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10 Outstanding Social Media Infographics

10 Outstanding Social Media Infographics
Nobody has time to read anymore, right? Every day we are all inundated with more and more information overload coming from credible and yet to be verified sources. Where can Internet users find relief? Answer: the infographic. Infographics are a wonderful mix of key data and visualization that can really bring the message home if put together correctly. So without further ado, we bring you our top 10 favorite social media infographics! Update: Check out our infographic design services 1 – World Map of Social Networks Let’s start at the 50,000 foot view, shall we? (Source) 2 – Age Distribution on Social Network Sites Is age distribution targeting more your thing? (Source) 3 – Social Media Periodic Table of Elements As we previously reported, our friend and fellow Advertising Age Power 150 member Eyecube created another great visualization called the social media periodic table of elements: (Source) 4 – The Conversation Prism 5 – The Boom of Social Sites (Source) (Source) 7 – Hubspot Twitter Territory

40 Useful and Creative Infographics Six Revisions Menu Main Categories CSS HTML JavaScript Web Design WordPress Web Development Design Inspiration UX Design UI Design Freebies Tutorials Tools Links About Contact Advertise RSS Twitter Facebook 40 Useful and Creative Infographics By Jacob Gube Information graphics (or infographics) are graphical depictions of data and information. In this collection, you’ll find forty beautiful and educational infographics, displaying the uncommon spectacle of "art meets science". 1. The proportion of ingredients for popular coffee drinks and their pronunciation keys. 2. This infographic showcases the history of the Swine Flu, starting from 1976. 3. 4. 5. The top breweries and beers in the U.S. 6. 7. 389 Years Ago A rundown of the historic events in African-American culture. 8. 9. 10. 11. An illustrated guide at how the Global Warming phenomenon works. 13. A packed visual piece on tobacco chemicals and tobacco trade worldwide. 14. 15. 16. A graphical representation of consumer spending across the globe. 17.

Exceptionally Useful Free Handwritten Fonts | tripwire magazine Should Handwritten Fonts be used in web design? For quite some time companies and governments have been working hard to make daily life things available as digital services in whatever way possible to speed processes up and cut costs. At the same time most communication takes place on digital channels by sending emails, chatting, electronic orders, paying online, doing banking online…well almost anything goes on the line today. Advertisement This article is an update of 45+ Exceptionally Useful Free Handwritten Fonts. First some inspiration on how Handwritten Fonts can be used Have you seen good use of handwritten fonts in logos, web designs, posters etc? One use of Handwritten Fonts that we see used quite often is a vision or mission statement below a company logo. Another really great way to use this effect isto make people think that fx. a discount is really a discount and that someone just changed the price by hand and added some notes. Handwritten Fonts Thurston the Font Grutch Shaded

Médias sociaux > Panorama des médias sociaux 2011 English version can be found here: Social Media Landscape 2011. Les médias sociaux forment un écosystème riche et en perpétuelle évolution. Une bonne chose pour les utilisateurs qui bénéficient d’un large choix de services et plateformes sociales, mais un casse-tête pour les annonceurs qui doivent faire face à une fragmentation de l’audience. “Fragmentation de l’audience“, même avec Facebook qui culmine à près de 600 millions de comptes ? Oui tout à fait, car si Facebook est de loin le plus visible, les utilisateurs sont bien souvent actifs sur plusieurs plateformes sociales en même temps. Concentrer vos efforts sur Facebook représente ainsi un risque, car vous ne vous adressez qu’à la majorité tardive. J’avais isolé 8 familles de services (publication, partage, discussion, réseaux sociaux, micro-publication, livecast, univers virtuels et jeux multi-joueurs). Dans cette seconde itération, j’avais identifié 4 grandes familles de services pour 17 sous-familles.

Plus de 800 infographies sur le thème du web et de ses usages En une seule minute, une quantité monstrueuse de données est échangée sur le web. Chaque minute de chaque heure de chaque journée. L’agence... Lorsque l’on parle de Google, Samsung ou encore Apple, on ne peut qu’avoir les yeux qui brillent quand aux montants qu’ils annoncent.... Le cloud computing est annoncé comme la technologie de demain pour tous les avantages qu’on lui connait. Vous êtes une entreprise et vous souhaitez vous lancer comme vos amis dans les réseaux sociaux. Les réseaux sociaux sont addictifs et personne ne peut dire le contraire. Nous lisons de plus en plus et notamment en ligne. Foursquare est sans contest le réseau social de géolocalisation, leader sur son marché. Cette infographie présente les éléments composant un design de site web sur lesquelles jouent les web designer pour créer un site au design inédit.... Vous vous êtes toujours demandé ce à quoi ressemble ou ressemblait une chambre de geek?

