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Thea Render

Thea Render
The new integrated plugin for 3dsMax has just arrived and licensed users can grab the plugin as a free update! Bundle with Motiva Colimo and create infinite variations from a single render. Perform luminance and illuminance analysis and generate reports out-of-the-box. Thea Render offers a variety of high quality Model and Material Libraries. Lighting simulation is as accurate as never before with full spectral resolution and support for ior and scattering data. All lighting options are here, such as image-based lighting, physical sun-sky, area and point lights along with IES support. Thea Render delivers the highest quality for your images with a unique physically-based material system. It comes with a complete standalone studio with advanced editors and cool features like instancing brush and interactive render. Thea Render is the most versatile render solution featuring multiple state-of-the-art biased and unbiased engines.

Octane Render
