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Think-Pair-Share Variations

Think-Pair-Share Variations
Learning is a collaborative venture. The more we can provide opportunities for our students to think, collaborate and learn from each other – the more we are preparing them for their futures! Do you use the strategy Think-Pair-Share in your classroom? The Think-Pair-Share strategy is a three-step collaborative learning structure developed by Dr. Frank Lyman in 1981. It is a relatively low-risk and is ideally suited for instructors and students who are new to collaborative learning. The General Strategy: Think-Pair-Share – Teacher asks a question or provides a prompt.Students are given time to THINK about their responses.Students PAIR up and discuss their responses.Student pairs SHARE their ideas with a larger group. Do you want to spice it up with additional variations? The strategy Think-Pair-Share, along with a variety of twists, is a versatile strategy that can be used before, during or after a reading, viewing or listening activity. Formulate-Share-Listen-Create - Mix-Pair-Share –

Koncentration - Metodbanken Le Poème de l’âme – L’Idéal (1860) Anne Francois Louis Janmot (1814-1892) Man skulle kunna säga att våga tala och lyssna aktivt är två sidor av samma mynt! När syftet är att låta någon komma till tals är det effektivt att verkligen lyssna aktivt, därför kan man använda sig av detta som metod. Lika svårt som att verkligen lyssna aktivt kan det vara att våga tala fritt - båda sakerna kan man behöva öva på. Den här övningen kan göras i olika sammanhang, på lite olika sätt och med olika syften. 1) Som metod i början av ett möte – när det finns behov av att rensa tankarna – för att sen lättare kunna koncentrera sig på temat för mötet. Alla som jobbar med barn och ungdomar vet att det finns behov av att hitta lugn och fokus då och då. Läs resten av inlägget » Be deltagarna ställa sig i en ring med axlarna mot varandra. Läs resten av inlägget »

Think, Pair, Share Think, Pair, Share Think, Pair, Share is a structure first developed by Professor Frank Lyman at the University of Maryland in 1981 and adopted by many writers in the field of co-operative learning since then. It introduces into the peer interaction element of co-operative learning the idea of ‘wait or think’ time, which has been demonstrated to be a powerful factor in improving student responses to questions. It is a simple strategy, effective from early childhood through all subsequent phases of education to tertiary and beyond. It is a very versatile structure, which has been adapted and used, in an endless number of ways. Processing information, communication, developing thinking. Sharing information, listening, asking questions, summarising others’ ideas, paraphrasing. Teacher poses a problem or asks an open-ended question to which there may be a variety of answers. Positive interdependence The students are able to learn from each other Individual accountability Equal participation

The A-Z Dictionary of Educational Twitter Hashtags Whether you’re a new or seasoned Twitter user, you likely come across confusing hashtags that probably look like a bunch of nonsense. First, What’s A Hashtag? The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet. Any Twitter user can categorize or follow topics with hashtags.Those hashtags (usually) mean something and are a great way to get a tweet to appear in search results or discussion monitoring. For example, the popular #edchat hashtag is used by thousands of users every Tuesday. It makes it easy (sort of) for people to monitor what’s happening in the conversation rather than having to try and guess what topics you should search for. How To Hide Your Hashtag Chat From Followers When having a Twitter #hashtag chat, if you want to avoid overwhelming your followers, start any tweet you want to “hide” with @HideChat or (one character shorter) @HideTag . You don’t need to do this with all your chat tweets (though you could). Sources The Most Popular Hashtags

‎ What To Do When A Student Refuses To Go To Time-Out When a student refuses to go to time-out, he (or she) often has a good reason. This doesn’t mean he isn’t responsible for making such a decision. He is—completely and fully. For it’s never okay to defy a teacher’s direction. But in his mind he feels like he must take a stand. In other words, there is something about the situation or incident that doesn’t sit right with him. So before answering what to do, it’s important we unpack why a student would refuse to go to time-out. You see, difficult students in particular have an acute sense of fairness. In fact, defiant behavior would be expected in such a classroom. What follows are four reasons why a student would refuse to go to time-out. 1. If a student breaks a classroom rule, but doesn’t believe he did anything wrong, then there is a good chance he’ll become defiant. 2. If ever you let misbehavior go without a consequence, you’re asking for trouble. And so when you send them to time-out, it’s only natural to get resistance. 3. 4.

Funderingsboken - tankar och samtal om stort och smått - - Lärare inspirerar lärare Sidan du försöker nå kräver att du är medlem i Lektionsbanken. Logga in Du åtar dig ingenting och det kostar inget. Bli medlem i Lektionsbanken Whitehots Canadian Library Services How to Get Kids to Slow Down with Their Work Advice from Real Teachers When it comes to encouraging kids to produce quality work, one of the biggest problems we face is getting kids to slow down and take their time. For some reason, students seem to feel there's some sort of prize for the one who finishes first, or maybe it's just that they want to rush through some assignments to get to other activities they think will be more fun. Today's Question Every week on my Facebook page, I post the Question Connection where I invite teachers to ask questions, and I later share those questions with the fans. Today's teacher question comes from Cassandra who asks, "Can anyone share strategies for getting kids to slow down in their work? Top 25 Tips for Getting Kids to Slow Down with Their Work Apparently many teachers have a similar problem, and lots of terrific strategies were shared. Thanks to everyone who offered such terrific tips!

Two Great Classroom Posters on The Six Thinking Hats July 17, 2014The Six Thinking Hats is a book written by Edward de Bono in which he lays out a practical method that expands on the very simple concept of thinking. Since its publication a decade ago, several teachers and educators worldwide have adopted Edward's thinking approach with success. The Six Thinking Hats can be used with students in class to enhance their thinking and decision making skills. For De Bono intelligence is the potential of the human brain and thinking is the skill to tap into this potential. In order for kids and students to better benefit from the potential of their brains, they need to be taught the skill of thinking. If you haven't yet read Six Thinking Hats then you should definitely do so before the start of the new school year. To bring you close to the concept of the Six Thinking Hats, I am sharing with you this awesome poster to use in class: Six Thinking Hats Quick Summary

WBT's Classroom-Transforming Rules What do you know about Whole Brain Teaching (WBT)? Until a few months ago, I didn't have a clue, although I had seen the term several times. Then I started noticing that every time someone on my Facebook page asked a question about classroom management, at least a dozen people would respond with "Check out Whole Brain Teaching!" I was intrigued, so one day I decided to pose my own question - "Who can tell me about Whole Brain Teaching?" Holy Cow! I decided to reach out to Chris Biffle, the director and mastermind behind Whole Brain Teaching, to ask him if he would be interested in writing a guest blog post for Corkboard Connections to help spread the word. You might still be wondering, but what IS Whole Brain Teaching? Classroom-Transforming Rules Blog Post Series An important component of Whole Brain Teaching is the Five Classroom Rules, so Chris will be writing a series of posts to explain each rule and how to introduce them to your students.
