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DADI : bases de données gratuites Près de 20 ans après sa création, le répertoire de bases de Données grAtuites Disponibles sur Internet ferme ses portes. Crée en 1996 Dadi, produit pionnier et phare de l’URFIST de Lyon, a eu pour objectif de recenser les ressources libres disponibles sur le Web à une époque où ce dernier faisait ses premiers pas, sans moteurs de recherches. Jean Pierre Lardy, alors co-responsable de l’Urfist de Lyon et enseignant chercheur en physique, a imaginé puis animé Dadi pendant une quinzaine d’années, dans le but de donner à voir les ressources du web invisible en libre accès utiles au monde académique. Véritable aide à la recherche dans un univers en pleine mutation, DADI connaîtra un usage important et comptera parmi les ressources incontournables en France pour la recherche d’information. Son impact rayonnera dans les pays francophones comme la Belgique et le Canada. La Bibliothèque Nationale de France a réalisé un archivage régulier de Dadi.

Rexplore | Exploring Research Data | Knowledge Media Institute | The Open University Rexplore leverages novel solutions in large-scale data mining, semantic technologies and visual analytics, to provide an innovative environment for exploring and making sense of scholarly data. In particular, Rexplore allows users: To detect and make sense of important trends in research, such as, significant migrations of researchers from one area to another, the emergence of new topics, the evolution of communities within a particular area, and several others. To identify a variety of interesting relations between researchers, e.g., recognizing authors who share similar research trajectories. These relations go well beyond the standard co-authorship links or relationships informed by social networks, which are commonly found in other systems. To perform fine-grained expert search with respect to detailed multi-dimensional parameters.

Overview “The pleasure lies not in discovering truth, but in searching for it.” (Leo Tolstoy, 1828-1910) In the age of overwhelming quantities of information and ubiquitous search engines, library patrons have come to expect a quick, user-friendly and personalized discovery experience. Ex Libris Primo empowers libraries to shape the discovery experience, providing students, faculty and staff an intuitive, end-to-end service, and maximizing the value of library collections. Delivering the experience that users demand With Primo, discovery is encompassing, fast and personalized. A single search interface provides a gateway to a wealth of scholarly content, including print, electronic and digital collections. Maximizing the impact of the library Primo helps libraries increase the impact of their collections, promote the visibility of library services, and demonstrate their value to decision-makers across academia. Supporting the art of librarianship