February 2008 "Take a spin through this blog dedicated to clever creative bookshelves and (didn't realize this existed) bookshelf culture. From what's on the shelves of famous thinkers to one-off shelves, book storage never got so concentrated an examination. Plenty here as well for those who want a good does of interiors eye candy."Dwell"This great bookshelf blog has some really quirky, stylish and wholly impractical designs"Scottish Book Trust"People who love books also carry an abiding lust for bookshelves. Attractive bookshelves, unusual bookshelves, bookshelves made of some material other than pressboard. "full of lovely pictures of shelves to covet" "a lovely new site that profiles book shelves and cases that would look just great in a home office" "the designs highlighted are so creative they inspire an interest in bookshelf design" "All I need to do now is to choose the perfect shed to put bookshelves in!" "A Blog Dedicated To Bookshelves. "All very gorgeous and interesting" "I like it!"

Delicious (Website): What is a good replacement for the bookmarks service 60 Seconds - Things That Happen On Internet Every Sixty Seconds World Wide Web is growing at rapid pace. On average, more than a billion new pages are added to it every day. To give you an idea of how big world wide web is, our Infographic 60 Seconds will cover some really interesting facts about websites that we use on day-to-day basis. Please Check - Things That Happen Every Sixty Seconds Part 2 Infographic by- To Publish this Image on your Blog or Website . <a href=" alt="60 Seconds - Things That Happen On Internet Every Sixty Seconds" src=" width="580" /></a><br /><strong>Infographic by- <a href=" Did You Know That – In 60 SECONDS Search engine Google serves more that 694,445 queries 6,600+ pictures are uploaded on Flickr 600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, amounting to 25+ hours of content 70 New domains are registered

Salut Bucuresti Like Button Why are people seeing a 'Confirm' button when they click on my Like button? There are integrity and spam-prevention safeguards built into social plugins, and this is one of them. If you have been heavily testing a Like button before launching, you may have inadvertently triggered these safeguards. Additionally certain domains on the internet are more likely to contain spam, so will see the confirm step more often. This confirmation adds one extra step to the Like button process, but once the like has been confirmed separately by a number of users, it will no longer appear, and the regular Like button will only appear. Should I display the Like button by itself or the Like and Share buttons together? We recommend that you include both buttons on your website to let people choose the way that they want to share your content. How do I display the Share button without the Like button? To get code to display the Share button by itself, please visit our Share button documentation. For example:

The Quest to Power Africa More Infographics on Good How Small Businesses Are Using Social Media for Real Results The Real Results series is supported by Gist, an online service that helps you build stronger relationships. By connecting your inbox to the web, you get business-critical information about key people and companies. See how it works here. Social media can be a scary prospect for small businesses; unlike traditional marketing methods, it puts part of the message in the hands of the customers. The most obvious benefits are increased customer loyalty and engagement. We spoke with small business owners and social media managers around the world who have successfully used social media to increase business performance, and we asked them for their stories and their tips. It's About Relationships, Not Pitches The most common advice we received from businesses successfully using social media: Use it to engage your customers in a conversation, not just sell your services. Blatz Market & Liquor's Joe Woelfle employs a similar strategy. Social Media Exposure: Better Than Ads and Cheaper, Too

Open Source Social Platforms: 10 of the Best As social sites grow in popularity, so does the desire for smaller niche-based networks that cater to smaller groups of people. Just look at the rise of social networks for chess players and wine. What's more, with the latest open source software, smaller sites can be built in a matter of days or weeks. Here are 10 open source software platforms on which to carve out your niche. If there's one site people love to emulate with their own niche versions, it's Digg. Fortunately, there are good platforms to do just that. Pligg It seems that every hour, a new Pligg-based site is born. NewsCloud NewsCloud is another content management system that has a story ranking feature. Drupal with Vote up/down module Most know Drupal as one of the more popular open source content management systems available. Dolphin Dolphin, from Boonex, is a popular free community-building application that is being used for a number of dating sites. PHPizabi Elgg Mugshot AroundMe GetBoo Scuttle More suggestions?
