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Viterbi algorithm The Viterbi algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the most likely sequence of hidden states – called the Viterbi path – that results in a sequence of observed events, especially in the context of Markov information sources and hidden Markov models. The terms Viterbi path and Viterbi algorithm are also applied to related dynamic programming algorithms that discover the single most likely explanation for an observation. For example, in statistical parsing a dynamic programming algorithm can be used to discover the single most likely context-free derivation (parse) of a string, which is sometimes called the Viterbi parse. Example[edit]

Kundalini Yoga - FREE On-Line Training. Practicing at Home We have compiled the following list of on-line resources to help all our students with additional practice and background material. Introduction to Kundalini Yoga - on this Web site. Yoga Technology - Experience the power of Kundalini yoga. Try our weekly Set and Meditation.

Allan Kardec - Allan Kardec - Le blog de Union Spirite Française et Francophone Allan Kardec, de son vrai nom Léon-Hyppolyte-Dénizard Rivail, est né à Lyon le 3 octobre 1804, au sein d'une vieille famille qui s'est illustrée dans la magistrature. Alors âgé de 6 ans, les évènements politiques des années 1814-1815 en France ont convaincus les Rivail d'envoyer leur fils à Yverdun en Suisse. Élève de l'école de Pestalozzi, il devient l'un des disciples du célèbre professeur. Il obtient les baccalauréats ès lettres et ès sciences, puis, ses études terminées, il vient s'établir à Paris. De 1835 à 1840, au 35 rue de Sèvre, il dispense gratuitement des cours où il enseigne la chimie, la physique, l'anatomie comparée et l'astronomie, en appliquant les principes pédagogiques de Pestalozzi. En 1832, il épouse une femme de dix ans son aînée, Amélie Boudet, qui sera d'une discrétion et d'une fidélité à toute épreuve.

Tyohar yohar started his adventure when he traveled to Asia at the age of 21. He got fascinated by the underground gypsy lifestyle and has remained a traveler at heart ever since. Traveling and living mostly in India, Thailand and Japan he experienced many different cultures and the wild psychedelic underground movement which had a strong impact on him. This would eventually lead to a life-long love affair with spirituality and meditation. In 1993 he met the teachings of the spiritual master Osho in Pune, India.

Allan Kardec Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Kardec. Allan Kardec Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Jeunesse[modifier | modifier le code] Yoga Technology - Kundalini Yoga Online Superstore 7 Secrets of the Super Organized A few years ago, my life was a mess. So was my house, my desk, my mind. Then I learned, one by one, a few habits that got me completely organized. Am I perfect? How to Meditate - Guided Meditation Techniques - Buddhist Meditations Projects - White The city of Kiruna, in the north of Sweden (founded 1900, population approx 18,200), is about to undergo one of the biggest urban transformations of our time. The entire city will be moved approximately two miles east. This is a huge challenge, provoking anxiety and anticipation among the citizens of Kiruna. It is also a unique opportunity to transform the city for the better.

Indigo Wellness Center - Salem Prendre le blasphème au sérieux L’histoire bégaie, et nous avec. Il y a tout juste deux ans, Terry Jones, « pasteur » auto-proclamé (en Amérique, c’est presque un pléonasme) semait une vaste pagaille en annonçant son intention de brûler des corans. Cette année, la débilité choisie pour fêter le 11 septembre fut un « film », lui aussi auto-proclamé (on n’en connaît que des extraits, nul ne sait si le film a jamais été monté). Et le pétard a fait son effet, avec le concours d’une télévision arabe et celui, jamais en reste, des media occidentaux (sur ce chapitre, Christophe Ayad, dans Le Monde, a écrit, à mon avis, ce qu’il fallait.)

Rituel latin (accentué) The Divine Office The most important prayer that the Church offers to Almighty God after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the Officium Divinum, or Divine Office, contained in a liturgical book called the Breviarium Romanum, or Roman Breviary. In fact, the Mass is part of the Divine Office, and they are so intertwined in the public liturgy of the Church that one is really incomplete without the other. This same Office is chanted by monks in traditional monasteries and nuns in traditional convents, and is recited by members of lay orders and devout Catholic faithful. To give praise and glory to God throughout the hours of the day in the name of the Church, the clergy are placed under the duty of praying it daily. From this fact, it is called the Office, the word in this sense coming from the Latin word officium, meaning duty.
