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Thoth Thoth was the God of Knowledge, the Moon, Measurement, Wisdom, the Alphabet, Records, Thought, Intelligence, Meditation, the Mind, Logic, Reason, Reading, Hieroglyphics, Magic, Secrets, Scribes, and Writing. He also went by other names in the myths of ancient civilizations. He pretty much play a major God they all of them - same soul - different identities. Thoth or Djehuti was one of the deities of the Egyptian pantheon. Thoth's chief temple was located in the city of Khmun, later called Hermopolis Magna during the Greco-Roman era (in reference to him through the Greeks' interpretation that he was the same as their god Hermes) and Shmounein in the Coptic rendering, and was partially destroyed in 1826. Thoth played many vital and prominent roles in Egyptian mythology, such as maintaining the universe, and being one of the two deities (the other being Ma'at) who stood on either side of Ra's boat. Thoth the Architect In one role or another Thoth played a crucial part in the Depictions

The 12 Pyramids of Thoth Preface Pyramid 1: Egypt .... The Cycles of Time Begin Pyramid 2: Middle East ... Pyramid 3: Europe ... Pyramid 4: Atlantis ... Pyramid 5: Lemuria ... Pyramid 6: Tibet ... Pyramid 7: Australia ... Pyramid 8: Antarctica ... Pyramid 9: Arctic ... Pyramid 10: Peru ... Pyramid 11: Mesoamerica ... Pyramid 12: New York City ... Thoth The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Maiden Voyage of the 12 Fibonnacci Goddesses ShareThis

Tree of life (Kabbalah) The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in Hebrew, is a classic descriptive term for the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism, also known as the 10 Sephirot. Its diagrammatic representation, arranged in 3 columns/pillars, derives from Christian and esoteric sources and is not known to the earlier Jewish tradition.[citation needed] The tree, visually or conceptually, represents as a series of divine emanations God's creation itself ex nihilo, the nature of revealed divinity, the human soul, and the spiritual path of ascent by man. In this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol into a full model of reality, using the tree to depict a map of Creation. The symbolic configuration of 10 spiritual principles (11 can be shown, of which - Keter and Da'at are interchangeable), From the Renaissance onwards, the Jewish mystical concept was adopted by some esoterically inclined Christians as well as some Hermeticists. In Zoroastrianism: In Buddhism:

The Book Of Thoth In Egyptian mythology, Thoth is the god of wisdom, time, writing, magic and the moon. The Book of Thoth is a legendary book containing powerful spells and knowledge, said to have been buried with the Prince Neferkaptah (meaning perfect ka of Ptah in Egyptian) in the City of the Dead. The reader of the rolls would know the language of the animals, be able to cast great spells, and be able to enchant the sky and earth themselves. In recent years books such as 'The Orion Mystery' by Robert Bauval have created a popular belief that The Sphinx and other Giza monuments are thousands of years older than is currently claimed by orthodox Egyptologists. Another legend Rameses the Great, Pharaoh of Egypt, had a son called Setna who was learned in all the ancient writings, and a magician of note. When Setna read further that the Book of Thoth had been buried with Nefrekeptah in his royal tomb at Memphis, nothing would content him until he had found it and learned all his wisdom. 'Be it as you wish!'

DMT: The Spirit Molecule Crystalinks Home Page Can DMT Connect the Human Brain to a Parallel Universe? If you'd asked this question a few decades ago you'd have been met with raucous laughter – nowadays, however, the idea of parallel universes is taken seriously by scientists at the cutting edge, while our understanding of consciousness is slowly but surely outgrowing the materialistic understanding developed in Victorian times. Learning Mind takes a look at the pioneering work of Rick Strassman. Rick Strassman in his book «DMT: the Spirit Molecule», claims that DMT, which is one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, can provide a reliable and regular access to the other planes of existence. Strassman refers to the British scientist David Deutsch, a leading theorist in this area and author of «The fabric of reality».

Paranormal Phenomena There Is No Mistaking The Evidence; Cannabis Cures Cancer May 12, 2013 2012thebigpicture It's no coincidence that the government has tried to criminalize the use of marijuana and growing the hemp plant. They know it's a miracle vegetable and that it's helping people to either deal with health issues or cure ---YES, I SAID CURE---diseases the allopathic medical community has chosen to exacerbate through the use of costly, toxic drugs and cocktails that create more health issues than they resolve. While smoking the dried leaves of the cannabis is not recommended, the phenomenal benefits of ingesting the raw plant or the oils derived from it are well documented. Our dog went through an emergency integrative cancer treatment protocol which served its purpose, but now he's on a homemade diet mixed with a little healthy kibble, organic green powders, probiotics, oregano oil and hemp oil. I've posted about this before, and I'm doing it again. Cannabis is one of the most powerful healing plants in the world and it makes cancer essentially disappear. - Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Politcs, and other "alternative topics" - home page for Saturday, January 25, 2014 Marijuana doesn't appear to harm lung function, study finds Smoking a joint once a week or a bit more apparently doesn't harm the lungs, suggests a 20-year study that bolsters evidence that marijuana doesn't do the kind of damage tobacco does. The results, from one of the largest and longest studies on the health effects of marijuana, are hazier for heavy users - those who smoke two or more joints daily for several years. The data suggest that using marijuana that often might cause a decline in lung function, but there weren't enough heavy users among the 5,000 young adults in the study to draw firm conclusions. Smoking marijuana as often as one joint daily for seven years, or one joint weekly for 20 years was not linked with worse lung function Still, the authors recommended "caution and moderation when marijuana use is considered." Marijuana is an illegal drug under federal law although some states allow its use for medical purposes. Study co-author Dr. The analyses showed pot didn't appear to harm lung function, but cigarettes did.

Midnight Hollow Paranormal Ghost UFO Videos Understanding the Hemp Plant and its 50,000 Uses and Benefits!
