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Klaus Dona - The Lost Pyramids & Hidden Ancient Artifacts

Klaus Dona - The Lost Pyramids & Hidden Ancient Artifacts
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Unexplained Mysteries of LOST LANDS Many western cultures have myths of lost lands, where once lived our great ancestors. Typical is Lyonesse, a fabled land once said to exist between Land’s End and the Scilly Isles, off the British coast. On this land stood the city of Lions and some 140 churches. Folk tales, and later poets such as Tennyson, kept the fable alive by associating it with King Arthur. Thought to be the place of his birth, his death has also been associated with the lost land. Logically, it seems the fable arose from its association with the Breton town St-Pol-de-Leon, know to the Roman’s as Leo’s Castle. Another such fable concerns Atland. Some lost lands are more modern, and said to be rationally theorised to have existed. In the 1870s, the idea was taken up by the likes of Huxley and Wallace, leading scientists of their day. A further lost land is Mu, which, according to former Bengal Lancer, Col James Churchward, existed in the Pacific Ocean. Why is this the case? © Anthony North, December 2007 Liked it ?

Les ovnis dans l'histoire Peintures et illustrations Peintures et illustrations étranges Roue chinoise ( 1400 av. JC ) Vieille illustration chinoise d'un livre fictif " l'Enquête Illustrée du Pays Mystérieux " ( -1400 ) avec le titre original suivant : " Le pays de Ji Gung : les gens pourraient faire des voitures volantes et voyager loin avec un vent approprié ". Prajnâpârâmita-Suna D'un ancien écrit de l'Est le " Prajnâpârâmita-Suna ". La naissance du christ - Grèce Illustration de "La naissance du christ" provenant d'un manuscrit greque "Le livre des Evangelistes" ( 12ème s. ). Cathédrale Svetishoveli - Georgie Fresque du 17ème siècle dans la Cathédrale Svetishoveli , ville de Mtskheta en Géorgie. Pour les défenseurs de l'Art il y a une mauvaise compréhension de la signification d’une oeuvre, parce que celui qui connaît le symbolisme artistique de l’époque ne peut arriver à soutenir qu’il s’agit d’éléments mystérieux ou incongrus. Tapisserie de Beaune - France ( XIVème ) La crucifixion - Kosovo ( 1350 ) L'Annonce de Saint Emidius ( 1486 )

1000-year-old coins found in Northern Territory may rewrite Australian history | Space, Military and Medicine A find of 1000-year-old coins (not pictured) had led archaeologists to launch an expedition that may rewrite Australian history. Source: REMEMBER when you were taught that Australia was discovered by James Cook in 1770 who promptly declared it "terra nullius" and claimed it for the British throne? Turns out that could be completely and utterly wrong. Five copper coins and a nearly 70-year-old map with an "X" might lead to a discovery that could rewrite Australia's history. Australian scientist Ian McIntosh, currently Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University in the US, is planning an expedition in July that has stirred up the archaeological community. The scientist wants to revisit the location where five coins were found in the Northern Territory in 1944 that have proven to be 1000 years old, opening up the possibility that seafarers from distant countries might have landed in Australia much earlier than what is currently believed. The coins proved to be 1000 years old.

Archéologie Extra-terrestre ovni dans l'histoire On a retrouvé des dessins à des époques très reculées dans toutes les parties du monde, représentant de manière non ambiguë des êtres et des engins troublants. Il ne faut pas oublier que les artistes préhistoriques dessinaient ce qu'ils avaient l'habitude d'observer. figure casquée - Mexique Wondjinas d'Australie Peintures rupestres d'Aborigène trouvées dans des grottes à Kimberley en Australie. Probablement réalisées il y a plus 5000 ans. Les aborigènes adoraient, et adorent toujours un dieu, du nom de Wandijna, et qui serait à l'origine de la création de la Terre.Les traditions aborigènes racontent également que la Cité de la Lune, dans la terre d'Arnhem, a été le lieu d'une bataille entre le dieu du ciel venu sur son vaisseau et celui de la Terre, ce dernier ayant été vaincu par l'assaut d'une chaleur dévastatrice..étrange. Peintures rupestres d'Aborigène " les frères brillants ". Wondjina Serpents Australia Les frères brillants Tjabuinji et Jagtjadbulla-Victoria, Australie Japon

5 Shockingly Advanced Ancient Buildings That Shouldn't Exist Back in the 1960s, surveyors in Turkey found an ancient buried complex composed of huge stone pillars arranged in a circle like Stonehenge, some of them 30 feet tall. What really knocked the monocles out of their eyes, however, was that this was much older than Stonehenge ... 6,000 years older. TeomancimitThe hieroglyphics translate to "First!" So those massive, ornate limestone pillars were carefully carved from a nearby quarry using hunks of flint rock and their bare hands. Having been dated to around 9000 B.C., Gobekli Tepe is thought to be the oldest human construction. That's further back than any of the ancient sites you learned about in history class. TeomancimitIt was truly the golden age for Big Bad Wolves. In fact, the site even predates agriculture, which means that the people who built it were still chasing mammoths rather than planting crops. WikipediaWhile riding a unicycle.

