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La lampe boite d oeuf

La lampe boite d oeuf
There are so many fun crafty things that can be done with paper pulp egg cartons. When I came across these unique purple ones in the trash at my office (yes, I dug them out of the trash), I just knew they could be turned into something really spectacular. My idea? This paper pulp egg carton flower pendant light. I think this flower pendant light would add a pretty feminine touch to a girl’s room or any room that needs a pretty, feminine touch . Project Cost: Approximately $30 Tools & Materials: 15-foot extension cord,One strand of 50-count miniature white Christmas lights,Paper pulp egg cartons (at least 80 cups, plus a few extras to allow for errors),Metal hardware cloth with 1/2-inch grid,Approximately 50 4-inch zip ties,Scissors (they need to be sharp!) Instructions: Prepare the flowers (you’ll need a total of 40 flowers): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Helpful Hints: This project is not appropriate for small children. Related:  razoniaLamps

toutencarton avec des briques de lait Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Le designer Ed Chew a décidé de faire un pas écologique avec des créations luminaires à partir d'emballages de boissons. Diplômé de l'université Deakin en Australie, Ed Chew est un designer architecte dont les travaux sont animés par un seul motif : la lumière. Découpant des bandes de cartons pour ensuite les plier de manière à obtenir une pyramide enroulée, le designer constitue une structure sphéroïdale. Suivez-nous sur Facebook Vous êtes déjà abonné ? Top vidéo Le concours du plus petit pénis organisé à New York !

DIY Faux Capiz Shell Flower Pendant Light - Addicted 2 Decorating® I’m halfway through with Master To-Do List Item #89 — find or make bedside lighting for our bedroom. I made a faux capiz shell flower pendant light. This was one of the most time-consuming projects I’ve done, but I just worked on it a little bit each day. Some people read or crochet in the evenings to unwind and relax. I cut out petals for my pendant light. I still need to make one more, so it’s a good thing I find the process relaxing and enjoyable! I love how it turned out! Here’s how I made it… My mom used to have two of these faux capiz shell lights in her living room… When we redecorated her house a few years back, she took them down and put them in storage. While I love just about any type of chandelier or pendant light made with capiz shells, my favorite ones are the round flower lights. So I decided to use the glass globe and the shade holder from my mom’s old lights and create my own. It took me a while to find the perfect material to make my petals. I love how it turned out!

Light-Up Living Room Accessories for Dynamic Decorating Like large-scale LEDs for your living room, this creative home lighting idea combines a design-it-yourself approach to decor and standardized accessory modules. The basic idea: buy as many as you need and arrange the lights to make your own functional lighting system layout and dynamic decorative statement. These so-called Light Brix are flexible accessories that can illuminate rooms and spaces or serve as simple accent lighting in halls or on walls in entryways. Of course, these can always work as artistic garden or other outdoor lighting.

Feather Lights On a toujours besoin d'une jolie guirlande pour décorer un coin de mur, un événement, pour constituer un joli fond où faire des photos, souvenirs d'une belle journée ! Un tuto rapide et peu onéreux que les mamans apprécieront de faire avec leurs enfants (enfilage de morceaux de pailles comme la technique du collier de pâtes!). Inspiration, bricolage et décoration : 100 idées pour recycler des palettes La construction ou la fabrication d’objets à base de palettes de manutention est une activité qui permet de recycler un déchet tout en laissant s’exprimer sa créativité. Cette ressource est souvent gratuite, et grand nombre d’entreprises sont d’ailleurs ravies de s’en débarrasser : alors servez-vous, et laissez libre court à votre imagination grâce à notre sélection de 100 idées pour recycler des palettes ! Voir aussi : 27 façons de recycler les palettes en meubles Aménager des rangements à base de palettes Pour le linge : une penderie / placard – une petite étagère simple pour accrocher ses cintres ou ses rubans… à quand le dressing ? Pour les livres : une bibliothèque (un rangement astucieux pour les archives) – une autre bibliothèque murale bien pratique avec ses nombreuses étagères. Pour les outils, ustensiles ou bibelots : différentes étagères simples – un joli meuble à tiroirs. Créer des meubles avec des palettes Pour le bureau : un bureau / secrétaire – un autre bureau, plus massif.

lampes papier Have you seen these amazing lamps?! A designer that has her stuff on Etsy, Allison Patrick of the 3R’s Blog (Reduce, Reuse, Redecorate – 30 projects in 30 weeks) has created some pretty cool pendant shades that are pretty representative of the beautiful shape of the artichoke. But – the shade is made of recycled pages from books and magazines! Allison’s lamps are very cool, they remind me of the decoupage projects my mom would do with us as a kid. Allison’s got a pretty awesome story with her luminaire design business (which is called Zipper 8 Design, by the way) – she graduated with her Masters, and like many people, she found herself with lots of time and no job. Allison's stuff on Etsy Allison, thinks your works are awesome. Thanks Inhabitat for the original article! Like this: Like Loading... Related Allison Patrick, Designers, DIY, Fixtures, lamps, Luminaire Design, pendant, recycle, shades

