Cataloging 101: May/June 2008 Sandra Q. Williams This is the final column of the Cataloging 101 series by Sandra Q. Cataloging Made (Almost) Easy Items find their way into the media center in many ways besides the traditional standard ordering process from vendors. CIP: One Source of Cataloging Records: This fifth column will discuss some of the ways media specialists can find cataloging information that has already been prepared for many of these uncataloged resources. Catalogers at the Library of Congress prepare CIP records when the book is still in its galley stage. Subject Heading Consistency The media specialist will need to consult the Sears List of Subject Headings (Miller, 2004) to find subject headings consistent with ones already in the local catalog. MARC formatting Now that the correct bibliographic information has been obtained for this item, the library media specialist must input the data into the automated catalog. Copy v. Glossary of Cataloging Terms Lyne, Sandford. 2004.
Guide... This advice document aims to provide a comprehensive look at the various choices the developer of multimedia collections has in terms of metadata standards and the principles behind using them. It attempts to provide a synopsis of general metadata trends, a) in usage for audio, moving and still image format types; b) in specific areas of practice such as museums, archives, libraries and education; and, c) in various activities and tasks such as preservation, interoperability and resource discovery. For an overview of the whole series of papers, and an introduction to the metadata issues discussed here, please see An Introduction to Metadata. Contents Why use existing standards? While you could choose to make up your own metadata schemas and vocabularies from scratch, for various reasons it is generally preferable to use or adapt existing standards. What exactly do we mean by 'standards'? The word 'standard' can be problematic, since people use this term in different ways. Dublin Core
Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse (DHS) - Histoire suisse Actualité / Actualité DHS Le nouveau DHS numérique est arrivé! C’est avec une grande joie que l’équipe du DHS vous présente la première version de son nouveau dictionnaire numérique sur l’histoire de la Suisse! Vous accédez ici directement à la version bêta Lorsque la Fondation Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse formula ses buts en 1988, elle se projeta dans un avenir alors encore lointain: une fois la publication de l’édition imprimée terminée, le dictionnaire devait en effet continuer sous la forme d’une «banque de données électronique». Cet avenir devait se concrétiser finalement plus rapidement que prévu. Nous avons travaillé sans relâche ces dernières années afin que le nouveau site soit bien plus que l’ancien habillé de neuf. Le renouvellement du DHS est bien entendu plus qu’un projet informatique. Nous laissons derrière nous une période de quatre ans de conception et de réalisation, pendant laquelle de nombreuses idées ont été développées, et d’autres abandonnées.
Autoridades de la B.N.: Búsqueda Descubre una nueva forma de acceso a nuestras colecciones y recursos a través de La búsqueda es alfabética a través de índices. Introduzca el término completo o las primeras letras, seleccione el índice deseado y pulse Buscar.El sistema de alfabetización es letra a letra, sin tener en cuenta espacios ni signos ortográficos.Se muestran todas las entradas de autoridades, aunque sólo se puede acceder al contenido de las que están estudiadas y validadas.Las entradas alternativas se muestran precedidas de un punto, y conducen automáticamente a la visualización del registro de autoridad correspondiente.A la izquierda de las formas autorizadas se muestra un recuadro para marcar los registros de autoridad, que se podrán después exportar o visualizar.
Ditching Dewey: Signage The signage helps to make the library so user friendly. Our students are able to come in and find books easily using the signage and tags on the books to find their books. I thought the best way to show the signage and perhaps answer some questions that people have had through this blog series would be through the use of a video tour: These are the signs I’ve created for the fiction sections. The images were creating use an app called WordFoto. Click here for the fiction signs on Flickr…free to download & use! I created my own stickers/nonfiction signs in Comic Life, using public domain graphics from Click here for the nonfiction signs on Flickr…free to download & use! Deciding to genrefy our library was definitely not about me.
Program for Cooperative Cataloging The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) is one of two cooperative cataloging ventures. The PCC is an international cooperative effort aimed at expanding access to library collections by providing useful, timely, and cost-effective cataloging that meets mutually-accepted standards of libraries around the world. Read more about the PCC PCC programs include: Monographic Bibliographic Record Cooperative Program (BIBCO) Members contribute high quality bibliographic records that conform to approved standards. Cooperative Online Serials Program (CONSER) Members create high quality bibliographic records for serials and integrating resources that conform to approved standards. Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) Members input authority records for personal, corporate, and jurisdictional names; uniform titles; and series headings to the LC/NACO Authority File. What's New, Decisions, Policies and Guidelines View more Decisions, Policies, and Guidelines RDA and PCC PCC Training Join the PCC
Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre We Spiced Up The Shelves....And Ditched The Dewey Something really big has been happening in the Van Meter School Elementary Library over the last few months. We are always doing things within our library, school, and community to get our young people reading, learning, thinking, collaborating, and creating. One of the ways that we can encourage all of these things within the library is to take a look around and see what changes we can make. I looked at the way our collection was organized, where and how our students browsed in the library, what books they looked at and checked out, and the books and sections they were not looking at all. And then I asked myself and others these questions, "Why do we need to keep our library organized according to the Dewey Decimal system? And what about the students who were not naturally drawn to nonfiction? The first step was to conduct an analysis of our collection. According to the report, it suggested we weed over 40% of our collection....and we were pretty close.
