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The How To's of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile

The How To's of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile
Figure 10.1. Focus on Learning Profile Learning-Style Preferences Learning style refers to environmental or personal factors. Some students may learn best when they can move around, others need to sit still. Intelligence Preferences Intelligence preference refers to the sorts of brain-based predispositions we all have for learning. Culture-Influenced Preferences Culture affects how we learn, as well. The goal of the teacher is, therefore, not to suggest that individuals from a particular culture ought to learn in a particular way, but rather to come to understand the great range of learning preferences that will exist in any group of people and to create a classroom flexible enough to invite individuals to work in ways they find most productive. Gender-Based Preferences Gender also influences how we learn. Combined Preferences Combinations of culture and gender will create unique constellations of learning preferences in individuals. Some Guidelines for Learning-Profile Differentiation 4-MAT. Related:  Lektionsupplägg

Curriculum differentiation - Schools Plus - The Department of Education Ideas on adjusting the curriculum to meet the needs of all students Schools Plus would like to acknowledge that the information listed below is a body of knowledge that has been collected from a variety of sources - teachers, workshops, classrooms and schools. Set achievable tasks providing regular feedback throughout the activity Teach the student to organize themselves by listing tasks to be done and when they are due.

Using Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom There have been many articles that fully describe how Dr. Gardner created his theory and what "multiple intelligence" means. The purpose of this article is to give you ideas about why you should use this theory in your planning and how to put it into practice. If you are unfamiliar with the theory, I have included several articles in the further reading section at the end of this piece. Why do administrators like multiple intelligences? Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence supplies credence to something teachers have known for generations. Gardner's theory is also gaining prestige in the differentiated learning field as well. How can I use multiple intelligences in my classroom? One quality technique to include in your classroom is to have the students complete a multiple intelligences survey. I've taken typical assignments in a variety of subject matters and given examples for student activities. Read a book and give a presentation Teaching the Order of Operations

A Teacher's Guide to Differentiating Instruction Introduction Does effectively teaching 30 students in one classroom require teachers to develop 30 lessons, one tailor-made for each student? Or should teachers “aim for the middle” and hope to reach most students in a given lesson? The answer is not simple. While most would agree it is impractical to try to individualize every lesson for every child, research has shown that teaching to the middle is ineffective. It ignores the needs of advanced students, often leaving them unchallenged and bored, while it intimidates and confuses lower functioning learners. What is Differentiation? Simply stated, differentiation is modified instruction that helps students with diverse academic needs and learning styles master the same challenging academic content. How to Start Four planning steps set the stage for effective differentiated instruction. Vary Materials Nonfiction and fiction, written at a variety of reading levels. Vary Process Vary Assessment Conclusion References Good, M. View Full Article

The Differentiator Try Respondo! → ← Back to The Differentiator The Differentiator is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Kaplan and Gould's Depth and Complexity, and David Chung's product menu. Try It In: French Dutch • Tweet It • Like Byrdseed • Pin It Students will judge the ethics of the [click to edit] using a textbook and create an essay in groups of three. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy adapted from "A Taxonomy for Learning,Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Anderson and Krathwohl Depth and Complexity adapted from The Flip Book by Sandra N. Depth Big Idea Unanswered Questions Ethics Patterns Rules Language of the Discipline Essential Details Trends Complexity Multiple Points Of View Change Over Time Across the Disciplines Imperatives Origin Convergence Parallels Paradox Contribution Key Words Consequences Motivations Implications Significance Adapted from David Chung and The Flip Book, Too by Sandra N. Group Size One Two Three Four

20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning 20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning Recently we took at look at the phases of inquiry-based learning through a framework, and even apps that were conducive to inquiry-based learning on the iPad. During our research for the phases framework, we stumbled across the following breakdown of the inquiry process for learning on (who offer the references that appear below the graphic). What do I want to know about this topic? These stages have some overlap with self-directed learning. References Cross, M. (1996). Kuhlthau, C., Maniotes, L., & Caspari, A. (2007).

