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The D2RQ Platform – Accessing Relational Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs

The D2RQ Platform – Accessing Relational Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs

HowToBuildLiferayIntegration - ontopia - How to set up the Liferay integration from source with Ontopia - Tools for building, maintaining, and deploying Topic Maps-based applications. This document shows how to set up the Liferay integration from source. It covers the creation of a build environment for liferay plugins as well, because that's what the integration technically is. An Ontopia 5.1.0 installation. requires changes made since the 5.1.0 release.) Java 1.5. 1. 2. 3. Note: The liferay-integration folder from svn contains two folders: WEB-INF and misc. misc contains the Liferay topic map. 4. There will be a folder called liferay-portal-x.x.x within portal. 5. This is where the plugins are built and deployed into Liferay. 6. Build your ontopia distribution (in case you downloaded the source code). 7. 8. This creates a new folder for the Ontopia integration. 9. create a file named build. Note that on Liferay 6 common/lib needs to be just lib. This is the content of the file I have been using for development. 10. copy the contents of WEB-INF from the svn into the WEB-INF folder of your project's directory. 13. 14. 15. run . UI Integration of Ontopoly ShowTags TopicName
