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Wind Map

Wind Map
An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. The wind map is a personal art project, not associated with any company. We've done our best to make this as accurate as possible, but can't make any guarantees about the correctness of the data or our software. Please do not use the map or its data to fly a plane, sail a boat, or fight wildfires :-) If the map is missing or seems slow, we recommend the latest Chrome browser. Surface wind data comes from the National Digital Forecast Database. If you're looking for a weather map, or just want more detail on the weather today, see these more traditional maps of temperature and wind.

Gamers Get Girls | Most guys aren’t grinding away at their Level 45 Battle Mage in order to meet the ladies. But online gaming across the board is becoming more mainstream, and lots of people spend lots of time in virtual worlds — men and women alike. Show More

Le web 3.0 au service de la recherche scientifique Le web recèle des trésors parfois trop bien cachés. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, professeur au Département d’informatique de l’Université de Fribourg, a mis au point un système de classification, basé sur le web sémantique, qui rend les recherches plus fiables, précises et exhaustives. Le projet, intitulé ScienceWISE, a reçu le prix de la meilleure démo et de l’outrageous idea à la 10e International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) de Bonn. Le Prof. Les systèmes par mots-clés utilisés par les portails de recherche classiques montrent leurs limites. «L’impulsion de ce projet est venue d’Alexey Boyarksy et de Oleg Ruchayskiy, tous deux physiciens, respectivement à l’EPFL et au CERN. Organiser le web scientifique Le web sémantique se compose de données structurées qui peuvent être automatiquement traitées par des machines. Le projet est réalisé en collaboration avec le laboratoire de systèmes d’information répartis du Prof.

The Map | HarassMap Our map and reporting system has many functions. It is a tool for anyone who has been harassed or assaulted and for witnesses to harassment and assault all over Egypt to anonymously share and report their experiences. We map the reports, and each report appears on the map as a red dot. When you click on the dot, the full text of the report is displayed. The reports help us identify trends that reveal the truth about sexual harassment so that we can challenge the myths that make people hesitate to acknowledge the problem and stand up to it. View a list of all reports here.

MapMart Cloud Rolls onto the GIS Scene LONE TREE, COLORADO, January 9, 2012 – With the arrival of the New Year comes the formal release of the MapMart Cloud from MapMart. MapMart has long been the one-stop shop for traditional geospatial data and imagery acquisition and will remain so. The MapMart Cloud will complement MapMart by offering the same high quality and highly accurate data for consumption via high speed data stream. MapMart Cloud offers hundreds of web services of data sets for the U.S. and the world. “Going to the Cloud is the distinct and immovable trend in geospatial data usage,” said Mike Platt, President and CEO of MapMart. Going forward, the location and usage of GIS data will be faster, cheaper and occur with fewer searching and storage issues. The MapMart Cloud offers any user the ability to search a site, determine the web services available and begin using those services immediately either on a subscription or per-click basis.

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国・自治体による高さ1m・0.5m計測を中心とした放射線量マップ Radiation dose measured by MEXT and local governments at 1 or 0.5 meter height. Color#5(new 0.15/0.23) 38up μSv/h ( triangle : 信頼度の低いデータ measured by GM tube or unknown detector) 当図は様々な測定をいっぺんに表示したものなので、あくまでも参考程度にご覧ください。 現在のリアルタイム線量については、こちらのページをご覧ください。 点数が多いため、基本的に間引き表示をしています(Lv0)。 注意: データは様々な手法で得ているため、特に緯度経度情報について正確でないものが含まれています。 Export data の detector code(機器番号4桁), location code(新管理番号) は → 全データの管理台帳 旧版(データを細かく選択できます)は → v1(2012/06/06) update history (sorry Japanese only : place, date, etc.) ver28.1(2012/09/19) ずっと放置していた。。。 Systems : 4 rental servers.

The Top 10 Best Maps — Ever! « Geo-Web Junction December 27, 2011 By: Tom Koehler There is one thing I look forward to at the end of the year that has absolutely nothing to do with the holiday season. In fact, it helps to keep me sane by taking my mind off of the holiday shopping madness and dreadfully frigid weather. I’m talking about all these “Best of 2011” lists you see popping up in every magazine and corner of the Internet. It’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, but when I come across one of these lists I can’t help but browse through them, and inevitably get angry when I disagree with who or what they put at the top. Well I think it’s about time for me to try my hand at one of these lists. 10. (source: The Waterman Projection has got to be the prettiest projection at the dance. 9. When asked how big their country is, most schoolchildren in America go ahead and assume their country is much larger than it actually is. 8. Historical maps are always interesting. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

About What is ChartsBin? ChartsBin is a web-based data visualization tool that will allow everyone to quickly and easily create rich interactive visualizations with their own data. You can then share your interactive visualizations with others by embedding them in websites, blogs or sharing via Facebook or Twitter. Who is ChartsBin for? This site would find love among those who like stats and graphs; for anyone who wishes to see the boring research data in a refreshing way. What makes ChartsBin different? create interactive visualizations online instantly! Additionally, you can download compiled dataset (CSV, XLS, SQL). Where We've Been Featured and Mentioned We're honored to have been reviewed/featured/mentioned recently in the following media: Thanks ChartsBin is proudly powered by open source software.

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Contagious Disease Surveillance | Virus Awareness | Flu Map Map Collection - World Sites Atlas World Atlas A physical and a political map of the world, divided into tiles for easy navigation. Maps of Continents and Regions Select a continent or region below to jump to its map. Maps of Countries and Territories Use the drop-down list below to jump to map for that country or territory (a few do not have maps yet).Click here for a complete list of country maps. Maps of U.S. Use the drop-down list below to jump to the map page for that state or province.Here is a list of all the state and province map pages. Maps of U.S. We have over 20,000 pages for U.S. cities and towns. Thematic World Maps Select a statistic below to go to its interactive world map.Here is a complete list of links.
