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Skruben: How To: Self-Watering Seed Starter Pots

Skruben: How To: Self-Watering Seed Starter Pots
Related:  health

page corner bookmarks This project comes to you at the request of Twitterer @GCcapitalM. I used to believe that a person could never have too many books, or too many bookmarks. Then I moved into an apartment slightly larger than some people’s closets (and much smaller than many people’s garages) and all these beliefs got turned on their naïeve little heads. But what a person can always look for more of is really cool unique bookmarks. Page corner bookmarks are cute, practical and deeply under-represented in the world.* They’re easy to make, easy to customize, and will set you apart from all those same-same flat rectangular bookmarks. If you like this tutorial, here are a couple others that might be up your alley. If you’re loving the toothy monster vibe, check out these simple monster heating bags, filled with rice or wheat and entirely microwavable, to keep toes or fingers or tummies warm during the chilly winter months. What you’ll need: Putting it all together: 1) Follow steps 2 and 3 from above.

DIY: Water-Bottle-Cascade-Chandelier Dou you know Water Bottle?? Yes way! Michelle Brand, an eco-designer from Manchester in the UK, repurposes the bottoms of discarded plastic soda bottles to create these breathtakingly beautiful decorative light fixtures, lamp shades, curtains, room dividers, and more. Ingenious and quite stunning, don’t you agree Foraging Meetup Groups - Foraging Meetups Homemade Mamas LUCI DI PLASTICA: LA LAMPADA DA TAVOLO / Plastic lights: the table lamp E che è 'sta roba? No, niente, diciamo solo che tempo permettendo ho iniziato a darmi al giardinaggio, anche per quest'anno. Chè? Sì, edere e piante rampicanti. Qua e là. Risultato: una lampada da tavolo :-) Per il procedimento, cliccate sulle foto per ingrandire. Per il materiale, ecco quanto occorre per una lampada: - bottiglie di plastica di diversi colori (eliminando fondo e collo). Ecco, arrivati a questo punto ci vorrebbe qualche conoscenza "elettrica", o la consultazione di un manuale tipo "L'elettricista in casa". - forare la lattina di alluminio ai quattro lati per fare passare il fil di ferro (con il quale la fisseremo alla struttura in plastica) + un quinto foro per passare il cavo elettrico. - passare il cavo elettrico dentro alla lattina e collegarlo alla base della lampadina. - fissare la lampadina, con la rispettiva base in plastica, all'interno della lattina grazie a della carta stagnola da cucina pressata con le dita. Distinti saluti

Ten Mistakes New Herb Gardeners Make (and How to Avoid Them!) So you're thinking of herb gardening, or maybe you tried it last year and it was an utter disaster? Have no fear. There are a few simple mistakes that many herb newbies make (and I know, because I made most of 'em myself). Master these simple and practical tips for herb gardening and you'll be using your own fresh herbs like Mario Batali in no time. Fresh herbs are one of the greatest ways to increase the taste of your food healthfully. Let it be known that I have the blackest of thumbs. It surprises me how often I bump into friends who are flummoxed about some aspect of herb gardening. Mistake 1: Growing from seed. Mistake 4: Not cutting early and often. Mistake 5: Taking the leaves from the wrong place. Mistake 6: Letting your plants get too randy.

How to Make a Bag Dispenser Out of a Plastic Bottle How to Make a Bag Dispenser Out of a Plastic Bottle How to Make a Bag Dispenser Out of a Plastic Bottle Make a Plastic Bag Dispenser The debate between plastic grocery bags and paper grocery bags has been raging for years. On the one hand, plastic bags clog up our landfills. Obviously there is no easy answer. Begin the project by obtaining an empty, plastic 2 liter soda bottle. Next cut off both ends of the plastic bottle. After you have dried the bottle you are ready to mount the bottle in a handy place that's still out of sight such as inside a cupboard, pantry or closet. Your bag dispenser is now ready to be filled with plastic grocery sacks. If you would like you may decorate the bottle before you mount it by wrapping it with decorative, self adhesive contact paper. Thanks.

