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BurningWell.Org - Free Public Domain Images and Photos

BurningWell.Org - Free Public Domain Images and Photos

Earth from Space The NASA Earth Observations Photography database of images is a national treasure. We are publishing these selected photos and related captions on the Internet to provide a glimpse of this national treasure to the public. This database was compiled by our staff to illustrate some very interesting Earth features and processes, including cities as seen by our Astronauts from space. Earth from Space provides several ways to search the selected images. Journalisme & Photographie Xavier Lucas, le directeur de la photo du magazine du quotidien français Le Parisien, a demandé à Scout Tufankjian, l’auteur de la photographie de Michelle et Barack Obama la plus « likée », de jeter un « œil américain » sur le duel qui oppose deux femmes pour la Mairie de Paris. En savoir plus © Benjamin Girette / IP3 press : Kiev le 2 Fevrier 2014 : Un manifestant anonyme anti Yanukovitch inspecte les barricades ˆ l’entrŽe du stade Dynamo armŽ de son arme de poing sa croix et son talkie walkie.

ClipArt ETC: Free Educational Illustrations for Classroom Use Alphabets The Alphabets ClipArt collection offers 1,193 illustrations arranged in 43 galleries including decorative letters and numerals, complete alphabet sets, and several sign language systems. If you are looking… Public domain image resources Public domain image resources is a copy of the master Wikipedia page at Meta, which lists a number of sources of public domain images on the Web. Public Domain images should be marked with the Public Domain Mark 1.0. Public Domain Mark enables works that are no longer restricted by copyright to be marked as such in a standard and simple way, making them easily discoverable and available to others.

Eight Free Photo Sites That Require No Attribution I'm a strong proponent of respecting copyright. I think artists deserve to be paid for the work that they do. I'm also a fan of using Creative Commons photography in my blog, on my visual writing ideas, and in my presentations. In general, I use the Creative Commons Photo Search to search through Flickr (though sometimes Photopin works great, too). However, I have also found that there are times when I want to use attribution-free photography.

Copyright-Free Photo Archive: Public Domain Photos and Images The photo archive at has more than 27,000 free photos and images saved on our own dedicated server, consisting of over 2.5 Gbytes of data. The goal is to make this archive a resource for collage and photo-montage using digital image editing techniques such as those described in Chapter 7 of Grokking the GIMP. To improve the archive's usefulness, full indexing of the images is planned. However, this job would be taxing for a single person, and would probably produce only mediocre results.

Twelve Places to Find Images for Your Website Images have become a vital component of online content over the last ten years. This is partly due to the increase in internet speeds and partly due to the rise in popularity of sharing content on social media services. From a reading perspective, images are important as they break up long articles and make it easier to digest information.

The Best Copyright-Free Photo Libraries: - DotGovWatch Exposing the good, the bad, and the buggy - A Blog Monitoring U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government Websites Thousands of photos taken by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duty are free of copyright and free to use. Based on my extensive review of government photo libraries, the best collections below. Or just use the search I made. Search Public Domain Photos:
