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Urbex, Urban Art, Abandoned Places, Weird Houses, Industrial Buildings

Urbex, Urban Art, Abandoned Places, Weird Houses, Industrial Buildings
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Ressources Ghost Military Camp - English Russia Scary pictures of a deserted military camp abandoned in 2005. Pass the checkpoint and follow the concrete road leading to the camp. In the very center there are 2 five-floor houses. There was a time when children were playing here… And now only stalkers are wandering. Ruins… It’s hard to believe people lived here just some years ago. View from a balcony. Photographer Niki Feijen's eerie images of the abandoned farm houses Photographer Niki Feijen specialises in urban exploration; capturing boarded-up buildings and decaying farm housesImages reveal furniture and clothes that remain in decaying homes where owners have long since departed By Kerry Mcdermott Published: 09:07 GMT, 30 April 2013 | Updated: 06:57 GMT, 1 May 2013 From the pile of books in the bedside cabinet to the neatly folded duvet, this bedroom looks almost ready for its owner to turn in for the night. Aside, that is, from the peeling walls, patches of damp, and the thick layer of filth shrouding everything in the room. The eerie photograph is part of a series by Dutch photographer Niki Feijen, who has captured furniture, ornaments and clothes frozen in time in homes where the owners have long since departed. Empty: The bed is still covered by a neatly folded duvet in this abandoned farm house - but it's unlikely anybody would want to sleep in it Ghostly: This eerie photograph captures the dusty pews and peeling walls inside a boarded up church

Abandoned Places Meme Collection Chand Baori, INDE Chand Baori is maybe one of the most famous and most spectacular step-wells situated in the village of Abhaneri, Rajasthan, India. Chand Baori was constructed around 800AD and was designed for making it easier on many people to reach the water, it is one of the deepest and largest step wells of India with 3500 narrow steps in 13 stories and is more than 30 meters deep. Chand Baori is a great place for capturing amazing highly contrasted black and white photographs. For more information visit Wikipedia Chand Baori Click Here to “Like Us” on Facebook Google map of Chand Baori Next 2 Photos by toyaguerrero Chand Baori Next 2 Photos by Miles_78 Next Photo by Tilak Haria Next Photo by Jadeeey Next Photo by Gwynedd Gwyn chand baori Next Photo by Sunil Garg Next Photo by Krys C (Blog) (Flickr) Other posts you might like:

Abandoned Russian Anti-Missile Defense System (40 pics) Pics | 29 Apr, 2010 | Views: 10642 | This object is called А-135 and it's situated near Moscow.The construction of this base began in 1971 when the Soviet Empire was still strong.Since 1995 the base is abandoned. Do you like it? It is just one of the thousands of posts that we have on the Please visit our main page to see other great pictures and videos!

Partez à la découverte de ces villes flambant neuves abandonnées dans toute la Chine Il existe en Chine une multitude de villes complètement neuves qui n’ont presque jamais été habitées. Des villes fantômes qu’on peut trouver aux quatre coins du pays et qui ne sont habitées en général que par quelques milliers de personnes au maximum. DGS vous emmène à la découverte de ces villes dépeuplées où la nature commence petit à petit à reprendre ses droits. Kangbashi New Area Le quartier de Kangbashi New Area est en réalité une ville-nouvelle construite suite à une forte expansion économique de la ville-préfecture d’Ordos, située dans la région de Mongolie-Intérieure au Nord du pays. New South China Mall C’est le plus grand centre commercial du monde, situé à Donggang, dans la province du Guangdong… Seulement environ 1% du complexe commercial est occupé par des marchands ou autres vendeurs. Chenggong Beichuan La ville de Beichuan est un peu différente des autres villes puisqu’elle a été détruite et laissée à l’abandon après le séisme meurtrier de la région du Sichuan en 2008.

eric holubow: urban exploration photographer Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Spot The Fake Smile Underwater Sculpture MEXIQUE In 2009 a monumental underwater museum called MUSA (Museo Subacuático de Arte) was formed in the waters surrounding Cancun, Isla Mujeres and Punta Nizuc. The project founded by Jaime Gonzalez Cano of The National Marine Park, Roberto Diaz of The Cancun Nautical Association and Jason deCaires Taylor consists of over 450 permanent life-size sculptures and is one of the largest and most ambitious underwater artificial art attractions in the world. The Museum aiming to demonstrate the interaction between art and environmental science forms a complex reef structure for marine life to colonise, inhabit and increase biomass on a grand scale. Each of the sculptures is made from specialized materials used to promote coral life, with the total installations occupying an area of over 420sq metres of barren seabed and weighing over 200 tons. The Museum is divided into two galleries called Salon Manchones and Salon Nizuc. See map of the location > Salon Punta Nizuc Depth: 4m Salon Manchones Depth: 6-9m

Icicles of Brick - English Russia This abandoned Russian fortress is probably one of the creepiest places I have seen. The reason for it to have such a strange look is because it was used later by Russian army to test the influence of Russian alternative to napalm inside of the brick houses. Due to very high temperature of napalm the bricks started melting just like ice melts in the spring forming the icicles, but those icicles are of red brick. via tbsf Abandoned Amusement Parks Continuant leurs séries sur les lieux abandonnés, c’est aujourd’hui aux parcs d’attractions que Andreas, Reginald Van de Velde ou Chris Luckhardt se sont attaqués. Ils photographient avec nostalgie ces endroits autrefois voués au divertissement et aujourd’hui flétris, sur lesquels la nature a repris ses droits.
