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experience how useful it is in dynamic web applications, where you can face any shape or size. What it's useful for? Basically any media gallery But imagine you want to use avatars in your web applications: with this plugin you can avoid to develop a functionality that enable your user to load avatars of the right height and width, and still you'll be able to present them nicely in the size/sizes your layout need. Take a look at the avatar demo What this is not? This plugin won't help you deliver very big high-res images more easily. However with this plugin you'll just have to resize them to a more bandwidth friendly dimension, you won't need to crop/resize them to any particular aspect ratio, and most of all you'll be able to change that shape via css whenever you want afterwards.

Easy Responsive Web Design with the Restive jQuery Plugin Designing Web Sites for Smartphones and Tablets sounds really great when you read about it on Web Design Blogs. You get all excited about the awesome possibilities of having your Web site look and feel good on multiple mobile devices [and non-mobile devices alike]. However, when you actually stop the dreaming and get to the doing, your joy literally gets knocked in the teeth by the fearless fists of sorrow. Have you ever been so frustrated that you shout out the phrase that is identified by those notorious initials "WTF", but you're so gobsmacked with said frustration that you skip the first word and then can't even finish the expletive, you're just like "...THE FFFFF...?!" Well, that's what it was like for me about a year ago when I was trying to get the hang of this Responsive and Adaptive Web Design thing, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. It was - to put it lightly and like Jerry Maguire - "An Up-at-dawn, Pride-swallowing Siege". So what is the Restive Plugin?! <! In Closing

Jcrop - Deep Liquid Jcrop Home • Download • Manual • Examples Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. It combines the ease-of-use of a typical jQuery plugin with a powerful cross-platform DHTML cropping engine that is faithful to familiar desktop graphics applications. Feature Overview Attaches unobtrusively to images or block objects Supports aspect ratio locking Supports minSize/maxSize setting Callbacks for selection done, or while moving Keyboard support for nudging selection API features to create interactivity, including animation Support for CSS styling, now uses LESS Touch support for iOS, Android, etc Cross-platform Compatibility Firefox 2+ Safari 3+ Opera 9.5+ Google Chrome 0.2+ Internet Explorer 6+ May work in older versions or other modern browsers, these were tested. Documentation Archive Jcrop is free software released under MIT License.
