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How to make roses from leaves

How to make roses from leaves

Photographer Martin Schoeller Build a DIY Secret Bookcase Doorway Ever wanted that secret place in your house that only you and you family know about? Hell yes! Believe it or not, it’s actually not that hard. In fact, all you need is a spare bookcase and some basic hardware and electronic components . We’ve found two more superb ways to create DIY secret passageways in addition to our previous post: The first type of rotating door in the video above revolves around a central axis, allowing you access through the small, resulting gaps. The second type of door is dirt simple to create.  It’s literally just a bookcase put on standard door hinges with coasters added to the bottom. A superb, simple weekend project! Similar DIY Projects: [ wu :: riddles(intro) ] WELCOME to [wu:riddles]! This is an archive of problems I've been collecting since the Spring of 2002. They come from many places, including word of mouth, college courses, books, and job interviews for hi-tech positions. Many are even written by members of our own forum community. If you are a first-timer, here are some problems I recommend you start out with: The riddles are organized by difficulty as judged by myself: easy, medium, and hard. Hints are available for some riddles. If you need solutions or more hints, please post to the FORUM! My favorite kind of puzzle satisfies the following criteria: 1) It seems impossible, 2) Most people can understand it, and 3) It does not require specialized knowledge to solve. Many thanks to all the cool people who have sent me new material. Finally, I would like to again plug the forum, which i invite you to browse and perhaps even join.

The last words of 25 famous dead writers When you’ve dedicated your life to words, it’s important to go out eloquently. Ernest Hemingway Spoken to his wife before he killed himself. Jane Austen In response to her sister, Cassandra, who was asking her if she wanted anything? J.M. Barrie Author of Peter Pan. L. Edgar Allan Poe Thomas Hobbes Alfred Jarry Hunter S. Henrik Ibsen This was his response to a nurse who said he was a little better. Anton Chekhov Dying from Tuberculosis, his doctor had given him champagne to ease the pain. Mark Twain Speaking to his daughter Clara Louisa May Alcott Alcott did not have meningitis, though she believed it to be so. Jean Cocteau Washington Irving Speaking to his niece. Leo Tolstoy Hans Christian Andersen Charles Dickens He suffered a stroke outside his home and was asking to be laid on the ground. H.G. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe W.C. Voltaire When asked by a priest to renounce Satan. Dylan Thomas George Bernard Shaw Henry David Thoreau James Joyce

Drawing Autism Drawing Autism is an incredible collection of artwork by people diagnosed with autism, from teenage amateurs to established artists. Unlike many of the books I feature on 50 Watts, this one is in print. You should buy it. [Amazon link to the new reprint which comes out April 2, 2014 from Akashic.] This post features a small selection of my favorite images from the book, along with some quotes by the artists. Publisher's description: Over the last decade autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has become an international topic of conversation, knowing no racial, ethnic, or social barriers. Donna Williams, The Outsider What was the inspiration for this piece? "The Outsider" is about joining in from the periphery. An excerpt from the artist's answer to the question, "At what age did the act of creating art enter into your life? I was deeply mesmerized with all things aesthetic and sensory from at least 6 months of age. Felix: Imaginary City Map, Age 11 What was the inspiration for this piece None. D.

DIY Solar Lamp: Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Sun Jars The principle is simple and seductively clever: solar lights that store energy during the day and release light at night. These can be purchased ready-made in a variety of colors (yellow, blue and red) but they can also be built at home. A simple, less-technical approach involves buying a conventional solar-powered yard lamp and then essentially harvesting it for key pieces to put in a jar. This is simply a way of taking an existing solar lamp design and appropriating its parts to make something more attractive for display around a house or home. A more electronically-savvy individual can take the more complex route and built a solar lamp from the ground up using small solar panels – though the aesthetic result may not be as impressive. Whatever route you choose to go, these are fun and sustainable gadgets that make it easy to go green, automate the process of turning on lights at night and can add some color to your porch, patio, garden or windowsill.

30 Challenges for 30 Days Did you know that it takes 30 days to form a new habit? The first few days are similar as to how you would imagine the birth of a new river. Full of enthusiasm it gushes forth, only to be met by strong obstacles. The path is not clear yet, and your surroundings don’t agree. Old habits urge you to stay the same. But you need to stay determined. So, take a moment to reflect on the question ‘Who do I want to be in 5 years?’ Check out this short TED talk first to get inspired: Now pick one or more challenges and stick with them! However, be cautioned, picking too many challenges at the same time can easily result in a failure of all of them. #1 Write a I-Like-This-About-You note/text/email each day for someone (Easy) This is the perfect way to let someone else know you care. #2 Talk to one stranger each day (Hard) This is a great one to cure approaching anxiety. #3 Take one picture each day (Hard) #4 Re-evaluate one long-held belief each day (Intermediate) Do you love yourself? We recommend:

FREE Online Rhyming Dictionary 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen Peter Callesen Peter Callesen thrives on creating art from paper, rather on it. Using paper only as a source, he creates beautiful sculptural works. Peter Callesen was born in Denmark, 1967. We absolutely love new creativity methods, and Peter has outdone himself with the following works. Saving Himself Ghost In the Kingdom of the Dead The Curtain On the other Side Broken Palace The Short Distance between Image and Reality Paperman Crying My Eyes Out Not As Fast As His Shadow II Bound To Be Free Broken Flowers

Wine Bottle Design | Recycled Wine Bottle Torch | Package Design Firm | Sustainable Packaging 08.09.09 | by Erik Anderson Whether it’s product branding, package design or projects for ourselves, we’re pleased when we find a solution that’s very effective and creative, while keeping resources to a minimum. This idea is very inexpensive idea and it’s a great way to recycle a wine bottle. See how this simple idea inspired this brand and wine bottle design. It’s been a record year for mosquitoes here in Indianapolis, Indiana and I’d been wanting to add some Tiki-esque torches to the patio to combat the little buggers, and add a little ambiance. Here’s what you’ll need. Empty Wine Bottle (Use any bottle as long as it’s glass and the neck is 1” in diameter. Helpful Tools: Channellocks, adjustable wrench, hacksaw, power screwdriver, and a funnel. Safety Note: This is for outdoor use only. Building Instructions The Hanger Decide where you want to mount your Recycled Bottle Torch. The Bottle Carefully and tightly wrap the 1/2-inch end of the Coupling with your Teflon Tape. Good Luck! -Erik

How to Hack Your Wii for Homebrew in Five Minutes Damn. I just wrote a big post and accidentally cancelled it. I'll try to answer some questions i see in the comments though... No, hacking it in this way (a soft mod... no physical alteration of the system) will not mess stuff up if you do it right. why convenience... you can backup discs to a usb drive and play from there piracy... you can "backup" discs and play them. you can dl isos and burn them. you can dl isos and put them on a usb drive and play them. media player... you can play dvds. you can play music and video files from a disc, sd card, usb drive, or your network. basically make your wii like any other modern game console. fun... hacking the wii is sometimes more fun than the actual wii games. the big one probably... emulators. you can install emulators for nes, snes, turbo grafx, atari, genesis, n64, saturn, psx, mame all sorts of stuff, and play basically any game that was ever made. people that say it is for playing homebrew games are probably lying.

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