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44 Must Read Resources on Content Marketing

44 Must Read Resources on Content Marketing
The term “content marketing” sounds like a hip buzzword to describe the latest marketing craze, but in reality, the concept has been around since the first newsletters came rolling off the presses. And if there’s one single reason why companies around the world continue to incorporate “content marketing strategies” into their yearly plans – it’s because it has been working for hundreds, if not thousands of years! Let’s go over a short recap as to why content marketing is a good marketing strategy to employ for today’s online audience: Show You’re an Authority on a Subject – When you offer unbiased and valuable information on a given subject matter, you earn trust with people who visit your blog or website. The following resources below will help anyone learn about why content marketing is important to any business and how to get the most of it. For Beginners For beginners to people looking for primers on content marketing, these links will get you on the right track. 1. Writers block. 14.

Content Marketing Vs. Traditional Advertising - Infographic from Marketo | TopRank Internet Marketing News As brands adopt publishing as part of their online marketing mix, content marketing is receiving increased budgets – 51% plan on increasing in the next 12 months according to the CMI B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends report. Our B2B Marketing SEO client Marketo believes this may be at the cost of traditional advertising. With eyeballs moving from the traditional media to digital and online ($55 billion by 2014 according to Forrester) it’s a worthwhile argument. For even more stats, check out this handy infographic from Marketo based on content marketing research conducted by MarketingProfs and Junta42: Embed this content marketing infographic on your web site by copying and pasting the code below: Are content marketing and traditional advertising mutually exclusive?

26 Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts Do you blog? Feel like you’re trying to reinvent the wheel time and again? Looking for some ideas to simplify your content creation process? What follows are 26 tips, from A-Z, to help you create optimal blog posts every time you sit down to write. #1: Anatomically Correct A blog post contains several areas that require our attention and care. Eye-catching titleIn-text links to landing pagesSidebar/banner calls to actionSocial sharing buttonsCall to action at the bottomRelevancy—making sure the post is relevant from top to bottom Parts of the blog anatomy. Example of more anatomical parts to include in your blog posts. #2: Blogging Platform By knowing the ins and outs of your blogging platform, you’ll ensure that your posts look as good as they can. Whether you’re working in platforms such as WordPress, Tumblr or Posterous, it’s good to stay up to date on the features and new versions. WordPress' editor where you can toggle between visual and HTML editing functions. #3: Categories #4: Description

Free Editorial Calendar & Campaign Planning Documents - Top Nonprofits Great online communication doesn’t happen by accident. Whether you are a small organization or a large international NGO, communication in many forms is likely crucial to your success. I have adapted several resources to help you better plan, understand goals, and focus and align your team around a communications strategy. A big thanks to my friend and colleague, Jonathan Cottrell of User10, for creating the documents from which these have been adapted. These may not be the perfect fit for your organization, but they should provide a decent framework upon which to build upon. In order to best facilitate this, we’ve shared these documents using Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-alike 3.0 Unported. Free Editorial Calendar – Lite Edition This downloadable free editorial calendar combines content idea generation (second tab) with planning, scheduling, and a commonly used channel checklist. Download ‘Free Editorial Calendar – Lite. Free Editorial Calendar for Large Campaigns Tips

TUTORIAL: How to import leads into HubSpot | HubSpot You can import lists of existing leads into your HubSpot account after creating a spreadsheet of leads following the instructions in this article. When leads are in your HubSpot account you can: Re-engage your leads - Segment your leads so you can send them targeted communications via email and lead nurturing workflows, automating the process of turning leads into customersGet lead intelligence - Receive lead revisit alerts, see when your imported leads view your site, and get social media information so you can make more effective sales callsClean up your list - De-dupe your lists automatically, and then use lead nurturing campaigns to determine which of your leads are most qualified to become customers Importing your database of leads will equip your sales team with unique lead intelligence, and help you automate the process of driving leads further along the sales cycle. Instructions Follow these steps to import a CSV spreadsheet of leads into your account. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B.L. Ochman's What's Next Blog Empower Guatemalan mothers One in six indigenous girls in Guatemala complete the 6th grade. This is because the majority of indigenous Guatemalans live below the extreme poverty line, and parents can’t afford the school fees and costs of uniforms and books. Kids are also needed to help work and support the family. Without an education, it’s extremely difficult for kids to break out of the cycle of poverty they are born into. Traditional development efforts approach the effects, not the causes, of this kind of cyclical poverty. Mercado Global empowers indigenous women in Guatemala to break out of poverty and become rural entrepreneurs, hand-crafting products for companies like Levi’s out of their own homes and growing their community businesses. And the success has been staggering: so far, over 2,000 indigenous children have gained the opportunity to go to school because of this award-winning model. You can help: 1.

