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Tracks 2.2.2 Tracks is a web-based application to help you implement David Allen’s Getting Things Done™ methodology. It was built using Ruby on Rails, and comes with a built-in webserver (WEBrick), so that you can run it on your own computer if you like. It can be run on any platform on which Ruby can be installed, including Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Tracks is Open Source, free and licensed under the GNU GPL. Current features

Getting started with "Getting Things Done" This article was originally posted during the first week of 43 Folders' existence, and, pound for pound, it remains our most popular page on the site. Please be sure to also visit related pages, browse our GTD topic area, plus, of course you can search on GTD across our family of sites. I’ll be talking a lot here in coming weeks about Getting Things Done, a book by David Allen whose apt subtitle is “The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.” You’ve probably heard about it around the Global Interweb or have been buttonholed by somebody in your office who swears by GTD.

cherrytree – giuspen features : download last version 0.38.8 (February 21st, 2019 – changelog) : source code (GPLv3+): cherrytree-0.38.8.tar.xz(depends: python2, python-gtk2, python-gtksourceview2, p7zip-full, python-dbus, python-enchant, python-chardet) debian/ubuntu package: cherrytree_0.38.8-0_all.deb (giuspen PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:giuspen/ppa) rpm package: cherrytree-0.38.8-1.noarch.rpm (generated from the deb using alien) microsoft windows installer: cherrytree_0.38.8_setup.exe NOTE: if you use cherrytree before installing a new version, you may find an error trying to overwrite “dbus-daemon.exe” which is in use, in this case just skip the overwrite or reboot and then the installation should run smoothly.

Nirvana › Tour Capture Nirvana provides multiple ways to capture actions, thoughts and ideas to your Inbox. Keyboard shortcuts, rapid entry typing, via email and mobile apps... the faster you can clear your mind, the sooner you can free your mind for creative work. Process ★ Getting Things Done (GTD) ou l'art d'être efficace, dans life hacks sur BioloGeek Même en se levant tôt, notre efficacité dépend essentiellement de notre faculté à bien gérer notre temps. Ceci est une introduction à la méthode Getting Things Done souvent abrégée en GTD qui fait l'objet du livre très connu outre-atlantique de David Allen. Elle sera suivie de quelques conseils pour les plus geeks d'entre vous car autant l'annoncer tout de suite : Internet est à l'origine d'une perte de temps phénoménale qu'il est bon de maîtriser si l'on souhaite accéder au niveau d'alphageek. Introduction Je n'ai pas lu le livre en question donc corrigez moi si vous êtes fan.

If you do this and only this, today will be a good day. I am happiest when I feel productive. I know this about myself. I work closely with a small team. We work mostly distributed and pretty autonomously. Thinking Rock S’il est des applications multiples pour gérer nos listes de tâches, celles qui permettent une implémentation complète de la méthode GTD ne sont pas légions. Après avoir présenté [lien]Omnifocus, application GTD par excellence mais qui reste malheureusement dédiée au monde Mac, voici une présentation d’une application desktop multi plateforme et surtout gratuite: ThinkingRock. Description de l’appli desktop Le ton est donné dès le lancement de l’application puisque l’écran d’accueil se présente ainsi: Où l’on voit clairement apparaître les concepts fondamentaux de la méthode GTD: Une phase de collecte, réalisée grâce à l’Inbox des idées entrantes, et les phases de traitement, organisation,revue et action des tâches ainsi collectées. Lors de la première utilisation, l’utilisateur est donc invité a effectuer quelques premiers paramètrages, parmis lesquels le choix d’un repertoire de travail pour la sauvegarde du fichier de données, mais aussi la définition des contextes, critères et thèmes.

ToDoList 5.9 Beta Release - A simple but effective way to keep on top of your tasks. Free source code and programming help Downloads Latest Executable + Plugins (6.8.10) - 2.1 MB (Includes all associated resources)Application Source (6.8.10) - 3.1 MB (Includes all plugins - compiles under VC6-VS2008) 3rd Party Note: Please contact the respective authors directly with comments and questions iTDL - for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Tdl Todo List - for Android Latest Update (6.8.10 Feature Release) The big new features for 6.8 are full drag'n'drop support added to the Gantt and Calendar views for modifying task dates.

FocusWriter About FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work. It’s available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, and has been translated into many different languages. My latest attempt to move away from Toodledo I have spent the last few weeks doing the latest round of my quest for the "right" GTD system. Once again I come up empty-handed and arrive back at "good old" Toodledo. I guess before I even start, I should say why I end back at Toodledo: it is rock solid, the web app is accessible everywhere, and there is an excellent Android app (Ultimate ToDo List) which is also rock solid and works just fine in offline mode. I can put up with a lot of irritation in a GTD system, but I cannot put up with a system that cannot work well in an airplane nor can I trust a system that every so often just loses a task. So why am I not happy with Toodledo?

Getting Things Done La « productivité sans stress »[modifier | modifier le code] David Allen prend soin d'emblée de préciser que la méthode GTD ne procède pas de la « gestion du temps », mais de la « gestion des actions afin d'obtenir des résultats ». GTD est une démarche d'organisation personnelle applicable par chacun à l'ensemble de ses activités, tant professionnelles que privées.

Simplenote ActiveInbox - Business Gmail Addon to Organize Email Tasks & Folders
