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3D Model Store -

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects Printie: The 3D printing marketplace TAZ 3 3D Printer | LulzBot Shipping and Payment InformationTAZ is currently only in stock and available to ship from our London, UK distribution center. Stock in other locations will be available again in 1-2 weeks. The evolution of desktop 3D printing continues with TAZ 3, LulzBot’s top-of-the-line, highest quality printer to date. Merging technical expertise with design sensibilities, TAZ is for inventors, entrepreneurs, design engineers and prototypers — bring your ideas to life with TAZ . Aleph Objects, Inc. is a fully Libre/Open Source Hardware company. This means that you as a user have total freedom to incorporate the latest upgrades from our research and development team and user community; hack and modify the printer to fit your unique needs; copy the entire machine (or just parts of it); and view the source files and bill of materials. If a picture tells a thousand words, a 3D printer can tell the whole story. TAZ is engineered for quality and tested for the long haul.

Free 3D Models, Free CAD Models Dongiverse - A universe of dongs Host your 3D printer projects. Version control included. makerbot/thingiverse-iframe-sdk Thing Tracker Network PhysibleExchange - Popular Alternatives to Thingiverse, For Upset Designers With controversy brewing around the most popular 3D model repository, Thingiverse, some ask what alternative repos may exist. We found more than a few. No two repositories are identical, however. Pricing (some are free, some priced, some mixed)Size (some have tens of thousands of models, while others have only dozens)Content (some focus on specific topics, others are general)Printability (some exclusively hold printable objects and others don’t)Usage (some hold models only for use on their printers or service)Modifiability (some hold static models, some have dynamic adjustable models)Usability (some sites are far more usable than others) Like Thingiverse there are some repos built by manufacturers to provide their users with things to print: YouMagine (Ultimaker) Treasure Island (Pirate3D, obviously) 123D’s Gallery (Autodesk) In no particular order, here are a few of the larger or more recently launched 3D model repositories, all with different characteristics.

The Digital Manufacturing lab | 3D printing powered by RepRap