Six retailers that used product videos to improve conversion rates Product videos are a great way to improve conversion rates online as they reassure the customer by helping them make an informed purchase decision. One of the main problem with ecommerce is that you can’t hold the product in your hands before you buy it, which is why offering free returns is such a great selling point. But video is also a great way to limit the impact of returns, as it gives customers a full view 360 degree of the product. We've previously blogged best practice tips for ecommerce product videos, and recently looked at the rise of video in 2013. With this in mind, here’s a round up of some stats showing how product videos have improved conversion rates for six online retailers... Ariat In a presentation last year equestrian sport supplier Ariat said that visits where a product video had been viewed had a conversion rate that was 160% higher than visits where no video was viewed. Fitness business Zappos Anonymous case study For retailer A, the conversion rates were as follows:

S DMV - Vehicle Registration - Vehicle Modifications and Registration Class Modifications to a vehicle can affect its registration Part 106 of the DMV Regulations describes the vehicles that are registered in the commercial class and in the passenger class. Part 106 also describes how some modifications that you make to your vehicle can affect the correct registration class of your vehicle. A description of the modifications appears below. Each description includes a reference to the DMV Regulations. Important: The DMV cannot examine your vehicle to determine the correct registration class. Modifications that change a registration from 'Passenger' class to 'Commercial' class Cars (Part 106.2 (e)) - you can register your car in the 'Commercial' class if all the seats behind the driver are removed. Modifications that change a registration from 'Commercial' class to 'Passenger' class Vans (Part 106.3 (d)) - you can register a van in the 'Passenger' class if the van hasat least one side window behind the driver and or

Bovee & Thill Business Communication Blog река Воньга » Blog Archive » КАРЕЛИЯ: ТАЙНА «ГОЛУБИНОЙ КНИГИ» «Север – это особое место для встречи иных миров» Нострадамус «Голубиная книга» практически неизвестна современному поколению. В ближайшее к нам время духовные стихи о «Голубиной книге» были впервые записаны в середине 18 века, и с тех пор их многообразные варианты неоднократно записывались в крестьянской среде, у бродячих певцов – калик перехожих, в частности и в Карелии. Прежде всего, необходимо остановиться на самом названии духовного стиха — «Голубиная книга». Исходя из того, что истинная мудрость даже на языковом уровне связывается на Руси с глубиной (анализ всего русского фольклора указывает на это), а голубь с древнейших индоевропейских времен (времен человеческой общности) и до принятия христианства был явно негативным образом, символизировавшим гибель и смерть, можно с большой долей уверенности утверждать, что первоначально Книга о мудрости вселенского масштаба называлась не «Голубиной», а «Глубинной». Велика книга голубиная! Вдолину книга сорок локот, в толщину книга десяти локот

The rise of video in 2013 As companies further embrace the need for content, video is becoming a bigger part of editorial calendars and content teams. Gone are the days of shooting a 10 minute interview and slapping it up on YouTube. Consumers' tastes have become more sophisticated and short form video content has become our brain candy. But what will 2013 bring the industry in terms of video? We reached out to a few industry experts as part of our January trends series to see what they thought we'd see in terms of video strategies in the upcoming year. Matt Lawrence, Creative Director of Studio at Huge Companies need to realize that video has become the primary channel for consuming content online. Mike Knowlton, Murmur I think the biggest think companies need to have in their strategic approach to video for 2013 is a strategy for engagement. Ryan O'Donnell, CEO of Let's Gift It It goes without saying that video is really powerful. Mark Kirschner, Vice CMO, Rakuten We're going to see increased video for shoppers.

Parkzing Blog Pagerank Calculation - SEO Israel SEO Israel » Google » Pagerank Calculation What is a pagerank? How is the PageRank calculated? The connection between the PageRank and Google's toolbar information Losing PR as a result of linking to another page PR determining cycles PR maximizing strategy One of the most important topics that webmasters need to understand is the way PageRank is calculated. What is a pagerank? A pagerank is a numerical index that is used by the Google search engine in order to measure the importance of a certain webpage. A number of things that you should know about PageRank: Pagerank is assigned per page and not per site. Pagerank does not depend on a specific keyword, but rather defines the importance level of an entire webpage. I will be referring to the Pagerank term in its abbreviated form - PR. How is the PageRank calculated? Google uses the next formula for calculating pagerank: PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn)) The various parameters in the above equation are: PR - PageRank
