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Very Funny Pepsi Commercial

Un agent de sécurité défie un enfant dans une battle à la Dance Cam Mardi dernier, les spectateurs d'un match de la NBA ont assisté à une battle improvisée entre un enfant et un agent de sécurité à la Dance Cam. Après le show du jeune garçon, c'est un agent de sécurité qui a fait monter la pression en le défiant dans une battle. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Le 19 décembre dernier, pendant un match de la NBA qui opposait les Detroit Pistons aux New York Knicks, un jeune garçon et un agent de sécurité ont fait le show profitant de leur moment de gloire à la Dance Cam pour réaliser une performance incroyable. Un enfant et un agent de sécurité s'affronte à la Dance Cam Le principe de la Dance Cam est assez simple. Mardi dernier, un jeune garçon, Antwain Alexander, a vu la caméra s'arrêter sur lui. Le titre de "Dancing Usher" est en danger Le caméraman, sentant le défi entre les deux danseurs s'installer, a ravi les spectateurs en revenant sur l'enfant pour qu'il puisse répondre.

Reader Idea | Debates on Persuasive Language That Extend Outside of Class The New York TimesFrom left, The Times’s columnists Maureen Dowd, David Brooks and Gail Collins. A teacher in Georgia, Randy Fair, uses their columns in class to discuss the art of persuasive language.Go to the Opinion section » Here is another in our Great Ideas From Readers series. If you’ve used The Times for teaching and learning and would like to see your idea featured on our blog, write in and tell us what you’ve done. Teacher: Randy Fair Institution: Milton High School, Milton, Ga. Grade or Level of Students: Secondary (ages 14-18) Idea: Using The New York Times’s Opinion section to teach columnists’ devices in their art of persuasive language, and to create debate on their topics — in and out of class. Why We Chose It: Classroom conversations, inspired by Times articles, that are so lively that students are still debating the issues long into the night? What Mr. In my Advanced Placement Language class, I use an editorial each week in an activity we call “Rhetoric Friday.” — Randy Fair

Poetry Pairing | June 9, 2011 In our weekly “Poetry Pairing” series, we collaborate with the Poetry Foundation to feature a work from its American Life in Poetry project alongside content from The Times that somehow echoes, extends or challenges the poem’s themes. Each poem is introduced briefly by Ted Kooser, a former United States poet laureate. This week’s pairing: the poem “Uniforms” and an article from 2010, “You Made Me Wear This.” Please note: This summer we’re planning to experiment a bit with this feature. Poem Here’s a fine poem by my fellow Nebraskan, Barbara Schmitz, who offers us a picture of people we’ve all observed but haven’t thought to write about. — Ted Kooser Uniforms By Barbara Schmitz It is very hot — 92 today — to be wearing a stocking cap, but the adolescent swaggering through the grocery store automatic door doesn’t seem to mind; does not even appear to be perspiring. Times Selection Excerpt In “You Made Me Wear This,” Simone S.

Room for Debate Persuasive Essay Graph Org