How To Make A Pendant Light With Drinking Straws - Addicted 2 Decorating® Here’s another DIY project that fell through the cracks when I switched to WordPress. This was the very first DIY project I ever did for Addicted 2 Decorating, originally posted in July 2008, and it was before the days that I realized I needed to be taking pictures of each step of the process. Blogging DIY projects has certainly been a learning process! I hope you enjoy this blast from the past! This drinking straw pendant light is a fun and fairly easy DIY lighting project that is sure to add great texture to your room. It’s also sure to be a great conversation piece! This drinking straw light would be a fun addition to a child’s room, a play room, or anywhere you’d like to add some fun and color. **Please read the helpful hints section before beginning this project. Project Cost: Approximately $40 Tools & Materials: Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Helpful Hints: This project is not appropriate for small children. Variations:

DIY Tuesdays: Flower Fairy Lights I’ve been browsing for outdoor wedding decor and I happened stumbled across this easy DIY project from Apartment Therapy. So cute for a summer wedding! What you’ll need: - Fairy lights (Christmas lights) - Vellum paper in your wedding colors - Scissors Here’s my simplified version of the project: Step 1: Cut 5 inch squares of vellum paper. Step 2: Fold the left and right corners up to meet at the center, forming a diamond shape. Step 3: Cut curves along the open edges to form a heart-shaped top and create the petal effect (see my photo below). Step 4: Snip the tip of the bottom of the triangle – remember to cut small enough that it won’t fall off the lights but wide enough so you can pass through each fairy light. Although it is unlikely that these tiny lights will catch on fire, you don’t want to worry about that on your wedding day!

Imprinted Easter Eggs Every Easter, as long as I can remember, my Grandma dyed the prettiest leaf and floral imprinted Easter eggs! They were so natural and lovely, but produced with nothing more than an easily concocted natural dyestock and little bits of flora. We lost my Grandma last year and for the first time, Jaydin and I recreated her dye with spanish onion skins, water and a few tablespoons of vinegar. We also purchased a few pair of cheap panty hose and elastic hair bands. We first skinned about 10 spanish onions and placed the skins into a medium sauce pan along with about 4.5 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. We placed our leaf and/or flower petals onto the raw eggs and wrapped them tightly in a small piece of nylon securing both ends with elastic pony tails. We placed all of our eggs into the dye pot and hard boiled them by bringing the pot to a very light simmer on medium heat and lowering the temperature to low then covering them for about 12 minutes.

Sac en plastique Recyclage pour Tapis, Deux Creative Recycled Crafts Idées Plastic bag recycling ideas are great for making home decorations or prepare handmade gifts, like these floor rugs made of colorful plastic bags. Two creative recycled crafts offer ways to get rid of plastic bags and add functional and very decorative, water-resistant floor mats to your kitchen, bathroom or entryway designs. There are many different ways of using plastic bags for designing floor mats. Crocheted floor mats are convenient and easy to clean. 2 crochet craft ideas for making floor rugs of plastic bags Crochet floor rug with colorful floral designs, craft idea for plastic bag recycling Crochet decor, plastic bag recycling for floor mats and rugs Plastic bag recycling for crochet floor rug Pompons floor mats The pompoms technique allows you to make decorations that vary in colors, sizes and designs and decorated existing floor mats in a unique and creative ways. Plastic bag recycling for making pompoms and creating unique floor mats in two colors

Faire un tapis avec des chutes de tissu ou comment recycler du tissu Découvrez comment faire ce magnifique tapis chiffon, réalisé avec des chutes de tissu. Source : faire un tapis chiffon Faire un tapis avec de la récup de tissu comme ici avec de vieux jeans et autres matériaux : faire un tapis en matériau de récup Faire un tapis avec de vieux draps. Découvrez plusieurs tutos pour faire un tapis avec de vieux draps Découvrez comment faire ce magnifique tapis boules, réalisé avec des chutes de tissu : tutoriel faire un tapis boules Toujours avec des bandes de tissu récupérés de vieux draps ou autres tissus usagés, vous pouvez crocheter de jolis tapis. Toujours avec de la récup de tissu, vous pouvez tricoter votre tapis maison. Avec du tissu éponge comme des serviettes usées (tapis blanc) ou des vieux T-shirts abimés (tapis gris) vous pouvez confectionner de jolis tapis avec la méthode du haut de page : faire un tapis chiffon.