Libraries and Museums Become Hands-On Learning Labs Culture Teaching Strategies YOUmedia Earlier this month, we covered the Fayetteville Free Library‘s new Fab Lab, the public library’s plans to build a “makerspace” where library patrons could gain hands-on experience using 3D printers and other tools and could take programming and “shop” classes. It’s part of a larger movement to rethink and re-imagine what a public library will look like and what functions it will serve. While many people do see libraries solely as book repositories, it’s clear that the library is much more than that. A new competition sponsored by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the John D. and Catherine T. The idea was inspired by YOUmedia, a teen learning space at the Chicago Public Library’s downtown center. Recognizing the importance of museums and libraries as sites for hands-on learning, the MacArthur Foundation and IMLS-sponsored competition plans to take the YOUmedia model and spread it nationally. The St. Related
Thesaurus of Geographic Names Search Tips For the Find Name field, you may use AND and OR [e.g., 1) san carlos, 2) carlos OR charles, 3) carl* OR charl*, 4) san AND carlos, 5) carlos AND (san OR saint), 6) (carlos OR charles) AND (san OR saint)] Boolean operators must be in all caps (AND and OR). Wildcard is the asterisk (*); right truncation only. To find an exact match rather than a key word, use quotes [e.g., "carlos"]. There is an implied AND between the Find Name, Place Type, and Nation fields. About the TGNLearn about the purpose, scope and structure of the TGN. F.A.Q. about the TGNHere you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions about the thesaurus. TGN@getty.eduClick here to send a message to the TGN editors. Use of the TGNCopyright © 2015 The J.
Library and Information Science: A Guide to Online Resources (Virtual Programs & Services, Library of Congress) While many scholarly library and information science publications are still available only in print or through subscription databases, there are a growing number of free online repositories and other full-text resources available on the Web. This page highlights major sources of Web-based, full-text content in the field. IFLA Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations and Useful Links A glossary of major library terms and abbreviations prepared by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions' Section on Bibliography. Multilingual Glossary of Terms A glossary of library science terminoloy designed specifically for English as a Second Language (ESL) users. Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science (ODLIS) A major resource for terminology used in all types of libraries. Trove Australia's major online repository, Trove provides information about millions of resources collected by Australia’s libraries, universities, research repositories, and cultural institutions.
Art & Architecture Thesaurus Search Tips For the Find Term or Note field, you may use AND and OR (all in upper case) [e.g., 1) windsor chairs, 2) chairs OR rockers, 3) chairs OR rockers OR armchairs, 4) bow-back AND windsor, 5) windsor AND (rockers OR chairs), 6) (windsor OR boston) AND (rockers OR chairs)]. Wildcard is the asterisk (*); right truncation only. To find an exact match rather than a key word in the Find Term field, use quotes [e.g., "chairs"]. If you wish to search the term and note together, click on the buttons for AND or OR. About the AATLearn about the purpose, scope and structure of the AAT. F.A.Q. about the AATHere you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions about the thesaurus. AAT@getty.eduClick here to send a message to the AAT editors. Use of the AATCopyright © 2015 The J.
Glossary: As of January, 2012, this site is no longer being updated, due to work and health issues See also the Markup and Formatting Languages Glossary. Many terms added in September, 1998. For additional terms, we recommend checking the the Glossary for Information Retrieval, the Modern Information Retrieval (book) Glossary, and the Free Online Dictionary of Computing. Adjacent Searching: see Proximity Begins-With Partial Word Matching Some search engines will match indexed words that contain a search term at the beginning -- this is a form of partial-word matching. rose is an exact match roses is a begins-with partial word match roseola is a begins-with partial word match arose is a partial word match but not a begins-with match Bibliometric Analysis: see Link Tracking Boolean Search A form of logical comparison first described by George Boole (hence the name). Boolean operators let you define whether multiple search term are matched within a text block (usually a web page). Click Tracking Date Range
Union List of Artist Names (Research at the Getty) Search Tips For the Find Name field, you may use AND and OR [e.g., 1) eldon garnet, 2) garnet OR carnet, 3) garnet OR carnet OR karnette, 4) eldon AND carnet, 5) eldon AND (garnet OR carnet), 6) (eldon OR elton) AND (garnet OR carnet)]. Boolean operators must be in all caps (AND and OR). Wildcard is the asterisk (*); right truncation only. To find an exact match rather than a key word, use quotes [e.g., "carlos"]. About the ULANLearn about the purpose, scope and structure of the ULAN. F.A.Q. about the ULANHere you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions about ULAN. ULAN@getty.eduClick here to send a message to the ULAN editors. Use of the ULAN Copyright © 2017 The J.