Terraforming An artist's conception shows a terraformed Mars in four stages of development. Terraforming (literally, "Earth-shaping") of a planet, moon, or other body is the theoretical process of deliberately modifying its atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology to be similar to the biosphere of Earth to make it habitable by Earth-like life. The term "terraforming" is sometimes used more generally as a synonym for planetary engineering, although some consider this more general usage an error. Based on experiences with Earth, the environment of a planet can be altered deliberately; however, the feasibility of creating an unconstrained planetary biosphere that mimics Earth on another planet has yet to be verified. History of scholarly study[edit] In March 1979, NASA engineer and author James Oberg organized the First Terraforming Colloquium, a special session at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston. Aspects and definitions[edit] Beginning in 1985, Martyn J. Mars[edit]

Ancient Builders Created Monumental Structures that Altered Sound and Mind, Say Researchers Hal Saflieni Hypogeum on the island of Malta By Popular Archaeology The results of recent research suggests that ancient, or prehistoric, builders of the monumental structures found in such diverse places as Ireland, Malta, southern Turkey and Peru all have a peculiarly common characteristic — they may have been specially designed to conduct and manipulate sound to produce certain sensory effects. Beginning in 2008, a recent and ongoing study of the massive 6,000-year-old stone structure complex known as the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum on the island of Malta, for example, is producing some revelatory results. Researchers at the University of Malta are confirming the findings in an ongoing study. Inside Malta’s Hal-Saflieni Hypogeum. But the Hypogeum is not alone in its peculiar sound effects. The site of Göbekli Tepe. The Lanzon is a sacred statue or stela depicting the central deity of the ancient Chavín culture. So what does all of this mean? Article Sources

Gilgamesh : une nouvelle interprétation {*style:<i>Il était l’homme à qui toute chose était connue; il était le roi qui connaissait tous les pays du monde. Il était sage, il vit des mystères et sut les choses secrètes, Il nous apporta le conte des jours d’avant le déluge. Il partit pour un long voyage, il était fatigué, usé par le labeur, à son retour, il se reposa et il grava sur une pierre toute l’histoire. </i>*} L’histoire sumérienne connue de nos jours sous le nom de « L’Epopée de Gilgamesh » fait partie des plus anciens textes existant encore. Sur le fond, Gilgamesh combine deux histories, celle de l’amitié de Gilgamesh et d’Enkidu et plus tard celle de Gilgamesh à la recherché de l’immortalité. De tels mots imagés indiquent que Gilgamesh est plus qu’une simple œuvre de fiction, il s’agit clairement d’un mythe : une histoire qui encode, préserve et transmet des vérités au sujet des origines et de la préhistoire de l’humanité sous forme allusive. {*style:<b>Considérons d’abord les attributs de Gilgamesh: </b>*} </b></i>*}

Sumerian Myths Sumerian civilization originated in what is now southern Iraq, just upriver from the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. "Civilization" in this context means a settled town or city-dwelling people who possess a stable agricultural technology (including domesticated animals) and have developed a hierarchical system of social classes (peasants, laborers, slaves, craftsmen [smiths, masons, carpenters, potters, etc.], farmers, fishermen, merchants, doctors, architects, priests and temple attendants, bureaucrats, scribes, advisers, priest-kings). Since the climate of southern Iraq is hot and dry, agriculture requires an extensive irrigation system of canals and dikes. Map of Mesopotamian Archeological Sites (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) Sumerian cities were close agglomerations of one or two story mud brick dwellings. The Sumerian CreationOnly one account of the Sumerian creation has survived, but it is a suggestive one. The Creation of Humans Questions:1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

sumer et akkad Le nom de Sumer (Sinéar dans la Bible, Shumeru en akkadien) désigne la partie méridionale de la Mésopotamie, et Akkad ou Agadé désigne la partie centrale. Les Sumériens sont un peuple d'origine inconnu et ne sont pas une population sémitique contrairement aux Akkadiens. La date de leur arrivée au sud de la Mésopotamie est difficile à préciser, elle se situerait au cours du IVe millénaire. Les premiers documents écrits en sumérien proviennent de la ville d'Uruk et datent de la fin du IVe millénaire avant JC. documentaire civilisation sumérienne (partie 1/3) documentaire civilisation sumérienne (partie 2/3) documentaire civilisation sumérienne (partie 3/3)
