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Raw Food Diet Conversion Chart

Raw Food Diet Conversion Chart
You are interested in a raw food diet. Now you have to decide what to eat. To help you with the transition from cooked to raw, here's a raw food conversion chart. The chart has the following categories: FoodBeveragesCondiments and SpreadsSpecial TreatsSupplementsGeneral Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Related Articles Raw Food Recipes How To Make Smoothies How To Juice How To Prepare Raw Food Vegetable Juice Recipes Super Foods Alkaline Foods Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe Get health secrets, recipes, blog and video updates by e-mail This content on your website or in your E-zine?

Raw Food Breakfast Recipes Here are my favorite raw food breakfast recipes and breakfast ideas. Since you don't want to spend much time preparing breakfast in the morning, these raw recipes are all very quick and easy: under 5 minutes to prepare. The ingredients are easy to get. And..., you may as well give them to your kids because they're just that yummy and a lot healthier than cereo's! Enjoy! My Top 10 Raw Food Breakfast Recipes Quick and Easy Oatmeal;Vanilla Coconut yogurt;Fresh Fruit Smoothie;Banana Pancakes;Fresh Carrot Juice;Green Juice;Young Coconut Water;Granola;Apple Avocado Mousse;Fresh fruit or fruit salad. - Raw Food Breakfast -Oat Meal Serves 2 Ingredients 2 apples 1 banana 1 tablespoon golden flax seed 2 teaspoons cinnamon Pure water Directions Put the flax seeds in the purified water and let sit overnight. Peel the apples and cut them in smaller parts (for the blender). Put all ingredients in a blender. Tip You make make this recipe even better by replacing the water with almond cream or fresh juice.

Bien-être mental - Comment faire le plein de mélatonine ? On l’appelle aussi l’hormone du sommeil. La mélatonine est synthétisée à partir de la sérotonine, elle-même produite suite à l’arrivée dans le cerveau du tryptophane, un acide aminé que l’on retrouve dans l’alimentation. Pour savoir quels aliments manger pour que votre organisme produise de la mélatonine, fait le point. A l’origine de la mélatonine, il y a la sérotonine et à l’origine de la sérotonine, le tryptophane, le plus rare des acides aminés. Le tryptophane est hydroxylé en 5-hydroxytryptophane sous l'influence de la tryptophane hydroxylase puis décarboxylé en sérotonine. Dans le cerveau, la synthèse de sérotonine dépend de la quantité de tryptophane qui y pénètre à travers la barrière hémato-encéphalique. La transformation de la sérotonine en mélatonine s'effectue essentiellement dans la glande pinéale grâce à l’enzyme hydroxyindole-O-méthyltransférase. Les aliments à privilégier Les aliments les plus riches en tryptophane sont : foiementheœufalguesépinardlentilles
