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Frank Warren: Half a million secrets

Frank Warren: Half a million secrets

The 20 most-watched TED Talks as of August 2012 TEDTalks The 20 most-watched TEDTalks (so far) Today, on the fifth birthday of TEDTalks video, we’re releasing a new list of the 20 most-watched TEDTalks over the past five years — as watched on all the platforms we track:, YouTube, iTunes, embed and download, Hulu and more … What a great, mixed-up group this is! Playlist The 20 most popular TED Talks, as of December 2013 UPDATED: To see all these talks at one click, check out our updated Playlist: The 20 Most Popular Talks of All Time.

Ótrúlegar ljósmyndir af Íslandi eftir hollenska meistarann Willem van de Poll, 1934 | Lemúrinn Það fór ekki mikið fyrir heim­sókn Willems van de Poll til Íslands. Þann 28. júlí árið 1934 sagði Morgunblaðið örstutt frá komu tveggja blaða­manna frá Associated Press til Íslands: „Komu þau hingað með Drottningunni á föstu­dags­morgun, frú Anita Joachim frá Berlín og Willem van de Poll frá Amsterdam. Ætlar frúin að skrifa greinar um Ísland, en van de Poll tekur ljós­myndir, sem eiga að fylgja grein­unum. Þau ætla að vera hjer á landi hálfsmánaðartíma.“ Van de Poll þessi var í raun einn víð­förlasti og merk­asti blaða­ljós­mynd­ari Hollendinga — nokkuð sem sést glöggt á myndum hans frá Íslandi. Því við sjáum landið gegnum linsu mik­ils lista­manns. Allar ábend­ingar eru vel þegnar. Ljósmyndirnar eru geymdar í Þjóð­skjala­safni Hollands, Nationaal Archief. Fleiri myndir hér á Facebook-​​síðu Lemúrsins. Sundkennsla í sund­laug­inni að Álafossi. Ferðafélagar ljós­mynd­ar­ans, þar á meðal hin þýska blaða­kona Anita Joachim. Sigurjón Pétursson á Álafossi með dóttur sinni. Húsafell. Reykholtsskóli.

Four Healthy Habits You'll Kick Yourself for Ignoring Now Cato: Lessons From a Self-Made Man Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Rob Goodman and Jimmy Soni, co-authors of Rome’s Last Citizen: The Life and Legacy of Cato. Cato the Younger—the great Roman soldier, senator, and Stoic—was a hard man to like. He was ungracious in his friendships, uncompromising in his politics, blunt in his conversations, yet able to talk the Roman Senate’s ears off from sunup to sundown. We’re fairly confident that he wouldn’t have liked us, either. Cato wasn’t self-made in the familiar sense: he came from a long line of statesmen, and he never had to worry about money. There are plenty of obvious places in Cato’s life to look for lessons in the art of manliness: his month-long march across the North African desert with the last remnants of troops loyal to the Republic, or his decision to take his own life rather than submit to Caesar’s dictatorship. 1. Imagine that you had an image of every male ancestor dating back four or five generations. 2. 3. 4.

Singing: The Key To A Long Life How to Wrestle with a Difficult Decision: Advice from Sergeant Alvin C. York Corporal Alvin C. York silently led his squad of men through the thick underbrush and dense fog of the Argonne Forest early the morning of October 8, 1918. His regiment had been tasked with charging down Hill 223 and making their way across an open plain towards the Decauville Railroad. Their mission was to cut off this supply line in hopes of pressuring the Germans to surrender. But the plain had been surrounded by machine gun nests, and the Americans were besieged as they made their way across, the gunfire felling them in a way that reminded York of how the mowing machines back home sliced through thick grass. The commander of York’s Company G, Captain E.C.B. What they encountered first were two stretcher bearers, who took off at the sight of the Americans. While the remaining 7 privates took cover, York alone continued to fire at the enemy, methodically picking off the German machine gunners one by one. Not that York was eager to kill the men. Yet York was not out of danger yet. 1.

The 16 Best Western Movies Few figures in history have had as powerful an impact on American masculinity as the cowboy. For over a century, the cowboy has — for better or for worse — been a standard of rugged individualism and stoic bravery for the American male. While the mythologization of the American cowboy began all the way back in the 1880s with dime novels and Wild West shows, it wasn’t until the advent of twentieth century cinema that the cowboy cemented his place as an icon of manliness. The Western has been a popular genre of cinema since the very beginning of film, and successive generations of filmmakers have used the “Wild West” as a backdrop on which to explore the social issues of their respective eras. It isn’t until the 1930s that the Western became an avenue for telling stories with searching and hard-hitting messages. High Noon High Noon is film about being torn between duty and love and standing up for what you believe in, even when everyone else abandons you. Best line: “Don’t shove me Harv.

Nikola Tesla's Best Productivity Tricks How To: Be An Optimist Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Page 2 of 2 Look for the silver lining Optimists understand that, all in all, life goes on. It's absurd to think that the financial markets will be down forever. Resolve to be an optimist in 2012 One of the great optimists of the latter half of the 20th century was a brilliant economist name Julian Simon. You can go back centuries and centuries looking for bad news about the future, looking for doomsday language in everything you read, or you can believe that in one form or another, life will go on just fine, it will merely require a few adjustments.

How to Wake up Immediately in the Morning Waking up in the morning can be a real effort and it is a struggle for many people to get out of bed. The temptation to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock just to capture another ten minutes of time in bed can be overwhelmingly tempting. Having difficulty waking in the morning can cause further problems if it also affects work or college, especially if you are regularly turning up late or flustered from rushing around to arrive in time. The struggle to wake up and get out of bed in the mornings can have a negative impact on your whole day and if the problem persists can start getting you down. There are changes you can make that will help resolve the difficulties you have rising in the morning and make getting up easier. Move the Alarm Clock If you have your alarm beside your bed within easy reach, the temptation will be to stretch out and either switch it off or hit the snooze button. Develop a regular sleeping pattern Practice Harness natural light Try a natural light alarm clock

The Key To Happiness At Work We spend so much of our lives at work that it’s important we find happiness while their. Unfortunately, boring, stressful and tedious jobs can take their toll and many people find their time at work more miserable than happy. So how can you find happiness at work? Well, there are a few things you can change if you are still not in a long-term career position. If you’re already in a long-term career position though, you can still improve your happiness at work in a number of ways. Original Source -Die Karriere Bibel Don't you just love an inspiring quote? Featured photo credit: Couple on sunset via Shutterstock

Boða milljarða lækkun á veiði­gjaldi og skoða tannlækningar barna - Á Alþingi í kvöld dreifði Framsóknarflokkurinn frumvarpi um breytingar á veiðgjaldi á útgerðina. Verði frumvarpið óbreytt að lögum má gera ráð fyrir því að tekjur ríkissjóðs af veiðgjöldum fyrir aflaheimildir verði 3,2 milljörðum lægri á árinu 2013 frá því sem gert var ráð fyrir í fjárlögum og að tekjurnar geti orðið 6,14 milljörðum lægri á árinu 2014 en áætlað var. Í umsögn fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytisins um frumvarpið kemur fram að ekki liggi fyrir á þessu stigi aðrar ráðstafanir til að vega upp á móti þessari lækkun á áformaðri tekjuöflun ríkissjóðs. Því gerir ráðuneytið ráð fyrir því að staða ríkissjóðs muni versa sem nemur þessari umtalsverðu tekjulækkun frá því sem áformað var og verði til muna lengri leið að jöfnuði í heildarafkomunni en gert var ráð fyrir í ríkisfjármálaáætlun sem fylgdi með fjárlagafrumvarpi fyrir árið 2013.
