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Themes 2.0 adding courses and categories to the custom menu Hello this is going to be a very brief tutorial on how to add a courses and categories tree to the custom menu. The reason for writing this tutorial is simply that this seems to be a request that is being made over and over again. Before we get started Please please please make sure you are familiar with the other Themes 2.0 tutorials before attempting this tutorial. In particular I would recommend being familiar with the following documents and tutorials as I'm going to move through this tutorial at a fast pace. Providing you are familiar with the above you should manage just fine with this tutorial and if you ever get stuck don't forget to ask in the theme's forums, there is always someone around who can help. Two words of warning First Just a quick warning here, this tutorial adds all categories and courses to the navigation, on a site with a large number of categories and/or courses this will be a performance hit. Laying the ground work You should end up with: config.php <? renderers.php <?

OPTIMOFFICE Assign roles Context and roles In Moodle, apart from the site administrator, users do not normally have a global, site-wide role. In other words, even though you may be a tutor offline, when you are in Moodle you could have a tutor role in the course you teach in but a student role in another course where you are studying for a diploma. There are a few exceptions but this is generally the case. Here are some examples of contexts; how to get to the assign roles screen, and when/why you would assign roles here: System context Settings>Site Administration>Users>Permissions>Assign system rolesAny roles assigned here apply to the whole Moodle site. Front page context Settings>Site Administration>Front Page>Front Page roles Those with a role in the system context do not need to be assigned a role here as well. Course Category context Course context Enrol users Go to Settings > Course administration > Enrolled users Click the "Enrol users" button and click those users you wish to enrol Block context User context

Lotus Quickr IBM® Lotus Quickr® is part of the IBM Platform for Social Business offering a rich set of features (such as team spaces, content libraries, discussion forums and wikis) to enable team collaboration. Lotus Quickr can help increase efficiency and productivity and transform your business into a social enterprise. The IBM Social Content Management Evolution At IBM Connect 2013—the social business event of the year held in Orlando in January 2013— IBM previewed IBM Connections Content Manager, the next evolution of our social content management solution. IBM Connections Content Manager is now available.IBM Connections Content Manager can help your organization make the most of the foundational technologies of an enterprise social software platform. Social Content Management Transition Assistance Product editions : MoreLess

Themes 2.0 creating your first theme Moodle 2.1Moodle 2.0 This document describes how to create a theme for Moodle 2.0 and Moodle 2.1. ONLY. It assumes you have some understanding of how themes within Moodle work as well as a good understanding of HTML and CSS. For Themes in Moodle 2.2 onwards please read the tutorial about How to clone a Moodle 2.2 theme. Theme designer mode Under normal operation Moodle does several things in the name of performance, one of these is to combine all of the CSS into one file, minimize it, cache it on the server, and then serve it. What this means for you as a themer? Theme designer mode may be enabled via Administration > Appearance > Themes > Theme settings. Warning: Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7 have BIG problems when a site attempts to link to more than 31 stylesheets, in which case either a limited number or no styles get applied. Getting started Now within that directory we can immediately create several files that we know we are going to need. So the files that we want to create are: to Why Your Moodle Site is Slow: Five Simple Settings Here are some simple settings that any Moodle administrator can change from the Site Administration menu that will help to improve his/her Moodle site's performance. Some of these changes come at the cost of functionality, so sometimes you have to pick between a particular feature and performance (or a faster server), but often these settings are just enabled out of curiosity with no discernible reward other than a slower site. Automated backup setup Disable Automated backup setup for courses by setting Active to disabled in the pull down menu. The Moodle course backup and restore feature, while a convenient mechanism for moving courses between Moodle sites, is not very efficient. Statistics Make sure Enable statistics is unchecked. Theme designer mode Disable Theme designer mode on production Moodle sites. Cleanup Set Keep logs for and Grade history lifetime to 365 days or less. Session Handling Disable Use database for session information by unchecking the box. Pro-tips

Pétillant® : Le site expert de la carte heuristique (Mind Mapping)
