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Gist Benoît(@benbzh Search and filter options allowing you to find people to follow depending on location, influence, number of followers, how active users are on Twitter and many more! Find the most beneficial people to target so that you can grow and increase the quality of your Twitter community. Find out your best time to tweet, discover the interests of a custom sample of users and endless extra features!

Website Analysis Tools: 7 Powerful and Free Website Analysis Tools 450 Flares Twitter 235 Facebook 0 Google+ 85 LinkedIn 43 inShare43 Buffer 87 450 Flares × When you drive all that traffic back from Social Media channels is your website ready to accept that traffic? Every so often we need to step back to review our website to see how it is performing and see what improvements we can make. Here are 7 Website Analysis tools that are useful and worth exploring. Most are free and some have a free component to them.

Marketing Tools: 29 Powerful Tools for a Social Media Marketer Do you find that you are using more and more marketing tools and you need more knowledge of technology in marketing than ever before? The demands on us to market our products and services using social media is constantly increasing and the technology/tools required to support this is also increasing. We start early morning and we finish late at night. 20 tools to find great shareable content 4.5K Flares Twitter 3.4K Facebook 351 Google+ 172 StumbleUpon 1 Pin It Share 63 63 LinkedIn 241 inShare241 Email -- Email to a friend Buffer 231 4.5K Flares × Great content that provides value (or amusement from time to time!) is at the essence of social media. A solid social media strategy should involve sharing great content, even if it is not yours. By sharing great content, your social media update will be more varied, and you will attract more friends, fans and followers to your social profiles. But how do you find great content on a constant basis?

The Definitive Guide To Social Media Tools For Startups Banana Republic and Susan’s Neighborhood Shirt Shop could be using the same social networks--Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.--but their marketing plans and their marketing tools are likely quite different. Enterprise solutions are great for the big guys, but the rest of us are in the market for something more our size. Small businesses are eager to find valuable tools that take a lot of the time and trouble out of social media marketing and that do so without costing an arm and a leg. I think we’d all want tools like that, right? Well, I went searching for just this kind of simple, easy, cost-effective tool, and I came up with 60 that made the cut.

8 Great Twitter Tools That Will Get You Tweeting Like A Pro The reasons to join Twitter are plentiful. In fact, Jeff recently wrote a wonderful post on why it is often misunderstood and people aren’t jumping onto it earlier. The experiences I have had with Twitter were amazing and it was by far the most valuable Social Network for me to use. What I like best about Twitter is it’s open structure, not only for users, but also for developers. It has grown to an ecosystem of over 1.5 million Apps and continues to register a new Tool every second.

32 Tools providers discuss their favorite social media software 403 Flares Twitter 172 Facebook 79 Google+ 28 LinkedIn 68 inShare69 Buffer 56 403 Flares × Did you know that there are well over 1,000 social media software tools to choose from to help you manage your social media presence? We come across great tools on a regular basis. One of my favorite recent ones is OptinMonster which is a WordPress plugin that helps build email subscribers.

20 Free Tools For Creating Infographics - wikiblinks For all the importance we place on text, it’s an indisputable fact that images are processed in the brain faster than words. Hence the rise and rise of the infographic which, at its best, transforms complex information into graphics that are both easy to grasp and visually appealing. No wonder magazine readers and web visitors love them. The only problem is, infographics that look like they were simple to make are often anything but. Creating something beautiful and instantly understandable in Photoshop is often beyond the limits that time allows.
