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13 Brands Using LinkedIn Company Page Features the Right Way

13 Brands Using LinkedIn Company Page Features the Right Way
Back in November, I set out to write a post to highlight businesses that were using LinkedIn's company page features effectively. Needless to say, I couldn't find enough examples to create a compelling post, so in my dismay, what I actually ended up writing was, "11 Reasons Your LinkedIn Company Page Sucks." What can I say? I was a little bitter and, frankly, slightly disappointed in the social media marketers of the world. We recently reported that, in a study of the over 5,000 inbound marketers where we pitted LinkedIn against Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn proved to be the most effective social media channel for lead generation -- 277% more effective, in fact. As a marketer, particularly if you're in the B2B game, how could you not leverage that awesome lead generation potential? Well, it's been several months now, and I wanted to give you LinkedIn marketers out there another chance. Blog RSS Feed Let's get a few low-hanging fruit features out of the way first. News Module Careers Tab

11 Reasons Your LinkedIn Company Page Sucks Up until recently, the value of a LinkedIn Company Page was minimal. But ever since LinkedIn enabled company updates for pages , they've become monumentally more valuable for marketers. Upon investigation of various LinkedIn Company Pages, though, it turns out that very few companies are actually leveraging this awesome new feature. To be honest, it's very difficult to find many examples of companies using LinkedIn Company Pages to their fullest potential . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

15 Tips To Optimize Your LinkedIn Initiative This is a guest post by Lior Levin. LinkedIn has enjoyed explosive growth since its debut in 2003. The real question is whether or not you’re making the most of your LinkedIn efforts and networking in general? LinkedIn is so much more than social networking for businesses and business people – it can totally change how you run your business as a whole. Here’s some of our favorite tips to get the most out of your LinkedIn experience: Be Professional Remember, you’re not on Facebook, Google+, or MySpace here – this is a social network for business professionals. If you take a look at your LinkedIn inbox, you’ll noticed that it’s more like an email inbox rather than a social networking message system. Also, the groups on Linkedin are not like your average Facebook group. Add Your Personality People want to know about the real you, not the person who you want them to think that you are. Your Profile Contribute Many people aren’t aware of the timeline on LinkedIn. Personalize Requests Stay Fresh

How To Use LinkedIn To Improve Organic Visibility I was recently doing some link building for a client and noticed that a LinkedIn profile for their top competitor appeared in the listing of strong incoming links in one of the review tools we use. But our client also has LinkedIn profiles pointing to their website, so I wondered, why weren’t those links appearing in the strong link listings too? So, I set out to look at the differences that might affect the strength of incoming links from LinkedIn. In this article, I’ll cover a couple of steps you can take to help improve the visibility of your LinkedIn content with search engines as well as within the LinkedIn community, increase the exposure of your LinkedIn updates, and improve traffic to the Web content you point to in LinkedIn updates. It’s important to realize that LinkedIn isn’t only for B2B. Setup A LinkedIn Company Page What are LinkedIn Company Pages? Company Pages present an opportunity to reveal the human side of your company. How To Setup A Linkedin Company Page The End Goal

The Tactics You Need to Capitalize on the Fast Pace of Social Media News happens in a flash, and thanks to social media, it travels even faster. So when an issue arises in social media, whether it’s a breaking news story or a customer complaint, you need to be agile enough to respond in real time. Why is it important to be fast? According to StatCounter , the half-life of a shared link on Facebook is about 3.2 hours (the point in time when a link has garnered half of the engagement it will ever get). In other words, engagement around a given link or topic is fleeting, so you have to be quick to respond if you want to capitalize on or quell the hoopla around a subject on social media. Set Up Social Monitoring You can't quell social media PR disasters or leverage new opportunities without, duh, knowing about those disasters and opportunities. According to Zendesk , 62% of consumers have used social media for customer service issues. Set Up a Crisis Response Plan Determine what constitutes a crisis for your company. Balance Speed With Knowledge

The YOU MATTER Manifesto Two Words Changing The World These two words can change your mood, change your mind, and have the power to The YOU MATTER Manifesto is a call to action. Before we can convince anyone else that we matter, we must first convince ourselves. You are called upon to acknowledge and put to use the gifts that have been entrusted to you. Mattering is a process, not an event. 1. Do you know what it takes to make a difference in this world? You don’t have to be rich or famous. 2. To acknowledge that you can change the world is overwhelming. 3. Author Seth Godin defines genius as the act of solving a problem in a way no one has solved it before. 4. “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love” – Mother Teresa of Calcutta Your mere presence can bring a smile to someone’s face. The size of the contribution is not what matters most. Mimi and Eunice, CC-BY-SA Nina Paley 5. “Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) 6. Image via Flickr 7. 8.

Social Media Print Template Packages A contemporary Print template package. Very useful for social media print campaign. File Features: - Adobe illustrator CS3 or latest - Trifold Brochure A4 size - Advertisement A4 size Landscape - Two Sides Flyer 12×21 cm - Business Card 9×5.5 cm - Contemporary and professional style - Well Organized and Layered. - Editable Text and Layout. Files: Illustrator, Jpg, Pdf, Documentation. FONT INFORMATION : League Gothic Museo 100, 300, 500, 700, 900 : Enjoy! FC - 5 tips Whether it's Mark Zuckerberg talking about killing pigs or a Hollywood blockbuster under its belt, Facebook has plenty of attention in our lives. Twitter falls into the same camp. From Justin Bieber's noisy 10 million followers to hordes of social media gurus tweeting the benefits of 140 characters or less, it's easy to discover how and what makes Twitter work. However, there is one social network that lacks drama but makes up for it with a devoted business community and plenty of compelling features. Here are five LinkedIn tips you should try today. 1. When you're logged in to LinkedIn, take a tour of a new-ish feature called Signal. 2. Go to "My Connections" to view a list of all your LinkedIn contacts. 3. If you've already filled out your LinkedIn profile information, it's easy to use it to create a foundation for a resume. 4. While, unlike Twitter, you might not find celebrities hanging out, you will find a wealth of relevant conversations within LinkedIn groups. 5.

LinkedIn for Business: Optimizing Your Company Profile Page -- Part 3 In Part 1 and Part 2 of this LinkedIn for Business series, we talked about optimizing individual tabs within your company profile – the overview tab and the products and services tab. Now that you’ve got your “t”s crossed and your “i”s dotted, it’s time to look at how you are going to promote, grow and measure your LinkedIn business presence. In this post, we’ll explore LinkedIn plugins that increase visibility, ideas for cross-promotion, tracking the success of your company page and its content, and growing your company’s network on LinkedIn. Use Plugins to Make Your Profile More Visible The LinkedIn Developers site has lots of goodies for driving promotion and engagement for LinkedIn. Think about the different ways you can reach people using these plugins: The share button has been reported to have slightly more traffic on average than a Facebook Like button. And don’t forget to cross-promote your company profile presence on all your other social media networks and content products.
