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Intranet Blog

Intranet Blog

Intranet 2.0: the need for ‘lean intranets’ « manIA I read a couple of blog posts recently that seemed to make a lot of sense to me when thought of together. The first post was in Toby Ward’s excellent IntranetBlog entitled ‘Intranet 2.0 sits on the back burner’. Here Toby comments on a recent survey which semed to indicate that Intranet 2.0 isn’t really getting off the ground with the take up rate for blogs, wikis and social tagging in organisations not getting above 15%. The other post was in Giraffe Forum and was entitled ‘Intranets are not information dumps’.

Who Needs NASA? Life as an Independent Astronaut - Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg - Technology "The great thing that I found when I began to live my life as an astronaut was that the world seemed so different. It was as if I was viewing my environment with a fresh pair of eyes." - John Barlow, Independent Astronaut How many kids dream of blasting off into space in puffy white spacesuits and gleaming bubble helmets? Watching NASA's astronauts pilot Atlantis on its last mission, we got to live out that fantasy one more time, making the end of this era of space travel that much more of a bummer because we all had to return to Earth today. There is an eerie and amazing kind of vertigo that arises from watching an astronaut float out into space on an extra vehicular activity. What they do is extraordinary (in its original meaning) compared to our ho-hum everyday experiences.

Ruukel's Channel Upload http Subscription preferences Loading... Australian Web Accessibility Policies and Guidelines - Vision Australia Looking for a rewarding career? Work with people who are blind or have low vision to achieve their mobility goals. Apply now for the Graduate Diploma of Orientation and Mobility 2014.To course information Seeing Eye Dogs new facility opens Our new state-of-the-art kennel and puppy centre has now opened. To SEDA launch Do you need accessibility services? Dan Bricklin Log Sunday, January 26, 2014 BCS Mac Introduction Meeting video is now available -- how that came about [link] The January 30, 1984, video of the introduction of the Macintosh to the public at a Boston Computer Society General Meeting is now available online. Harry McCracken, an editor at large at TIME for personal technology, posted an exclusive look at the video early this morning, right after excerpts where shown at the Mac 30th event in California (an "official" event marking the 30th anniversary of the original Mac announcement at the same place where it occurred). The Computer History Museum will be posting material on its web site tomorrow, and will update the video when additional processing of it finishes. Harry explains how there were other videos of prior deliveries of Steve Job's talk introducing the Mac, but that this one is special for several reasons, some of which I have touched upon in my blog post Friday about it, such as the Q&A with a general tech audience.

Conducting intranet needs analysis Written by James Robertson, published September 5th, 2005 Categorised under: articles, intranets The fundamental question to ask for all intranets is: what is the intranet actually for? While this is an easy question to ask, answering it meaningfully involves gaining an in-depth understanding of staff and organisational needs. Norway suspect laid out detailed plans for violence against "traitors," Muslims Anders Behring Breivik saw himself as a holy warrior and crusader engaged in a war against a “Marxist-Islamist alliance” that he feared would take over Europe if not stopped. He hoped by his actions to inspire “thousands” to follow in his path. He described himself as a “martyr” and “resistance fighter.” He described members of Norway’s Labour Party as “traitors” because of their alleged support of “multiculturalism and Islamisation.”

Why Responsible Tourism? From providing cost savings to increasing economic stability and ensuring the long-term appeal of a destination, responsible tourism practices simply make good business sense. Since the mid 1990s there has been a shift towards defining economic performance in terms of the “triple bottom line” – growth that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Responsible Tourism addresses this shift by giving equal weight to the economy, society and the environment – the three pillars of sustainable development. The drive towards corporate citizenship has also forced responsibility and accountability to the top of business agendas. Global tourism initiatives, such as the World Tourism Organisation’s Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and the Tour Operators Initiative reflect this growing emphasis.

Top Ten Mistakes of Web Management (Alertbox June 1997) Topics Author Recent Articles Popular Articles Subscribe to: Technical diagrams (SharePoint Server 2010) Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Foundation 2013 Topic Last Modified: 2014-09-13 Summary: These diagrams provide visual representations of recommended solutions for SharePoint 2013 in the form of models, which are poster-size documents. You might need additional software to view these files. See the following table for more information. Models are 34-by-44-inch posters that detail a specific technical area.
