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What Kids Should Know About Their Own Brains

What Kids Should Know About Their Own Brains
Getty Neuroscience may seem like an advanced subject of study, perhaps best reserved for college or even graduate school. Two researchers from Temple University in Philadelphia propose that it be taught earlier, however—much earlier. As in first grade. In a study published in this month’s issue of the journal Early Education and Development, psychologists Peter Marshall and Christina Comalli began by surveying children aged four to 13 to discover what they already knew about the brain. Previous research had found that elementary school pupils typically have a limited understanding of the brain and how it functions, believing it to be something like “a container for storing memories and facts.” Marshall and Comalli’s questionnaire turned up the same uncertain grasp of the topic, which the researchers attributed to several factors. A 20-minute lesson about the brain was enough to improve knowledge of brain functioning. But the success of their effort opens another possibility.

12 Most Striking Tendencies of Creative People Ever wonder what makes those wacky, creative types tick? How is it that some people seem to come up with all kinds of interesting, original work while the rest of us trudge along in our daily routines? Creative people are different because they operate a little differently. They: 1. A short attention span isn’t always a good thing, but it can indicate that the creative person has grasped one concept and is ready to go on to the next one. 2. Fearlessness is absolutely necessary for creating original work, because of the possibility of rejection. 3. Rules, to the creative person, are indeed made to be broken. 4. Seeing new possibilities is a little risky, because it means that something will change and some sort of action will have to be taken. 5. A photographer doesn’t just take one shot, and a composer doesn’t just write down a fully realized symphony. 6. The hermit artist, alone in his garret, is a romantic notion but not always an accurate one. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Multiple Forms of ADHD? By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on April 3, 2012 New research may help explain the dramatic increase in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder cases. Investigators believe ADHD symptoms may actually represent an entire family of disorders, similar to the classification of various subtypes of cancer. The research, which highlights various versions of the disease, each with differing impacts, demonstrates that there is likely not going to be a “one-size-fits-all” approach to treating patients. Experts believe that new methods will be required to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the disease. Researchers believe scientists will need to shift their thinking when it comes to conducting research. The research, led by OHSU scientists Damien Fair, Ph.D., and Joel Nigg, Ph.D., will be published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Source: Oregon State University APA Reference Nauert, R. (2012).

Is Zero-Tolerance a Form of Discrimination? | Not Just CuteNot Just Cute I attended a staff meeting recently where we discussed the prevalent zero-tolerance policies in schools today, and the trickle down effect it has on preschools. We had read some interesting articles in advance (which you can find here, here, and here) and used those as a springboard to talk about the variety of policies schools implement to address difficult behaviors. These articles compared the popular zero-tolerance policies which lead to suspensions and expulsions on first offenses, to other (highly effective) programs that work to teach, incentivize, and expect positive behaviors. One seemed to be a reactive approach, the other more proactive. The most recent statistic I’m aware of lists preschool expulsions at a rate THREE times higher than that for grades K-12. I’m certainly not advocating for preschool administrators to let children run wild, free of any consequence, but I am sincerely troubled by the question: Where do these kids go next to get the guidance they need?

Unleashing Creativity originally posted on "all that inspires me" A few weeks ago, I ran across this graphic on All that Inspires Me, a Posterous site by Keith Stoekler (@keithstoekler). What a great way to approach life! After all, I am… an artist who can not author who struggles to write.a photographer with limited vision.a blogger of average talent. But, I am a creator. As an educator, I hope that I inspire a creative approach to education – and life – in my friends, colleagues and students. Like this: Like Loading... The Teen Brain: It's Just Not Grown Up Yet Teaching Toddlers Who Are Learning Language | Don Winn's Cardboard Box Adventures We have become a nation of “parkers.” What’s a parker? We park in front of the television or we park in front of the computer screen and as a consequence, we have greatly reduced our interactions with each other. Even young children can become parkers early in life because parents are tired, busy, distracted, maybe working more than one job, and also dealing with their own issues. The good news is that there is more educational programming available than ever before. But do educational venues on TV have the same language teaching value for a young child as personal interaction with parents? A study released September 24, 2013, from the University of Washington, Temple University, and the University of Delaware, shows that the answer is a definitive no. The psychologists conducting the study compared the results of instructing two-year-olds in three different ways. The study results showed that children only learned new words when conversing with a person or having a live video chat.

Flow – A Measure of Student Engagement When I first heard about Czikszentmihalyi’s “Flow” concept and research, I became quite intrigued with this research. Its face validity immediately resonated with me. I always cherished those times in my own life when I was so fully engaged that I had no other thoughts than the task at hand, with joy coming purely from the engagement. I never had a name for it but Czikszentmihalyi did and conducted research on it. The characteristics of “Flow” according to Czikszentmihalyi are: Completely involved, focused, concentrating – with this either due to innate curiosity or as the result of trainingSense of ecstasy – of being outside everyday realityGreat inner clarity – knowing what needs to be done and how well it is goingKnowing the activity is doable – that the skills are adequate, and neither anxious or boredSense of serenityTimeliness – thoroughly focused on present, don’t notice time passingIntrinsic motivation – whatever produces “flow” becomes its own reward Questions for Thought”

ADD/ADHD Medications: Are ADHD Drugs Right for You or Your Child? Medication for ADD & ADHD: What you need to know Making ADD/ADHD medication decisions can be difficult, but doing your homework helps. The first thing to understand is exactly what the medications for ADD and ADHD can and can’t do. ADHD medication may help improve the ability to concentrate, control impulses, plan ahead, and follow through with tasks. However, it isn’t a magic pill that will fix all of your or your child’s problems. Even when the medication is working, a child with ADD/ADHD might still struggle with forgetfulness, emotional problems, and social awkwardness, or an adult with disorganization, distractibility, and relationship difficulties. Medication doesn’t cure ADD/ADHD. Generic vs. Generic drugs have the same use, dosage, side effects, risks, safety profile, and potency as the original brand-name drug. Occasionally, brand-name drugs have different coatings or color dyes to change their appearance. Stimulant medications for ADD & ADHD ADD / ADHD Stimulant safety concerns

Models for thinking: Possible Lines Of Development (PLODS) What makes great teachers great? How can we tap into this and make it scalable? In my current role as a teacher educator such questions are key. I am convinced that standardising planning and practice is not the way forward with this. Possible Lines Of Development (PLODS) When I was taught how to teach, everything was based around a basic mode; the three part lesson. The basic model for such policy as the ‘Literacy and Numeracy hours’ and later the ‘Primary National Strategy’ in the UK, the three part lesson is a standard that has come to dominate thinking around planning lessons in many UK schools. The problem with this model is that it can lead to regularly following a transmission model of teaching. An alternative model I have come across for planning is the use of Possible Lines Of Development (PLODS). Teachers of older children who are used to the three part lesson model could see this as totally outside the normal planning process. Related posts:
