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Electronic Music Synthesizer Shirt

Electronic Music Synthesizer Shirt

Intimacy in a long-distance affair with the Mutsugoto Long-distance affairs can be really painful, for it isn’t easy to stay away from a person you love. You tend to miss those intimate moments that make love all the more special. Considering the pain the lovebirds go through, the Mutsugoto has to be the most adorable doodad ever developed. A device that lets you feel that intimacy even when you are miles away from your love has to be touted as something special. mutsugoto intimacy device prototype Using a computer vision system, a camera and a projector that draws light over a body, the Mutsugoto transmits the same touch to your love interest through a touch-sensitive ring. The flickering light points portray where the partner is touching the other and this happens with corresponding application of pressure. Via: BBC/Dvice

Personal Soundtrack Shirt Galaxy Dress La robe est brodée de 24 000 LED (Light Emitting Diode, soit Diode électroluminescente en éléctronique) de couleurs et fabriqué à partir de soie. Lorsque l'on voit des articles atypique de ce genre, on se pose souvent la question de la sensation portée. Et bien cette robe écran de couleurs est plate comme du papier et ne mesure que 2mm sur 2, autrement dit on s'y sent bien du moins, selon les deux créateurs Francesca Rosella et Ryan Genz de Cute Circuit. La "Galaxy Dress" sera la pièce centrale d'une exposition au Museum of Science and Industry à Chicago.Mode et haute technologie font bon ménage ces derniers temps. Jetez un oeil sur la vidéo.

Wi-Fi Detector Shirt Little Black Blog Le show s’ouvre sur une volée de femmes en noir. En manteaux trapèzes rebrodés de cristaux et pétales noirs, chaussées d’escarpins à bouts ronds qui évoquent les années 30, les filles glissent sur la moquette violette à motifs géométriques. Elles possèdent cette grâce bizarre propre à Prada, la « patte Miuccia » qui fait grincer l’anodin, le classique. Puis leur succèdent des jumelles, en total look imprimés losanges Seventies, une version optique deglingée des mêmes silhouettes où les pantalons 7/8ème légèrement évasés passent sous une robe manteau ou un pardessus aux lignes sobres.

Tech Support Staff Fractal: Living Jewelry by Philips | electricfoxy Philips Design has created yet another absolutely gorgeous wearable project for their Design Probes series called Fractal: Living Jewelry. Here’s how they describe it: “Fractal is a stunning, figure-hugging outfit consisting entirely of huge imitation jewels augmented by pulsing LEDs. By incorporating sensors that measure movement, excitement levels and proximity of others – and using this input to alter the intensity of its integrated lighting – Fractal essentially becomes an extension of the body. It also serves as a platform for exploring emotional sensing. The geometric aesthetics makes me think of Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski’s digitally printed fashion, which I posted a couple months ago. Additional design probes from Philips include the beautiful Bubelle Blush dress and probes that explore the skin as the electronic platform.

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