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Democratizing App Building

UAM ImageTool Homepage UAM ImageTool is a state-of-the-art environment for annotation of image corpora. Version 2.0 now available! (10 october, 2010) Powerful Annotation Tool Annotation of multiple images using the same annotation schemes, of your design. Annotation of each image at multiple levels (e.g., whole image, people, text elements). Easy to Use UAM CorpusTool has been crafted to make the image annotation experience simple. The Project Window is where you manage each project. Statistical Studies: UAM CorpusTool supports a range of statistical analyses of your corpus, revealing patterns that the eye might miss. Getting UAM ImageTool UAM ImageTool runs under Windows and MacOSX, and is available free from this page

15 Ways to Be Irresistibly Attractive Be true to your values. Be honest. Do your best. Do things that bring you closer to your dreams. Take care of yourself, your family, and your friends. In other words, invest love into your life. Do the right thing. – Never be afraid to do what you know in your heart is right, especially if the well being of another person’s feelings is at stake. Photo by: Lina Hayes Related 18 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be Life is not complex. July 27, 2014 In "Happiness" 15 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist As Jack London once said, “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.” March 19, 2012 In "Aspirations" 10 Signs it’s Time to Let Go Holding on is being brave, but letting go and moving on is often what makes us stronger and happier. April 2, 2012

Course-in-a-Box - Democratizing App Building Modules Quizzes Each module includes: Lesson plans and lecture notes Tutorials and Video Screencasts Conceptual worksheets Creative projects Test Questions Assigned readings from the App Inventor book Module Pathways Module 1, "Intro to Event-Handling" provides an introduction to the App Inventor environment and the idea that an app is a set of event-handlers. Conditional blocks are also introduced. Module 2, "Games", introduces the students to timing and animation and provides much needed work with manipulating properties and variables. Modules 4-6 focus on working with data, and this represents a significant conceptual leap as the programming becomes more abstract. Module X, "Software Engineering and Procedure Abstraction" is so named because different instructors will want to present it at different places in the curriculum. Teaching Methodology Each module follows a do-first structure that has worked well in motivating students to learn. Build It Introduce a topic but keep it brief.

CLaRK System for Corpora Development: Unicode XML Editor, XPath Engine, XSLT Engine, XML Constraints, XML Cascaded Regular Grammar Engine Unicode XML Editor, XPath Engine, XSLT Engine, XML Constraints, XML Cascaded Regular Grammar Engine CLaRK System version 3.0 is now available. (Download) Òúðñèì ìëàäè õîðà çà ðàáîòà ïî íîâè ìåæäóíàðîäíè ïðîåêòè. If you have any problems with downloading the system, please contact us for support! CLaRK Support Team( Description CLaRK is an XML-based software system for corpora development implemented in JAVA. XML technology;Unicode;Regular Cascaded Grammars;Constraints over XML Documents. For document management, storing and querying, we chose the XML technology because of its popularity and its ease of understanding. For multilingual processing tasks, CLaRK is based on an Unicode encoding of the information inside the system. The basic mechanism of CLaRK for linguistic processing of text corpora is the cascaded regular grammar processor. Several mechanisms for imposing constraints over XML documents are available. We envisage several uses for our system:

Save All Around by Powering Your Computer Down Experts discuss the costs of powering your computer down vs. leaving it in standby mode. Having to boot up your computer each time you want to use it can be inconvenient, but keeping it in sleep mode may not be the best alternative. The sleep mode on your computer is designed to keep the machine on while drawing a small amount of power. This only costs about $50 more per year on your electric bill, which seems low, but the true cost of leaving it in this mode may actually be higher. According to our experts, you shouldn't leave your computer on standby if you're going to be away for more than an hour. Doing so can result in more harm that good. Turning your computer on and off won't cause damage. So, when it comes to your computer, be mindful of letting it sleep for too long and power down instead.

XED: An XML document instance editor XED: An XML document instance editor Henry S. Thompson HCRC Language Technology Group University of Edinburgh 1 January 2000 1. XED is a text editor for XML document instances. XED keeps track of all the changes you make in your document, so that you can undo changes, as many as you need to, if you make a mistake. 2. A non-exhaustive inventory of features provided by XED: 3. 4. XED is based on the LTG's LT XML toolkit, and uses Python and Tk to provide an efficient and portable user interface. Although you can see your declarations, you cannot yet edit them. 5. .HLP files are now distributed as part of the WIN32 release, and .html versions are in the UN*X release. 6. Beta versions of XED are available for trial evaluation and individual use. Windows 95/NT The preferred source is a self-extracting installation. A Macintosh version may be available in the medium term. 7. Please send all bug reports, suggestions for changes and enhancements, etc. to 8. - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives semanticvectors - Package for creating and searching semantic vector indexes by wrapping Apache Lucene. The Semantic Vectors Package SemanticVectors creates semantic WordSpace models from free natural language text. Such models are designed to represent words and documents in terms of underlying concepts. They can be used for many semantic (concept-aware) matching tasks such as automatic thesaurus generation, knowledge representation, and concept matching. Getting Started See GettingStarted and the maven semanticvectors artifact. Algorithms and Techniques The models are created by applying concept mapping algorithms to term-document matrices created using Apache Lucene. Random Projection is the most scalable technique in practice, because it does not rely on the use of computationally intensive matrix decomposition algorithms. Links to more RelatedResearch and lots of other topics can be found in the Wiki pages. Contributors and Projects There are many ways to get involved, as an end user and a contributor. Issues and Bugs.
