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Startups, This Is How Design Works

Startups, This Is How Design Works

Design Seeds®: For All Who Love Color #d9e8c3 #ced181 #7c8f50 #555e32 #bf867c #d4b9b9 Find The Palettes You Love turkey tones posted 11.24.11 comments 1 cocoa tones posted 11.23.11 comments 1 shelled tones posted 11.21.11 comments 3 berry fresh posted 11.18.11 comments 2 pink tints posted 11.07.11 comments 0 succulent tones posted 11.06.11 comments 6 vintage tones posted 11.02.11 comments 1 tulip tones posted 11.02.11 comments 0 ShareThis Copy and Paste

Digital Photography Tutorials Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. This is a complete listing of all tutorials on this site; click the drop-down links in the top menu to see particular topics. Photography is going through an exciting transition period as many film photographers are beginning to explore the new capabilities of digital cameras. While the fundamentals have remained similar, other aspects are markedly different. These tutorials are rarely influenced by changes in image editing software and camera equipment — due to their unique concept-based approach. View in other languages: Português Русский Deutsch Français Italiano

How to Motivate People: Skip the Bonus and Give Them a Real Project Science has managed to reveal some crazy things that fly in the face of almost every commonly accepted management practice. Here's the latest: Rewards for top performers lead them to worse performance. And if you want to foster innovation, bonuses won't work either. Rather, it's all about letting people slip from under line management and strike out on their own, on projects they care about. Dan Pink lays all that out in this new video, which illustrates a talk he gave at the RSA (a kind of British version of TED): Wild stuff, and all the more unsettling because of the current mess on Wall Street. The fact that science has also created a new vision for workplace performance--fueled less by management and more by individual goals--is shocking. Pink tackles those themes at length in Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.

Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming This is the first in an ongoing series called Bricks and Books—an exercise in dealing with the ever growing collection of heavy unread bricks that threaten to collapse my bookcase. With thirty tools and techniques, Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming by Ellen Lupton is a high level look into a wide variety of approaches to increasing creativity. Each tool is presented in short, often two page overviews comprising of a definition, and simple how-to steps. Brief case studies follow, providing a tangible example of the tool in use. While the books format does not provide deep insight into any of the tools, it is useful as a jumping off point for further research into the tools that might work for you. A few of the tools I found interesting follow: Brand Matrix Clear text and simple visuals explain the use of a brand matrix—a tool every designer involved in branding should be aware of. This Tea packaging case study uses the opposites Formal/Informal, and East/West to map the space.

Archinect | Connecting Architects Since 1997 How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class Have you ever plunked yourself down in a staff meeting where some of your colleagues were, for lack of a better phrase, not paying attention? Grading homework? Having private conversations? Texting? As we know all too well, kids aren't a whole lot different than adults: If they aren't absorbed by what's going on, they'll find something else that interests them. Getting all your students focused, eager, and on task at the beginning of class is challenging enough. Still, unless you manage to capture and keep students' focus, whether at the beginning of or midway through class, the engine of student learning that you are trying to drive simply isn't even in gear. From Dead Time to Active Learning I call this lack of engagement dead time. I have come to feel that dead time is so pernicious that I will do everything I can to prevent even the hint of an outbreak. They call students at Level 4, the lowest level, the work avoiders, and on level 3 are the halfhearted workers. Building Your Arsenal

DIY | Fishtail Braided Anchor Bracelet I have been obsessed with stripes lately, mainly blues or reds against white. Such a classic combination! When I found this anchor at my local jewelry supply store, I knew that I wanted to create a DIY inspired by it and by my love for classic stripes. Materials: - hemp cord in 2 colors (here) - metal anchor (here) - small jump rings - 2 metal cord tips (here) - 1 lobster claw (here) - pliers - scissors - masking tape Steps: 1.

5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain... #5. So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully. "SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... What if we told you there was a way to sleep for little more than two hours a day, and still feel more refreshed than taking a 12-hour siesta on a bed made entirely out of baby kitten fur? Holy Shit!

Education 2.0 – Social Networking and Education In the last decade, the Internet has changed how teachers and students learn in the classroom. Companies like Google, Wikipedia, and WordPress have opened the door to instant exploration of subjects and questions that haven’t been available in the classroom before. Students are now able to explore the ancient Egyptian pyramids using Google Maps, see updated facts and information on a wiki, or read a famous explorer’s blog posts on their expeditions, all safely from their desks. With our culture’s shift to “social,” companies have created tools that offer free platforms for blogs, wikis and private social networking sites. Blogs share the knowledge of the classroom, projects, and/or experiences with others who can greatly benefit from the shared knowledge. Wikis are an excellent tool for open collaboration and knowledge sharing because they allow everyone to contribute. Sources: National School Boards Association (NSBA),, Grunwald Associates LLC,

65 Beautiful Fonts You Can Download For Free Freebie 65 Beautiful Fonts You Can Download For Free by Alex on Aug 9, 2012 • 9:43 am 17 Comments There are so many free fonts all around the web these days and sometimes it makes me think is their any really point purchasing fonts. I’ve decide to collect 65 fonts which are suitable for web, print, etc just overall high fonts which can be used in design projects. If you like fonts, you’ll love our favorite premium font, check it out here on Envato Market. Neuton Font Family Download Font → Intro free font Download Font → Bemio Download Font → Exo Font Family Download Font → Rex Free Font Download Font → Metropolis 1920 Download Font → Free Typeface NeoDeco Download Font → Hagin Free Font Download Font → Mosaic Leaf Download Font → Cubano Download Font → Cubic Sans Download Font → Banana Brick Download Font → Sofia Download Font → Sansita One Download Font → Villa Didot Download Font → Accent Download Font → Lavanderia Download Font → Blanch Download Font → Lorena Download Font → Age Download Font → Arvo Download Font → Banda Code

» Como cotizar un Render 3D, fotomontaje, maqueta virtual, etc » | Paraguay, Galería de Arquitectura paraguaya, latinoamericana, proyectos, paraguayos, diseño de casas, planos de casas, construcción, arquitectos paraguayos, edificios, u Hace ya un tiempo que quiero escribir en sobre este tema poco analizado en nuestro medio, hablando con algunos colegas, recopilando experiencias e investigando por la red, trato de resumir los puntos que me parecen mas importantes para debatir. Hace 10 años cuando empecé a modelar no existía en el mercado mas de 2 o 3 programas para tal propósito, ahora con la llegada de sketchup todo cambió, el modelado se simplificó y la usabilidad del programa es para un niño de 10 años en adelante. Luego el monopolista de google como no podía ser de otra manera lo compró, google es como la ley de Murphy pero a la inversa, algo que es lo mas simple, se puede hacer mas simple aún, y por ende mas gente lo va a usar. Si comparamos los precios con el resto del mundo, ni del mundo del Mercosur nomas, vemos en Argentina un render hiperrealista se cobra arriba de los 300 dólares que equivale a 1.500.000 Gs. Punto de vista (**) exterior Angulo de Cámara peatonal (0,1)aérea (0,2)interior i.
