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Mark Levin

Mark Levin

Photos - New York Post Michelle Malkin Soloformania! Practice Management Forms Checklists for Starting a New Office Client Intake Client Keeper Software ClientKeeper Software, The Missouri Bar Closing a Law Practice - The Community ENTerprise Operating System The Jerry Doyle Show Heritage Foundation Law Office Management: Articles - Client Intake Form The purpose of an initial consultation is for the attorney to advise you, the prospective client what if anything, may be done for you, and what the minimum fee therefor will be. The purpose is not to render a definitive legal opinion as it may be impossible to fully assess a matter within the time frame allotted for a consultation or with the (information or documents) that you may be able to provide at the initial consultation. One of three outcomes is possible following your consultation. Note: The following questions will help us to understand the reason for your visit today. Your responses are protected by attorney/client privilege and will be held in strict confidence.

The Daily Caller
