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Liquids General Parameters General This roll out controls the parameters regarding the simulation of liquids Parameters Liquid (MXS: liquid) - The channel used as liquid. Sharpness (MXS: lqsharpness) - The sharpness of the liquid-air interface. Viscosity (MXS: lqvisc) - The viscosity (thickness) of the liquid. Drying time (MXS:drying ) - the time needed for the liquid to evaporate Wetting (MXS:wetting ) - when checked the liquid leaves a track over the surface of the bodies, that disappears slowly. Static surface correction (MXS:flatliquids) - Used to avoid the roughness of a slow moving or static liquid surface. Strong surface mode (MXS strongsurf) - This enables a surface processing mode that suppresses grid artifacts. Foam group - This group affects the foam simulation Foam (MXS:foam) - Enable foam simulation. Birth rate (MXS:fbirth) - Specifies the count (in thousands per volume unit) of the particles to be born when a given cell satisfies the birth condition.

SITEX GRAPHICS : AIR AIR is an advanced 3D graphics renderer with a unique architecture and extensive features designed for the rapid production of high-quality images. AIR is a hybrid renderer, combining the advantages of scanline rendering - fast rendering of complex scenes, motion blur, and depth of field - with the flexibility of on-demand ray tracing for accurate reflections, soft shadows, global illumination, and caustics. AIR supports a broad range of geometric primitives, including polygon meshes, trimmed NURBs, subdivision meshes, curves, particles, and implicit surfaces. AIR offers the flexibility of fully programmable shading and procedural modeling. AIR employs tiled rendering with user-controllable tile order for efficient rendering of complex scenes. AIR doesn’t tie you to a particular modeling or animation program. AIR is used by designers, architects, free-lance 3D artists, and production companies around the world.

vSwarm: Free Render Farm - Cloud Computing for Rendering Phoenix FD for Maya - Beta Program - Fluid Dynamics Simulator | Chaos Group Product Overview Phoenix FD™ for Autodesk® Maya® empowers VFX artists to simulate fire, smoke, explosions, liquids, foam and splashes, while offering exceptional flexibility and speed. It is a hybrid simulation system including grids and particles, enabling you to get the best of both worlds. Fully integrated with V-Ray, it harnesses the power of Chaos Group’s rendering engine including proper GI from the generated fluid. V-Ray RT supports all Phoenix FD fluids, including liquids with proper refraction. Phoenix FD for Maya is optimized for huge amounts of particles allowing VFX artists to work on complex simulations. Why Choose Phoenix FD for Maya Phoenix FD for Maya is a great addition to the toolset of VFX artists who use V-Ray in Maya. Phoenix FD for Maya - General OverviewIn this video, we discuss key features of Phoenix FD for Maya such as basic fire simulation, burning fuel and rendering flames, simulating liquids, foam & splashes, and shading foam & splashes. Pricing Policy

INDIGO RENDERER Walt Disney Animation Studios BRDF Explorer is an application that allows the development and analysis of bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs). It can load and plot analytic BRDF functions (coded as functions in OpenGL's GLSL shader language), measured material data from the MERL database, and anisotropic measured material data from MIT CSAIL. Graphs and visualizations update in realtime as parameters are changed, making it a useful tool for evaluating and understanding different BRDFs (and other component functions). Motivation In the pursuit of visual realism in our films, we have spent a considerable amount of time exploring the strengths and weaknesses of different BRDFs. To understand the properties of different BRDFs, we found it helpful to be able to visualize and graph them in different ways to see how they responded to illumination in different configurations. Screenshot A screenshot is worth a thousand words: Major Features Get Started You can get the source code or win32 binary at github.

SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION PUBLICA A knitted sweater dress for a sheep with Ridged Feather pattern, prepared using our knitted garment modeling system. The sheep character and the input mesh of the garment is modeled by Rune Spaans. Abstract Recent yarn-based simulation techniques permit realistic and efficient dynamic simulation of knitted clothing, but producing the required yarn-level models remains a challenge. The lack of practical modeling techniques significantly limits the diversity and complexity of knitted garments that can be simulated. See also the Project Page at Cornell University. Images Stages of our knitted garment modeling system: (a) We begin our interactive modeling process with a polygonal mesh that specifies the global shape of the cloth model; (b) using this polygonal mesh we produce a high-resolution \emph{stitch mesh} that serves as a canvas-like abstraction of the yarn model; (c) then, we specify the desired knitting pattern over the stitch mesh's surface. Comparisons to real knitted samples.

RAMDOM CONTROL : ARION RENDER Key features: Interactive rendering and editing, CUDA empowered, displacement, photo-realistic materials, physically-based, unbiased... Arion raw raytracing speed is vs. quality ratio is unprecedented and can produce the cleanest and the most beautiful artworks. Thanks to its carefully engineered rendering core, it outputs an astonishing amount of work in the same time as traditional renderers. Beside a deep optimization of the core that affects raw speed, Arion 2's new sampling strategy leads to an even faster image convergence. This excellent performance applies to all the different samplers in Arion 2, including Metropolis Light Transport (MLT). LightMixer light layers are back. It's now possible to output all the LightMixer layers in a multi-layer EXR file and tune it in your favorite editing software such as Photoshop, After Effect, Nuke... Just like AOVs, LightMixer layers are computed on the fly during the standard calculation of the full unbiased render or AOVs.

Python Extension Packages for Windows - Christoph Gohlke by Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine. This page provides 32- and 64-bit Windows binaries of many scientific open-source extension packages for the official CPython distribution of the Python programming language. The files are unofficial (meaning: informal, unrecognized, personal, unsupported, no warranty, no liability, provided "as is") and made available for testing and evaluation purposes. If downloads fail reload this page, enable JavaScript, disable download managers, disable proxies, clear cache, and use Firefox. Most binaries are built from source code found on PyPI or in the projects public revision control systems. Refer to the documentation of the individual packages for license restrictions and dependencies. Use pip version 8 or newer to install the downloaded .whl files. Install numpy+mkl before other packages that depend on it. The files are provided "as is" without warranty or support of any kind. Build Environment

L3Deformer – Collision Deformer L3Deformer - Collision Deformer (1/4) The first L3 tool package for Maya we are going to release is an advanced set of deformation tools called L3Deformer. In its first release cycle the toolset contains 4 deformer. This video shows the Collision Deformer in action. The Collision Deformer allows you to collide objects with polygon geometry, using projected collisions (directional, concentrical and cylindrical). The Collision Deformer supports optional relaxing when applied to a polygon mesh. Though the collision computation itself does not require a dynamics simulation, the Collision Deformer actually supports dynamics. In combination with the L3Library that ships free with the L3Deformer, the Collision Deformer can output its geometry displacement as vertex colors. The Collider node comes with some extra attributes aside from specifying the type of projection. The release date of the L3Deformer package is scheduled for the end of May.

BAKERY 3D : BAKERY RELIGHT Thea Render The new integrated plugin for 3dsMax has just arrived and licensed users can grab the plugin as a free update! Bundle with Motiva Colimo and create infinite variations from a single render. Perform luminance and illuminance analysis and generate reports out-of-the-box. Thea Render offers a variety of high quality Model and Material Libraries. Lighting simulation is as accurate as never before with full spectral resolution and support for ior and scattering data. All lighting options are here, such as image-based lighting, physical sun-sky, area and point lights along with IES support. Thea Render delivers the highest quality for your images with a unique physically-based material system. It comes with a complete standalone studio with advanced editors and cool features like instancing brush and interactive render. Thea Render is the most versatile render solution featuring multiple state-of-the-art biased and unbiased engines.
