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Know Your Stuff: The 110 Best DIY Tips Ever

Know Your Stuff: The 110 Best DIY Tips Ever

Gift Ideas for Poor Creative Souls (17) Posted by: Cathy on Aug 04, 2012 Tagged in: Untagged Paper Flower Tutorial Doesn't this look divine? Materials needed: - hand-painted paper or colored paper - watercolor paint (if painting your own paper) - florists tape - cork - wire - decorator's tape - scissors - craft knife If you decide to paint your own paper, you can add a wash of soft pink to your paper/card. Cut your paper in thin strips with a craft knife. If you've used a few pieces of paper, join them with paper glue so that you end up with a long strip. Start rolling up this strip of paper. Now you can cut your green paper into leaf shapes as above. Attach your leaves with more tape all around the base of the flower. To make the center of your flower, cut a small piece of cork and push a piece of wire through it as in the image. Push the cork heart through the center of your flower. Cover the stem with tape. Lastly, cover the base of the flower and stem with green florist tape. Et voila!

101 Household Tips for Every Room in your Home | Glamumous! I love to discover tips which make housework easier! From time-saving tricks to finding new and ingenious uses for old things, the Internet provides a wealth of information and advice. In this post I've collected 101 visual tips from all over the web to help you save time and money in every room of your home. About this post Most of these tips were found via Pinterest (which by the way is a great resource for discovering tips to help around the home!). What are your favourite household tips? Do you have any favourite tips from this list? You might also enjoy these posts... - Do it Right Not Over I have a Whirlpool Quiet Partner II dishwasher and it has stopped getting my dishes really clean. What ha Appliance Repair Revelation, Dishwasher Leaves Dishes Dirty So, your dishwasher is leaving gookus and slime all over your dishes? Or maybe it seems like it's just not cleaning as good as it used to. Before you run off and buy a new dishwasher and go through the hassle and expense of having it installed (or installing it yourself), take a minute and read this article because the chances are pretty good that it's a simple problem with an easy and inexpensive fix. I know, I know, I'm always telling you to read something. Start with the simple checks listed below. * Check water level when the fill cycle has completed. To check your dishwasher fill level, start it up using the cycle you normally use. The most common cause for insufficient water fill is the water inlet valve, shown here to the left. Here's how to replace your dishwasher's water inlet valve: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. My dishwasher is not cleaning properly1. Hope those help!

Craft DIY Projects, Patterns, How-tos, Fashion, Recipes @ - Felting, Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting, Home & More Quilling, the coiling and shaping of narrow paper strips to create a design, has been around for years — hundreds, in fact. During the Renaissance, nuns and monks would roll gold-gilded paper remnants trimmed during the bookmaking process, and use them to decorate religious objects as an alternative to costly gold filigree. Quilling later became a pastime of 18th and 19th century young ladies in England, who would decorate tea caddies and pieces of furniture with paper filigree. In all of that time, the process has remained very much the same, but quilling designs and specialty supplies have definitely caught up to the 21st century. The short list of necessities includes strips of lightweight paper, glue, and a tool with which to roll the paper — that’s it! Many arts and crafts stores sell basic tools and packages of multicolor paper strips. Materials Directions When purchasing a tool there are 2 basic types: a slotted tool and needle tool. Candy Jar Project Step 1: Make 4 teardrop.

metaspoon Not everyone enjoys cleaning around the house but if you’re going to do it, you might as well get it done right. Thanks to the wonderful people of the internet, I’ve learned that I’m apparently fairly clueless when it comes to cleaning. But fortunately, these same people have also provided several surprising tips on how to clean properly. So get ready to smack your forehead repeatedly whilst exclaiming “why didn’t anyone tell me this before!?” in the name of cleanliness. 1. Using a sponge to wipe the cheese out of these badboys? 2. Shower heads can become pretty grimy if you don’t clean them properly. 3. Fill a bowl with water and vinegar and microwave it on high for 2 minutes. 4. You stick this thing in your mouth so you might want to think about keeping your toothbrush clean. 5. Vacuum your mattress, then sprinkle banking soda all over it and leave it there for a few hours. 6. Soap doesn’t really work that well for wooden cutting boards. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Hard plastic toys? 12.

DIY: Mod Podge Don't you guys love Pinterest? That's where I found this idea. Here's a great way to save some money on your craft addictions; make you own Decoupage! And it really works plus it's easy to do. You need.... A jar Elmers Glue Water Empty the glue into a jar. Add Water. Shake shake shake And you are done!! I know it works because i used it to paste this paper label onto the jar :) It could make a great gift for your crafting buddies Do you have QUESTIONS about this?

7 Brilliant Tricks for Cleaning the Bathroom | TipHero One of the worst chores you can get stuck with? Cleaning the bathroom. The disgusting little tidbits you’re bound to find down your drain or in your tub are enough to make you steer clear of bathroom duty. But, like anything else, the bathroom has to be cleaned. We would argue (because so much unpleasantness can happen in there) that the bathroom even needs a little more TLC than other parts of your home. If you’re like most of us and dread this odious task, we have some great tips for you! The bathroom mirror gets SO GROSS. Brew some REALLY strong tea – like 3 bags of black tea and nothing else. No one likes to shower staring at soap scum. Those unsightly stains on your metal hardware, like faucets? Not a fan of lemon? Use a cleaning toothbrush to get in those hard to reach places, too! This one is just too simple. Your toilets’ best friend? Pour vinegar in the top of your toilet and let that sit while you spray vinegar around the seat and clean. Bonus tip!

Folding Trees