How to get Superpowered Garden Soil Ya’ know what makes me happy? Dirt. I’m not talkin’ about crappy dirt on the side of the road, I’m talkin’ about real, dark, rich & moist dirt. The kind you can dig your fingers into. The kind that when you kneel on it, feels soft and squishy. Know what I’m talkin’ about? Well, if you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about, or you’ve never experienced fabulous dirt, then you’ve come to the right place. Know that brown thumb you’re always complainin’ about? Determining your Soil’s Superpower Capabilities The first thing you must do is find out what kind of soil you have to work with.Is it sandy? Here’s how you find out: Image courtesy of Homesteady ( I’ll wait here while you determine your soil type. Now that you’ve figured out what type of soil you have, let’s go over what all that means: Clay soil is opposite of our sandy soil. Silt is a perfect combination of particles allowing for proper watering and proper draining. Getting your Garden Soil “just right” Share

Milkcrate Composter (vertically stacked) How to make a vertically stacked composter using milkcrates. This instructable is based on Terracotta home composter by artworker and the creators of the terracotta composter, Daily Dump ( ) When I saw the terracotta composter, I though it was the most brilliant composter I have ever seen. Then I though of the perfect substitute, a milkcrate! The only down is the aesthetic of it, the terracotta pots are so beautiful. So here's my milkcrate composter!

How To Use Diapers To Create Super Growing Potting Soil - One of the most difficult gardening tasks is managing the water your plants receive. You can easily and cheaply provide the “perfect” mix of soil and water to your plants by taking advantage of diapers amazing absorbency. Filling a diaper with water to its capacity and mixing with fresh soil produces one of the best potting mixes available, full of water and oxygen and nutrients, everything a healthy plant needs. Learn more about using the super-absorbent power of diapers with plants in the video below: Begin with this life changing eBook where you will find: Natural Home Remedies - Discover how to live a healthier life with more natural remedies to treat illness you can make at home using natural ingredients like coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and honey. Every month there are things to do in the garden and November is no different. As the season changes the - garden - is a wonderful place to hang out with lots to do!

All Praise To Barack Obama For Stiffing The War Party—- Peace Is Finally Being Given A Chance I have rarely found anything President Obama has done to be praiseworthy, and believe his domestic policies of Keynesian borrow and spend and incessant statist intervention in capitalist enterprise to be especially deplorable. But finally he has stood up to the War Party——and that could mark a decisive turning point in rolling back Washington’s destructive interventionism and imperial pretensions in the Middle East and, indeed, around the world. The Iranian nuclear agreement is a decisive refutation of the War Party’s hoary claim that Iran is hell-bent upon obtaining nuclear weapons. This deafening but untruthful narrative was long ago debunked by the 2007 National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs). These authoritative findings were issued by the nation’s 16 top intelligence agencies in November 2007, and they held that what had possibly been a small-scale Iranian weapons research effort was abandoned in 2003 and never restarted. Here’s the thing, folks.

Dr. Axe's Essential Oils Guide - Essential oils are organic compounds extracted from plants with tremendous healing properties. Using essential oils for healing purposes is often called aromatherapy, which is a holistic treatment seeking to improve physical, mental and emotional health. For over 5,000 years, many different cultures have used these healing plant oils for a variety of health conditions. They are often used for relaxation, beauty care, home cleaning and most often used as natural medicine. Just adding some of the most common essential oils like lavender, frankincense, lemon, peppermint and tea tree oil to your natural medicine cabinet may: Essential oils are extracted directly from the bark, flower, fruit, leaf, seed or root of a plant or tree, and just one drop can have powerful health benefits. Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that have a strong aroma. By concentrating the oils of these plants, you are literally separating the most powerful healing compounds of a plant into a single oil. 1. 2.
