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Word HTML Cleaner

Word HTML Cleaner
A tool to strip Microsoft’s proprietary tags and other superfluous noise from Word-generated HTML documents, leaving all the basic goodness intact. File sizes are greatly reduced, and the returned markup is easier to read, revise and employ. This is intended for fairly basic styled text documents: please don’t upload your 50,000-word richly illustrated annual report and expect a nice slim web page in return. If however you’re used to writing in Word and you regularly find it awkward to get your text ready to publish online, this is the tool for you. Typographer’s quotes and dashes, and other non-ascii characters, are converted to HTML entities to increase their portability amongst browsers and operating systems. HOW TO USE : Save a Word document ‘as Web Page…’ to your hard drive (this will not work with ordinary Word files, e.g., filename.doc). Related:  `test 1023

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World Map of the The Geography of Homer JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post "For the paths of night and of day are near"--Odyssey, X 86. Map of the Outer Geography of the Odyssey and the Form of the Earth According to Homer is a wonderful map of the creation of Homer (ca. before 900 BCE), across the Soundless Sea to the outer bounds of the paths of the oceans. Source: This map is available for purchase at our blog's bookstore, here. A fine collection of ten other Homeric World maps can be found (with a lengthy essay) at Cartographic Images, here. And reference page for the map above:

True Launch Bar - Superior replacement for standard Quick Launch Getting Started with C#, Part 2 O'Reilly Book Excerpts:Learning C# by Jesse Liberty In this final installment from Learning C#, we'll break down your first C# program by examining the details that went into creating it. Examining Your First Program The single greatest challenge when learning to program is that you must learn everything before you can learn anything. Even this simple "Hello World" program uses many features of the language that will be discussed in coming chapters, including classes, namespaces, statements, static methods, objects, strings, inheritance, blocks, libraries, and even something called polymorphism! It is as if you were learning to drive a car. Line-by-Line Analysis Hang on tight, we're going to zip through this quickly and come back to the details in subsequent chapters. The first line in the program defines a namespace: namespace NotePad You will create many names when programming in C#. In this program, you've created a namespace called NotePad. Classes define a category, or type, of object.

YeloMart, l'information verte propre et durable Le coût des catastrophes naturelles de 2012 estimé à 140 milliards Le coût des catastrophes naturelles et humaines devrait s’élever à 140 milliards de dollars (105 milliards d’euros) en 2012, selon une étude publiée, mercredi 19 décembre, par le réassureur suisse Swiss Re. L’ensemble du secteur de l’assurance devrait couvrir ces pertes économiques à hauteur de 65 milliards de dollars, selon Swiss Re. Ce montant est nettement inférieur aux pertes couvertes pendant l’année 2011, durant laquelle les assureurs avaient indemnisé plus de 120 milliards de dollars de dommages à la suite d’un nombre record de tremblements de terre et d’inondations. Les coûts que devront couvrir les assureurs en 2012 seront toutefois supérieurs à la moyenne sur dix ans, précise l’étude de Swiss Re. Après un premier semestre plutôt clément, les pertes économiques liées aux catastrophes naturelles se sont accélérées au second semestre avec la sécheresse aux Etats-Unis et l’ouragan Sandy qui s’est abattu notamment sur la cote-est du pays. Partagez Yelomart !
