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Kinvara 3

Kinvara 3

Realizzazione Siti Web Milano Mini-site événementiel | market-king : actu web tendance & décalée - Part 8 Le site événementiel de la Citröen C3 Picasso La C3 Picasso peut se targuer de posséder son propre site, en full flash, vraiment beau et d’une fluidité remarquable, outre un temps de chargement très très réduit. L’internaute parcourt les pièces principales d’une maison très high-tech, il découvre dans la chambre les différents univers de ce véhicule avec un 360° assez pratique, il lui fait prendre une douche de couleurs dans la salle de bain, il découvre les événements sur la terrasse… Côté pratique, on peut retrouver toutes les infos sur son iPhone, découvrir les points de vente, s’abonner à une newsletter, ou encore réserver un essai. La vidéo, qui met vraiment ce véhicule en valeur, nous plonge dans un univers onirique et décalé, à l’image du peintre (cela dit, ça me fait penser aussi à l’univers Dali… oups). La C3 Picasso passe à la douche pour changer de couleur

Jess & Russ She bought a Smashing Pumpkins album, painted stars on her bedroom ceiling, and felt emotional. He kissed a real girl at the annual latin camp dance social. Spoiler alert: he didn't marry her. Almost four years ago, fate and a few mouse clicks brought Russ Maschmeyer and Jessica Hische together. He graduated from NYU and shlepped his belongings to Greenpoint Brooklyn. She set up her first studio: a shared workspace with a gaggle of new illustration friends. She worked for Louise Fili from 9-6 and spent 7-2am at her studio in Greenpoint. Dressed as a sparkly penguin, she marched in The Mummer Parade in Philadelphia. Due to her work schedule, a long distance relationship blossomed and fizzled. They barely had time to eat (let alone date) with their crazy schedules. She posted her profile and was barraged by a boatload of d-bags. She stumbled across his profile and made the first move—she 'winked' at him. Completely smitten, somehow he knew he'd marry her some day.

Jack and the Beanstalk – Animated Story | Created by How hungry is the hungriest you’ve ever been? Did your belly rumble? Did that big lunch you wolfed down seem like weeks ago? You see, once upon a time, Jack and his mum were very, very poor… They were so very poor that one day, when they had already sold everything they had, Jack’s mum said: "Jack, you will have to take our only cow to market, and sell her so we can buy some food.” Jack was sad about the cow, but he was so so hungry. But wait! “Hello Jack,” he said. “Well,” the old man said, “Let’s swap - your cow for my magic beans. “Wow,” Jack gasped, wide-eyed. When Jack got home, he was in trouble to say the least. “Go to bed, you silly boy!” While Jack tossed and turned in his bed, feeling stupid for believing in magic, something incredible was going on outside… The magic beans were growing into a beanstalk! When Jack opened his eyes the next morning, something was blocking the light through his bedroom window. “Who cares if I’m in my pyjamas?” Treasure! “Fee-fi-fo-fum! “Jack?”

ParaNorman | The New Animated Zombie Comedy from LAIKA | The Art of FLIGHT PIXELIS : Create & tell true brand Stories Code-Free Responsive Website Design Software | Webydo