5 Assessment Forms That Promote Content Retention If we hope to construct enduring understanding in our students, it's critical that, now more than ever, we know their strengths and interests. By incorporating students' strengths and weakness into authentic learning experiences from the beginning of each unit, while at the same time including opportunities for feedback, metacognition and revision, we promote a variety of cognitive and emotional benefits that can lead to academic success. For example, students with interpersonal learning strengths find that cooperative group work increases perseverance. Students with artistic, computer, dramatic or organizational skills benefit from appropriate opportunities to engage in building knowledge through their strengths and interests. It follows that assessments should also provide opportunities for each student's unique learning style to access his or her highest performance success level. The First 3 Assessment Forms Tests Where Notes or Textbooks are PermittedTake-Home TestsStudent-Made Tests

Dra nytta av det som spelen gör bra En av de kanske viktigaste områdena inom formativ bedömning är återkoppling. Men det är inte bara återkopplingens kvalitet som sägs vara en viktig framgångsfaktor för elever. Det är också hastigheten med vilken eleven får återkoppling på det som hen uppvisat. Något jag diskuterade förra veckan var hur jag ser vinster med att spelifiera lärandet – alltså att vi inkorporerar vissa element från spelens värld in i vårt klassrum för att dra nytta av det vi kan lära av dem. Du misslyckades (men det gör ingenting) Spelare som kastar sin karaktär utför ett stup, blir träffade av fiendens kulor eller konkursar sin djurpark har något gemensamt. Du lyckades (och det var din förtjänst) När du i spelen sedan lyckas med något, du hoppar över hindret, du undviker fiendens kulor eller du håller liv i djurparken och ser fler och fler besökare som kommer och tittar på dina virtuella djur så händer något. Så hur kan lärare och skolan lära av detta? Beskriv lektionen och kursens mål tydligt.

Lektioner med stationer och gemensam lärarledd läsning Skönlitteraturen och samhället Som jag har skrivit om i tidigare inlägg så läser en av mina klasser i årskurs två på samhällsprogrammet just nu Thérèse Raquin eller Den unge Werthers lidanden. Nu har vi kommit ganska långt i romanerna och som avslutande uppgifter ska eleverna längre fram dels delta i ett boksamtal, dels hålla ett försvarstal (”En författares försvar”) där de ikläder sig rollen av författaren och skriver och framför ett tal där de försvarar sitt verk och sitt syfte inför en kritisk samtida publik. ”relationen mellan skönlitteratur och samhällsutveckling, dvs. hur skönlitteraturen har formats av förhållanden och idéströmningar i samhället och hur den har påverkat samhällsutvecklingen.” … och detta tycker jag att jag kom åt under dagens lektion när vi gemensamt närläste inledningen/företalet i romanerna i mindre grupper. diskutera ”stil, innehåll och bärande tankar” samt ”samband mellan skönlitteratur och idéströmningar i samhället”. Lektioner med stationer skapar variation

BFL + Genreundervisning = Sant Med tanke på de uppskattade inlägg om bedömning för lärande och andraspråksutveckling och kamratbedömning som Robert Walldén tidigare har publicerat på Skollyftet bad vi honom skriva ett inlägg om den rapport han nu skrivit klart. Robert Walldén har skrivit en rapport inom masterprogrammet i pedagogiskt arbete som heter Genrepedagogikens vad, hur och varför i undervisningen av vuxna andraspråkselever och i detta inlägg delar han med sig av sina nyvunna kunskaper och erfarenheter. Kan man ägna för mycket tid åt att analysera sin egen undervisning? Jag upplever att jag åtminstone har tangerat gränsen för vad som är fruktbart under denna termin, då jag återigen har arbetat halvtid samtidigt som jag läser kurser i pedagogiskt arbete och svenska som andraspråk. Inledningsvis vill jag gärna göra de kopplingar mellan genrepedagogik och bedömning för lärande som av utrymmesskäl inte gjordes i rapporten. Genrepedagogiken som gemensam referensram Genrepedagogik och kamratbedömning /Robert Walldén
