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Conditions générales de mystification

Conditions générales de mystification
Écrites en petits caractères et dans un jargon peu accessible : ce sont les magnifiques "conditions générales d'utilisation" (CGU). Que nous avons ici cartographiées. Un monde de combines et d'hypocrisie. Dans les séries américaines, on lit leurs droits avant toute chose aux personnes interpellées par la police. Les CGU (Conditions Générales d’Utilisation) ou ToS en anglais (Terms of Service), ce sont ces pages interminables, écrites en petits caractères et dans un jargon juridique difficilement accessible au commun des mortels, que nous acceptons généralement sans les lire en cochant une case. Pour nous aider à y voir clair dans cette jungle des CGU, OWNI publie cette semaine une infographie (voir aussi au bas de l’article) analysant les conditions d’utilisation de quatre géants du Web : Google, Facebook, Twitter et Apple. CGU : à prendre ou à laisser ? De telles actions collectives ont déjà été couronnées de succès dans le passé. Nul n’est censé ignorer la loi (même les CGU…)

The Most Complete Twitter Application List Available - 2011 Edition I believe this is the best, most complete and accurate list of valuable Twitter applications available on the internet right now. To be fair, I absolutely have merged and plagiarized other older and outdated lists that I found (the larger ones are credited below). However, I spent a good deal of time to clean out the dead applications, delete the apps that were overly quirky or being developed, focus more on the apps that increase productivity, and add in many of the new great apps that have come out over the past six months - particularly in the productivity / business apps section where my primary interest lies. I have also tagged the tools that cost money / have a premium option ($) as well as if they have a valuable free option (F/$). Finally, while application selection can be a personal thing, I tagged my favorite app (*) in each category. Simple Web Based Clients and Twitter Viewing Tools (*): Can't go wrong with this -- web, iPhone, etc. Track The Latest Trends and Tags

The CIA Open Source Center Tracks the Pulse of the World Through Facebook & Twitter The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has a crack group of analysts tracking the Internet, including tweets and Facebook messages, that takes the pulse of the world. Located in McLean, Virginia analysts at the CIA Open Source Center are known as the "vengeful librarians" according to a report from the Associated Press. It is sometimes disconcerting to know what the U.S. intelligence complex is doing, right in your backyard. Open Source Center Set Up After 9/11 The CIA facility was set up after a recommendation from the 9/11 Commission. The Green Revolution in Iran in 2009 was when social media like Facebook and Twitter really came to the forefront of the center's analysts. The U.S. media does much of the same thing, albeit on a much smaller scale. (Disclosure: I worked for at the time and was in the newsroom during the Discovery Building news. Tracking Facebook, Citizens, The World Facebook has been long accused of having secret ties to the CIA.

Kurrently - A real-time search engine for Facebook and Twitter. Virtual Worlds, Avatars, free 3D chat, online meetings - Second Life Official Site Second Life Built into the software is a three-dimensional modeling tool based on simple geometric shapes that allows residents to build virtual objects. There is also a procedural scripting language, Linden Scripting Language, which can be used to add interactivity to objects. Sculpted prims (sculpties), mesh, textures for clothing or other objects, animations, and gestures can be created using external software and imported. The Second Life terms of service provide that users retain copyright for any content they create, and the server and client provide simple digital rights management (DRM) functions.[3] However, Linden Lab changed their terms of service in August 2013, to be able to use user-generated content for any purpose. The new terms of service prevents users from using textures from 3rd-party texture services, as some of them pointed out explicitly.[5] Users can also photograph in Second Life with the camera technology the client programs have. History[edit] 10th anniversary[edit]

Friendbar - The Twitter and Facebook Toolbar
