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Tiddler Toddler - an absolute beginner's guide to TiddlyWiki

Tiddler Toddler - an absolute beginner's guide to TiddlyWiki

Small Tools for Big Ideas™ This plugin extends the TiddlyWiki syntax to allow definition of checkboxes that can be embedded directly in tiddler content. Checkbox states are preserved by: by setting/removing tags on specified tiddlers, or, by setting custom field values on specified tiddlers, or, by saving to a locally-stored cookie ID, or, automatically modifying the tiddler content (deprecated) When an ID is assigned to the checkbox, it enables direct programmatic access to the checkbox DOM element, as well as creating an entry in TiddlyWiki's config.options[ID] internal data. Documentation see CheckboxPluginInfo Revisions

VisualTW - Wysiwyg, tabs, fields editor and encryption plugins On VisualTW, you will find several plugins for TiddlyWiki Wysiwyg edition EasyEdit, a lite and fully integrated solution.FCKEditor, a more powerful solution, but requires an external component (FCKeditor).Externalize, to edit tiddlers in your favorite application like html editor, text or word processor, javascript IDE, css editor, ...Externalize requires Firefox and it's All Text! extension.A demo of these different plugins is available here. Tabs, fields, encryption, ... Encrypted vault, protects a whole wiki with a single password.

FND's DevPad - Experimental TiddlyWiki Projects (eternally work LinkToMeMacro - brought to you by MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki - some plugins and hacks for tiddlywiki ( * A tiddler's tags are show ''above'' the tiddlers title (instead of in a right-floated box).\n* A tiddler's tagging list is shown ''below'' the tiddlers content (instead of in a left-floated box).\n* When editing a tiddler the tags edit box is above the tiddler content (instead of below).\nThese layout changes are done with small changes to ViewTemplate (See TagglyTaggingViewTempplate) and EditTemplate (see TagglyTaggingEditTemplate) and with some CSS from TagglyTaggingStyles.\n The default TW tagging macro is called "tagging". The "New Here" button is optional but very useful. This is also optional. TagglyTagging (also known as "TagglyWiki Style Tagging") is set of plugins, templates and styles you can install in your TiddlyWiki that let you use tagging in powerful and useful ways. Actually a lot less than there used to be since TiddlyWiki version 2.0! TagglyTagging lets you better utilise the power of tagging your TiddlyWiki data. See TagglyTaggingHistory. sdfdfg <<clock2 350>>

TiddlyWikiTasks - A checkbox-based Task List! Joy question about Enterprise account tier sfdc records not having a conf_match_code\n Made a change to lead_flow to look directly at mart_ent_match for the step (should take care of some)\n Emailed Mona for explaination of why some lead_flow_output records have an ent account but mart_ent_match does not\n 5/10/2011 7:29:05 PM added a new ent_match_conf_cd of 'User Assigned' in lead_flow.xml for any ent account without a conf_cd\n\naa\n\n Need to evaluate the change\nLoaded the spreadsheet provided and compared the exist values to those in the sheet. Changes were already accounted for.\n The tiddler '14 August 2011' doesn't yet exist. Double-click to create it These are caused by matches to SFDC.SFDC_ACCOUNTS, FOCUSED COMMERCIAL, or Revenue data match Campaign in SFDC not updated because the EST_LEADS = 0\n Changed the login of the sql (mrm_approved_campaigns) to send if in sfdcdata.sfdc_campaigns This was a problem with the dashboard. [[Tasks - Multi-Tabs]] Oracle error on load.

TiddlyWiki TiddlyWiki est un Wiki dont le contenu tient dans un document html "autoéditable", ayant les mêmes fonctionnalités qu'un Wiki classique en termes de vitesse d'édition, de formatage et d'hyperliens. Ce document html contient, en plus de vos propres données, la feuille de style (CSS) et le code Javascript nécessaire au fonctionnement du Wiki. La différence avec d'autres Wikis est que, au lieu de manipuler des pages webs, on manipule des blocs d'information appelés Tiddlers. En cliquant sur une référence d'un Tiddler, le bloc d'information correspondant s'insère dans la page courante sous le Tiddler contenant la référence cliquée ou en haut de la page si la référence est dans un menu. TiddlyWiki est un wiki personnel utilisé en local. L'utilisateur peut associer à chaque Tiddler un ou plusieurs "tags" (mots-clés) libres, dans ce cas le classement des Tiddlers devient non-linéaire, mais par tag.

TiddlyWiki - Wiki Un simple fichier HTML (avec une pincée de CSS et un gros morceau de javascript dedans tout de même), voilà le drôle de « jeu de puces » [1] que Jeremy Ruston a déposé sur le Web en septembre 2004. C’est avant tout un wiki personnel. Pour l’utiliser, il faut juste un navigateur Web moderne [2], supportant les CSS, avec javascript activé. Pas d’installation compliquée (en fait pas d’installation du tout !) L’édition du contenu est typique d’un wiki, avec la création très simple de nouvelles entrées par l’utilisation de MotsWiki servant d’hyperliens. C’est ici qu’intervient la véritable nouveauté du procédé de navigation : le lecteur choisit les entrées qu’il veut voir affichées et il construit littéralement sa page, exactement selon ses besoins, dans l’ordre qui lui convient, de manière non linéaire par rapport à la création, en sautant d’entrée en entrée. Tout cela, rappelons-le, dans un unique fichier HTML... Tags: Ajouter des tags (séparés par des virgules ou des espaces) :

GTDTiddlyWiki Plus - your simple client side wiki !Bill\n* Go over TPS reports\n\n!Milton \n* Get Back Stapler * Email Michael for another copy of TPS report memo. ! * Compile list of favorite fonts starting with comic sans\n* Run defrag\n* Read memo about TPS reports\n ! ! ! * Learn more PHP\n* Figure out TPS reports\n* Play with Knoppix * Learn to make sushi\n* Alaska trip * For code from Samir\n* Email from Bill about TPS reports\n* Milton to turn off the radio * Organize Firefox Bookmarks\n* Remove door from hinges\n* The fax machine DIES AT DUSK! ! "Tiddlers" are the building blocks of TiddlyWiki. config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false; //{{{\nconfig.options.txtBackupFolder = "twBackups";\n//}}} JeremyRuston said:\n<<<\nA TiddlyWiki is like a blog because it's divided up into neat little chunks, but it encourages you to read it by hyperlinking rather than sequentially: if you like, a non-linear blog analogue that binds the individual microcontent items into a cohesive whole. ! [[About GTD TiddlyWiki]] Questions? *sample:\n|! ! ! !

a TiddlySpace tiddlyspace Welcome to TiddlyWiki created by Jeremy Ruston; Copyright © 2004-2007 Jeremy Ruston, Copyright © 2007-2011 UnaMesa Association <div id="javascriptWarning"> This page requires JavaScript to function properly. savetest search TiddlyWiki Community Documentation (for TW <= 2.8.1) WelcomeFAQGlossaryDownloadContribute close allpermaview Customization public — last modified on 14 February 2013 by tobibeer TiddlyWiki is inherently flexible; with some knowledge of HTML and CSS, the entire layout can be easily adjusted.All layout and style definitions are stored in shadow tiddlers which come with a standard TiddlyWiki, and can be edited directly in TiddlyWiki... HTML Templates The overall layout in TiddlyWiki is defined using HTML Template tiddlers... StyleSheets Styles in TiddlyWiki are defined using css in various StyleSheets...Note: The color scheme of a TiddlyWiki is defined using Slices in the shadow tiddler called ColorPalette. not tagging Recent Tags Quick Search Complete Timeline...
