunk Finger Stylus I use a touchpad GPS regularly at work and lost the pen stylus a long time ago; it was inconvenient anyway trying to hold the stylus, GPS unit, and drive an ATV at the same time. So I made some finger stylussss?Stylii? from old water jug handles for work. For this Instructable I added some extra parts for fun Steampunk styling. Step 1: Cut Handle Out of Water Jug This is simple, just cut out a small section from the handle of the jug. Step 2: Plain Stylus Finish Briefly hold the tip of the stylus in a flame to round it and keep it from being scratchy. Step 3: Paint and Hot Glue Extra Stuff Getting a sense of Steampunk style takes a little intuition and internet browsing for ideas.

Birth of a Ray Gun There are more ways to make a ray gun than there are ray guns, but here's how we made mine, and some tips for getting started. First, you'll need some raw materials to work with: Every time we're in a thrift store, I pick up the $1 brass candlesticks. When I come home I disassemble them (almost all unscrew into three or more pieces) and throw them in my junk box. The same goes for any interesting metal construction leftovers, wire, nuts and bolts, etc. Many people make their ray guns completely from metal, but I like the color and interest of adding glass. These were the pieces to a gun we later had to discard, because the bottle shattered during cutting. (You can see the finished piece here.) Once you have your raw materials, start playing. I usually like the back end of the gun to be larger, and then taper to a point on the front. I should note that you'll probably need to cut the bottle neck off for your design. To keep all the gun pieces together, we use a threaded metal rod. . Ta da!

Le Steampunk : Fantasy à vapeur... ou néologisme de fantaisie ? Un mot pour une expérience. Le terme « Steampunk » puise son origine dans une lettre envoyée par K. W. Jeter au magazine Locus. Dans ce courrier, l’auteur californien propose l’appellation de Steampunk, parodiant volontairement celle de Cyberpunk, pour qualifier les fantaisies victoriennes écrites avec ses deux acolytes, Tim Powers et James P. Les fantaisies victoriennes. Dès 1979, K. Pour l’anecdote, signalons aussi que Tim Powers a écrit un épisode de cette série qui a abouti à son roman The drawing of the dark, paru en France sous le titre (curieux) de Les chevaliers de la brune. Londres devient le cadre des aventures de gentlemen confrontés à des événements extravagants et/ou surnaturels et qui, à l’occasion affrontent des méchants truculents voire grotesques. D’un jeu entre trois auteurs et d’un mot forgé par dérision fait-on pour autant un genre ? Des prédécesseurs et des continuateurs. Parcourons quelques ouvrages théoriques sur le sujet. Le proto Steampunk est né ! Roland C.

Gear template generator This free online gear template generator is designed for making scale accurate paper gear templates which you can glue onto wood and then cut out with a bandsaw. I recommend printing the gears with an ink jet printer. Even cheap ink jet printers print very scale accurate but Not all laser printers are accurate. You can still access the old (pre 2015) Flash based gear geberator Getting the printout to scale correctly, avoiding cropping Different browsers print at different scales depending on browser type and printer configuration. Use an ink jet printer I recommend using an ink jet printer. Printing the gear templates To print the gear template, use the 'Print' button, instead of printing the web page from the browser. The gear generator program that I created and sell doesn't need the scale calibration, and can paginate across many pages for larger gears. Some notes about gear design and this gear template generator This gear template generator generates shapes for involute spur gears.

Steampunk Shoulder Bag by ~izasartshop on deviantART Fenris Designs - Steampunk Goggles: A Tutorial July 10th, 2008 Steampunk: a fanmade subculture that emphasizes on Neo-Victorian aesthetic. A world of steam engines, clockworks, polished brass, and unpolished leather. Every fandom has its signature tchotchke. Ravers have their glowsticks, furries have their pointy ears, Renaissance festers have Styrofoam swords. Congratulations! Steampunk Home Decor - Light Switch Plates A couple of months ago The Lady and I came to the realization that we had painted the walls and woodwork in every room in our home except for the master bedroom. Our house was built in the 1970's and this means beige and brown decor. Thus, our bedroom was just about the most depressing of any of the rooms in our home. We set about to remedy this post haste! We began by painting the walls a pleasant sage green and changing the woodwork from a dark brown stained pine to a contrasting French Cream. When it came time to change out the light switch plates, I thought I'd make a few in the Steampunk style. More after the cut . . . Step one was to gather material, so I dumped out my box of small brass bits and fished through them for some likely candidates. The chosen bits I intended to solder on to solid brass lightswitch cover plates. The brass lightswitch covers came from Home Depot. I tried a couple of different methods of soldering. I also tried using a solder paste sold at autoparts stores.

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