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Twitter Search in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product is It seems like everyone is using Twitter these days. You know, sharing little messages with each other on phones and computers. It turns out that all these little messages, if you look at them all at once, become an easy way to find people, news and trends. Let's get started by visiting Twitterville. This town represents all the people using Twitter. There are millions of them and they're constantly talking to each other and sharing information 140 characters at a time. But if all the tweets could be captured and organized all the time, amazing things could be possible. For instance, meet Roy of Ice Cream by Roy. It's also a great way to learn about news. Every minute of every day on Twitter, people are using some words more than others. On Twitter, the most used words are known as trends and they're a great way to see what's interesting on Twitter. Sometimes, Twitter members work together and use a specific key word, called a hash tag, to connect related tweets.

Khan Academy Kerettanterv - Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet, OFI Web Search Strategies in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Prod The Web may seem like a vast ocean when it comes to finding something you need. Thankfully, search engines can help turn oceans of information into small pools that make finding information easier. Before we dive in, let’s talk a bit about how search works on the Web. Search engines go out and try to account for every word on every webpage. All this information is then organized for easy reference. When you search for a word, the search engine finds all the pages where the word appears, and displays them in the search results. The problem is that there are often too many results. Say you’re looking for a specific kind of fish, and these represent all the websites on the Web. Try to imagine the exact fish and describe it in the search box. But to be a smart searcher, you should know some basic shortcuts. Here’s another shortcut.

Információk a tanfelügyeletről by Gabor Petróczi on Prezi Podcasting in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product is Expl Remember the good old days of TV and radio? Everyone would gather around to be entertained. Shows were broadcast at specific times and if you weren't there on time, you missed it <boo>. Here's the big idea. Here are three reasons why podcasting is becoming so popular. The first is that anyone can do it. The second is subscriptions. The third reason is gadgetry. So, let's look at how Jason uses podcasts. He uses the web everyday, rides the bus to work and loves Japanese culture. Recently he found a podcast by a Western couple living in Tokyo. Podcasting made it happen.

IITE | E-library | ICT in Primary Education Full-text version [eng] The book “ICT in Primary Education” within the IITE Analytical Surveys series has been out of print. This is the first publication in the framework of the UNESCO IITE three-year project “ICTs in primary education”. It explores the origins, settings and initiatives of effective integration of up-to-date innovative technologies in primary school and accumulates the best practices of ICT incorporation gathered from the project sample primary schools across the globe.

Blogs in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product is Explanati You've seen the word, you've seen the web sites and you may even have one. But have you ever wondered: What's the big deal about blogs? To make sense of blogs, you have to think about the news and who makes it. We'll look at news in the 20th vs. the 21st century to make our point. In the 20th century, the news was produced professionally. The 21st century marked the point where news became both professional and personal. As blogs became popular, they created millions of news sources and gave everyone an audience for their own version of news. With a blog...A business owner can share news about his business A mother can share news about her family Or a sport star can share news with fans These people are all "bloggers". How did this happen? Blogs are websites that are organized by blog posts - these are individual news stories, like articles in the paper. Also, Each blog post can become a discussion through comments left by readers. Speaking of relationships, bloggers often work together.

ISKON Iskolai konfliktus Tudásközpont ISKON A Tudásközpont célja a hazai iskolai konfliktus témakörben felhalmozott, jelenleg fragmentáltan rendelkezésre álló tudás összegyűjtése, valamint – elsősorban a hazai állapotok és folyamatok megismerését szem előtt tartó – rendszerezése. A tudásközpont része az iskolai konfliktussal kapcsolatos hazai publikációk, szakkönyvek, kutatási eredményeket összegyűjtő annotált bibliográfia, ami az OFI szerverén működik, keresőmotorral ellátva, kutató- és felhasználóbarát formában. Emellett egy hazai jó gyakorlat gyűjtemény található konfliktuskezelési programokról, módszerekről, lehetőségekről. Az összegyűjtött gyakorlatok és programok rövid leírása, implementáló intézményeik bemutatásával és elérhetőségeinek, webes felületen való közzétételével történik. A projekt eredményeként kialakított munkaterületen, azoknak a programoknak az összegyűjtése is cél, melyek csak részben köthetők iskolákhoz, az interneten keresztül jutva el a diákokhoz.

Social Networking in Plain English - Common Craft - Our Product Networks get things done. Whether it's sending a letter or lighting your home. Networks make it happen. To get from Chicago to Santa Fe, we need to see the network of roads that will get us there. Of course, people networks can help us with finding jobs, meeting new friends, and finding partners. The problem with social networks in the real world is that most of the connections between people are hidden. This problem is being solved by a type of web site called a social networking site. Here's how it works. When you find someone, you click a button that says, "Add as Friend". What's really cool, is that you can see who your friends know, and who your friends' friends know. This solves a real world problem because your network has hidden opportunities. Like a map for a highway, they can show you the people network that can help you get to your next destination, whether it's a job, a new partner, or a great place to live.
