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Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up (feat. Eminem)

Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up (feat. Eminem)

Home / Vara Kassa Singulati: Our Singularity Weblog Forum Yes and No. As Ray defines the Singularity (An Ongoing Process of exponential change that is a continuum resulting in a state-change in the mode of Human existence and the change in definition of what we call Human, just as a start), it is not a religion. As many others who are recognized as authorities on the Singularity it is not a religion (but many of them will include things that are unconsciously religious). But to most of those who call themselves "Singulatarians," whether they like it or not, it is a Religion (whether they know it or not). They use it as a Proxy for Theistic Religion with its promises of Eternal Life and of a Future Rapture, which will arrive at a set point in the future for which there will be growing signs (prophecies) of this coming "Singularity." I find this hard to believe. Already we see systems of Constructed Intelligence that are smarter than humans (Deep Blue, Watson, etc.), and we see Humanity becoming more and more augmented by our technology.

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