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Journal of Digital Humanities

Journal of Digital Humanities

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Deirdre Hynes : Welcome This thesis is essentially about human interaction and engagement with ICTs, in this case the internet. Its primary objective is to explain how human-techno relationships are constructed, maintained and modified, and to assess a number of social factors influential in the shaping process. The thesis presents a qualitative in-depth analysis of 16 households, in order to provide an understanding of the intricate and subtle processes of domestication and how they are influenced by a range of social factors. The major conclusion of this research is that one must look beyond a single influence or social factor to accurately portray the nature of domestic internet consumption. Please email me for a copy of my thesis

» Debates in the Digital Humanities: Scholarly Publishing Across Print/Digital Streams Journal of Digital Humanities Matthew K. Gold, Douglas Armato, Zach Davis, Matthew Slaats and Mark Abrams Poster Download (PDF, 3.06MB) Abstract Debates in the Digital Humanities, an edited collection featuring contributions from over forty DH scholars and practitioners, straddles the line between print and digital publication. In an attempt to move the university-press based print publication process along at a rapid pace, the book went from initial conception and solicitation of essays to printed publication in the space of a single calendar year, a timeline that involved substantial efforts from contributors and from the Press. Debates within the field have not stopped with the publication of the book, of course, so the challenge now facing the editorial team is to create an open access (OA) edition of the text that goes beyond the basic task of making the contents of the print edition available in digital form. This poster was originally presented at DH2013 on July 17, 2013. References Fitzpatrick, K. (2011).

DH Commons DHCommons, an initiative of centerNet, is an online hub focused on matching digital humanities projects seeking assistance with scholars interested in project collaboration. This hub responds to a pressing and demonstrable need for a project-collaborator matching service that will allow scholars interested in DH to enter the field by joining an existing project as well as make existing projects more sustainable by drawing in new, well-matched participants. Additionally, DHCommons helps break down the siloization of an emerging field by connecting collaborators across institutions, a particularly acute need for solo practitioners and those without access to a digital humanities center. As a centerNet initiative, DHCommons will help lower the cost of entry into digital scholarship and bridge gaps between large humanities centers and solo practitioners around the world. - Revistas, Periodicos, Comics, Libros. La fracture numérique dans nos mains - Thilo von Pape Enjeux et usages des TIC - Reliance sociale & insertion professionelle. Actes du colloque, S.73-83, 2006 La fracture numérique dans nos mains Enjeux sociaux de l’appropriation du téléphone portable par un groupe d’adolescents. Authors: Thilo von Pape, Veronika Karnowski, Werner Wirth Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, FG Kommunikationswissenschaft (540G) Universität Hohenheim Wollgrasweg 23, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany Email: Please cite as: von Pape, T., Karnowski, V., & Wirth, W. (2006). Introduction Aux dires de certains[1], la communication constituerait la societé. Aujourd’hui, la société est confrontée à un bouleversement de la communication par les nouvelles technologies numériques d’information et de communication (TIC). Pourtant, les TIC sont des médias hybrides qui peuvent servir à la fois à la communication interpersonnelle et à la communication de masse. Le présent article esquisse une telle perspective. Approche théorique Micro-fracture numérique BECK, U.

What are the Digital Humanities? You are here: Home >> Support >> Introductions to Digital Humanities >> What are the Digital Humanities? What are the Digital Humanities? By digital humanities, we mean research that uses information technology as a central part of its methodology, for creating and/or processing data. The digital humanities used to be known as Humanities Computing, or ICT (Information and Communications Technology) for humanities research. In one way or another all the humanities are now digital: virtually all researchers use generic digital resources of various kinds, and often some specialist data resources as well. Digital technologies have the power to transform humanities research, making it easier and more efficient, enabling new ways of working, opening up new questions and creating new knowledge, or answering existing questions more fully and systematically. Further reading: A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed.

DHThis - Your Source for Social News and Networking Osechi ryoûri: cuisine japonaise du nouvel an C’est un nom d’un repas traditionnel destiné au nouvel an. Ce repas est très représentatif du nouvel an qui synonyme d’un événement heureux et traditionnel équivalent de Noël en France.Je crois que la plupart de japonais n’apprécie pas son côté gustatif, mais on le prépare en raison de tradition.D’ailleurs, chaque détail a un sens spécifique.Alors, je vous le présente brièvement. D’abord, « Osechi ryoûri » est présenté dans des boîtes de 3 ou 5étages.On entasse des boîtes symbolisant les bonheurs entassés.Le contenu de celui-ci étant très salé, vinaigré ou sucré qu’en effet, il n’est pas appétissant.Grâce à cet assaisonnement plus ou mois excessif, on peut le préparer avant le jour d’an, puis le manger pendant au moins 3jours.Afin d’éviter de mettre « un dieu de feu » en collère et de faire reposer nous, les femmes !! au moins pendant 3jours de toute longue année, on n’utilise pas traditionnellement la cuisine 3premières jours de nouvel an. Ca s'appelle "kuri kinton"."

A Guide to Digital Humanities | Northwestern University Alan Warde - Publications Books A.Warde, Consensus and Beyond: the development of Labour Party strategy since the second world war, (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1982). L.Murgatroyd, M.Savage, D.Shapiro, J.Urry, S.Walby, A.Warde, with J.Mark Lawson, Localities, Class and Gender, (London, Pion, 1985). N.Abercrombie & A.Warde, with K.Soothill, J.Urry & S.Walby, Contemporary British Society: a new introduction to sociology, (Cambridge, Polity, 1988). pp.195-205, ‘Social mobility’, re printed in A.Giddens (ed) Human Societies: a reader, (Cambridge: Polity, 1992), 81 87. P.Bagguley, J.Mark Lawson, D.Shapiro, J.Urry, S.Walby, A.Warde, Restructuring: class, gender and place, (London, Sage, 1990). pp.1-35 reprinted in M.Harloe (ed) The Sociology of Urban Communities, (Edward Elgar). M.Savage & A.Warde, Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, (Macmillan, BSA Series, 1993). pp.34-62, ‘Cities and uneven economic development’, reprinted in R.LeGates &F.Stout, (eds.) Chinese translation, (Wu-Nan Book Inc, 2004). J.

The Journal of Digital Humanities is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed, open access journal that features the best scholarship, tools, and conversations produced by the digital humanities community in the previous quarter by macopa Sep 4
