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Helpful Photography Cheat Sheets to Make Your Life Easier

Helpful Photography Cheat Sheets to Make Your Life Easier

Your Canadian Rights as a Photographer Being harassed as a photographer is not a new thing for me. Nor do I think it is a problem I bare on my own. In the US there is a great PDF that you can print out as to your Rights as a Photographer. I was planning to do more research into this subject but found that Tyler from has already done quite a good job of summing up what some of our right’s are as a Canadian. There are a few points that I want to stress. A) You have the right to take photographs where ever you want. B) No one can tell you to legally delete a photo. C) Know the criminal code. D) Common sense and courtesy go a long way. All in all definitely read this summary of Canadian Law.

Black Fire Karine Basilio follows up a sleek and sexy spread for L’Officiel Brazil with a recent test shoot starring up and coming model, Luisa Bianchin. Luisa Bianchin by Karine Basilio in Black Fire Spread your love! Share this post if you like it: photographersrights.txt from 1. You can make a photograph of anything and anyone on any public property, except where a specific law prohibits it. e.g. streets, sidewalks, town squares, parks, government buildings open to the public, and public libraries. 2. You may shoot on private property if it is open to the public, but you are obligated to stop if the owner requests it. e.g. malls, retail stores, restaurants, banks, and office building lobbies. 3. Private property owners can prevent photography ON their property, but not photography OF their property from a public location. 4.

FreeFilmSchool.Org. Online film school to learn filmmaking. Lorelei Web Design Focus is critical, pixels are cheap If you are shooting wide open, which is at the camera’s largest aperture, your depth of field will be correspondingly shallow. That means your focus is going to be even more critical than otherwise. Pick a point that needs to be sharp and really pay attention to keeping that point sharp. Generally, if you are shooting people, the most important thing to keep sharp is the eyes. When I am shooting people I focus on the eyes, shoot, re-focus and shoot again …and then do it all over again. Get $90 off Your Purchase of PowerShot SD980 IS 12.1 Megapixel Digital Camera Shooting for stock, know your equipment, know your agency If you are shooting with a stock agency in mind it is good to know just how high you can push your ISO before you reach the point where the agency is going to reject the image. Exposure and more RAW (the file format native to the camera) has been talked to death, Pages: 1 2

20 Most Amazing Microscope Shots Pictures !!!! | Green Buzz These microscope pictures are taken from the book ‘ Microcosmos’, created by Brandon Brill . This book includes many scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of insects, human body parts and household items. These are the most amazing images of what is too small to see with the naked eye. 01 – A wood or heathland Ant, Formica fusca, holding a microchip 02 – The surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory silicon microchip 03 – Eyelash hairs growing from the surface of human skin 04 – The surface of a strawberry 05 – Bacteria on the surface of a human tongue 06 – Human sperm (spermatozoa), the male sex cells 07 – The nylon hooks and loops of velcro 08 – Household dust which includes long hairs such as cat fur, twisted synthetic and woolen fibers, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, plant and insect remains 09 -The weave of a nylon stocking 10 – The end of the tongue (proboscis) of a hummingbird hawkmoth 11 – The head of a mosquito 12 – A human head louse clinging to a hair | resources and community for independent filmmakers (movies filmmaking independent production filmmaker film moviemaking rec.arts.movies.production FAQ alt.movies.independent Internet Filmmaker's FAQ best film schools, film books) Light Stalking » 7 Reasons HDR is Here to Stay And Why That’s a Good Thing High Dynamic Range, or HDR, is a term that’s thrown around pretty loosely now through the Internet among photographers, but few actually know what it is. The truth is, there isn’t much knew about the concept, it’s just with digital photography progressing and software engineers developing new tools along with hardware to handle them, the option to create HDR pieces is easier than ever. Photo by Paulo Brandão HDR, in a nutshell, is exposing the same frame at different exposures and then layering them together to take the best parts of all frames and put it into one single image. 1. 2. 3. 4. Photo by AF-Photography 5. Photo by Stuck in Customs 6. 7. If you haven’t tried HDR, we urge you to.

FILMCOMMUNITY.COM Lightnings (26 pics) Pics | 31 Jul, 2009 | Views: 45027 | Breathtaking pics Do you like it? It is just one of the thousands of posts that we have on the Camera Angles Camera angles and movements combine to create a sequence of images, just as words, word order and punctuation combine to make the meaning of a sentence. You need a straightforward set of key terms to describe them. Describing Shots When describing camera angles, or creating them yourself, you have to think about three important factors — The FRAMING or the LENGTH of shot — The ANGLE of the shot — If there is any MOVEMENT involved When describing different cinematic shots, different terms are used to indicate the amount of subject matter contained within a frame, how far away the camera is from the subject, and the perspective of the viewer. Framing or Shot Length 1 . Extreme Long Shot This can be taken from as much as a quarter of a mile away, and is generally used as a scene-setting, establishing shot. The extreme long shot on the left is taken from a distance, but denotes a precise location - it might even connote all of the entertainment industry if used as the opening shot in a news story.

65 Gorgeous Panoramic Photographs from Zsolt Zsigmond Zsolt Zsigmond is a 29 year old digital photographer from Hungary, whose use of panoramic techniques in his photographs brings him incredible results. This post features 65 incredible HDR panoramas from Zsolt, from his personal website. Enjoy these beautiful photographs! Don’t forget to subscribe! 45+ surreal Long Exposure Photography Inspirations Long exposure photography is one of the coolest ways of taking pictures. It requires a longer shutter speed, anywhere from 1/2 sec up to several minutes or even a hour. The ability to take long exposures requires a user to use a tripod for optimum results (of course, some people prefer the hand shake look). The use of a tripod is essential because the inability for the human hand to stay still is truly remarkable. No matter how good you get, it will be very hard to hand hold a 1 second shutter release without very noticeable blur. Having a longer shutter speed of a few seconds allows the camera to take in more light to the sensor (or film for the film buffs). As well as low light conditions, a slow shutter speed allows for creative uses of motion in photographs. Enjoy the great examples below and get out their and experiment with your camera taking long exposures. I would like to add some of the best long exposure photographs suggested by my readers here. Share this Post:
