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100 Awesome Open Courses for Bibliophiles

100 Awesome Open Courses for Bibliophiles
Book lovers and collectors don’t have to stop learning after they graduate college. There are loads of free courses to take online that will supply you with reading lists, information about the history of books and manuscripts, linguistics, foreign literature, ancient texts and more. Here are 100 awesome open courses for bibliophiles. Literature Take these courses to explore great writers, compare styles, and learn about the writing tradition. Introduction to Fiction: Compare narrative styles of Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and Joseph Conrad. Foreign Literature Learn how different cultures produce different literary traditions, from China to Latin America and beyond. Spanish Poetry: This crash course in Spanish poetry is actually a video seminar. Linguistics Bibliophiles who are also interested in linguistics will enjoy learning about the style, expression and language of the books they read. Introduction to Linguistics: Understand the basics of human language. Ancient Texts

Medical Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths: What We Think We Know May Be Hurting Us four nuggets of so-called medical wisdom have in common? They're all myths, half-truths, and misconceptions—pieces of information so familiar we take them for granted without truly considering the scientific truth behind them. In today's information age, when supposedly accurate medical advice and diagnoses can be found online with the click of a computer mouse, medical myths are all around us. But much of this information isn't true, and using it to make decisions about your own health—whether it's how to treat the symptoms of the common cold or how to care for a child or aging relative—can be harmful. Because you are the one who's ultimately responsible for your own health, it's critical to understand the accuracy of medical information; to break down the growing body of misinformation and discover the truth about everyday health and well-being. "You can't assume that what you've always heard must be true simply because many other people believe it and spread it around," notes Dr. Dr.

Khan Academy Creative Writing Ideas, Courses Online, Free Classes for Writers 25 Banned Books That You Should Read Today Almost since the dawn of publishing, books have been banned for one reason or another. Many notable banned books are also compelling reads from classic or contemporary literature. This list summarizes 25 of the most controversial banned books from throughout history. #1 To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Harper Lee's only novel is considered by many to be among the greatest works of fiction in American literature. #2 American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis Ellis is a frequent target for protests due to the nature of his writing, but none has faced the level of opposition of American Psycho. #3 And Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson This picture book tells the true story of Roy and Silo, two male penguins in New York City's Central Park Zoo. #4 The Awakening by Kate Chopin Chopin's story of Edna Pontellier asserting her independence was a pioneering work of feminism when it was published in 1899. #5 The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. #6 Candide by Voltaire D.

History of Photography Podcasts Opacity Opacity: What We Do Not See A Philosophical Notebook, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The mathematical version is here. Non philosophorum sed philosophiae historiae NNT’s Home Page 154 Bounded, Unbounded, Finite and Infinite Having spent more than two decades, as an option trader and book-runner (~ 650,000 trades), I have always been leery of inexperienced academics talking about "prediction markets" when we have organic, spontaneously formed markets, and have had them since civilization started --my reaction is that of an old plane engineer and pilot being lectured by a high school English student who never flew a plane. But, it turned out, things are worse than that. Every rookie in trading knows that, in your projections about the future, you cannot "cap an outcome", i.e. find an upper bound to it, beyond which no realization is possible, unless there is an organic cap, like a contractual ceiling. (Technical note: Option theoretical formalization. Members across three generations: P.L.

Books that will induce a mindfuck Here is the list of books that will officially induce mindfucks, sorted alphabetically by author. Those authors in bold have been recommended by one or more people as being generally mindfucking - any books listed under their names are particularly odd. You're welcome to /msg me to make an addition to this list. And finally, although he's way down at the bottom, my personal recommendation is definitely Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, as it turns the ultimate mindfuck: inverting the world-view of our entire culture, and it is non-fiction.

Tufts Open Courses Producing Films for Social Change This is an intensive, hands-on editorial and production course in which students pitch their ideas and then research, report, produce, shoot, write, and edit their own short documentary films on social issues affecting the local community, the U.S., or the world. Readings and discussions focus on current news, media ethics, media literacy, the declining credibility of the press, journalists' responsibilities to the public, social justice issues, First Amendment principles, corporate media ownership, media images of women and people of color, and the powerful role of media (TV news, documentaries, new media, digital storytelling) as tools for civic engagement and positive social change. We will cover the basic principles and techniques of video journalism, including directing, lighting, camera work, composition, interviewing, and character development.

Top 10 Common Faults In Human Thought Humans The human mind is a wonderful thing. Cognition, the act or process of thinking, enables us to process vast amounts of information quickly. For example, every time your eyes are open, you brain is constantly being bombarded with stimuli. You may be consciously thinking about one specific thing, but you brain is processing thousands of subconscious ideas. The Gambler’s fallacy is the tendency to think that future probabilities are altered by past events, when in reality, they are not. Reactivity is the tendency of people to act or appear differently when they know that they are being observed. Pareidolia is when random images or sounds are perceived as significant. Interesting Fact: the Rorschach Inkblot test was developed to use pareidolia to tap into people’s mental states. Self-fulfilling Prophecy Self-fulfilling prophecy is engaging in behaviors that obtain results that confirm existing attitudes. Interesting Fact: Economic Recessions are self-fulfilling prophecies.

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